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Cannot target butchered pheasant on steppe

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Bug - the new pheasant butchered mesh cannot be picked up from a steppe tile because you cant target it.  It appears to be under the steppe mesh.  Also, it does not pile with other items to get it.  It was winter when I noticed this.

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A lot of smaller corpse models glitch below the surface. This also happens quite a bit with wild cats, which is why I don't bother training archery on them anymore. I lose way too many arrows because I can't select the corpse to open it and retrieve my arrows.

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Yeah, I have noticed this with smaller corpse models, but especially with the goo piles during winter. Makes it very difficult to hunt when the snow has fallen on Wurm.

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If you can see the corpse but can't select it for some reason due to terrain, enable "Use direct color picking (if enabled)" under compatibility tab in settings.


You will want to use that for this situation. It should also increase fps performance.


You will want it disabled if you're trying to select objects stuck in something like walls. Terrain is a bit different for this one, if you have "Outline hovered objects" enabled you can see how the tile is formed and why you can't select objects stuck inside.


Edited: But yes this is annoying for me too.

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I can add a bone or something sticking up from it in the model, that should solve some of the problems. (ugly quick fix :blink:  )

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