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Wagon Load Cargo Corbita

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I was able to load a wagon into a corbita, while the wiki states that a knarr is required.

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Under "Corbita," wiki states it can indeed load wagons:


Under "Load" page, it says wagon is "corbita or larger":


(Sorry unless you are saying you just added those two yourself??)







I could not find any page stating knarr or greater. However, although Knarr is a more advanced ship, overall the corbita has a larger hold (Under ships notice how corbita can hold 49 large crates while Knarr holds only 43)


Knarr is tougher to make, tougher to sail. But the corbita is a merchants ship with the cargo area to prove it. 

Edited by Brash_Endeavors

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It would seem that it was updated shortly (less than 20 minutes  :ph34r:) after I posted this thread. :D That was quite fast! Thanks guys!

Edited by Steeloxide

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