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Unique sightings!

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The point of this thread is for everyone to know where they are and so the community as a whole can work together on the slayings.   its a feeble attempt for everyone to try and participate. 

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Judging by the twitter we got a green,black and white hatchling, a ven red dragon andd the goblin leader + forest giant atm.


None sighted near my coordinates, but I'll be sending out my scouting alt soon to check the mountains around me.

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Forest Giant was South East of Freedom Market, in the wooded area above the  clay and  the cave canal at Crystal Lake , threw me ten tiles away  and then ran off.

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Goblin leader found more infos soon


wonder if its easier to kill then this bloody giant XD

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Why do I have a feeling that by the time I get home from work all the uniques will be dead...that or I'll open my door to find a dragon or something munching on my cows...   :lol:

Edited by Dorian

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[21:37:33] The The venerable forest giant has been slain.



People in local:
























Edited by Lycanthropic

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Here's what the friendly fellow looked like, before batting me in the face and sending me flying for the tenth time...



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I was in local...

But wurm kiced me 3times and threw me in a cave with no exit...

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As most of ppl know allready, there is a Kyklops arround tundra at east. Somewhat big party went for it today, said in kchat as well, turns out that little hacker has a skin of a rock. we need to regroup and strike as once. Lets discuss the time for it. and remember to bring tent this time, incase if you die, u can respawn on that. At least i think it works that way, correct me if im wrong.

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I got a couple while they were kiting him about. Not as good quality as Tarkies, left all my settings on minimum except creature render to spot more easily.





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Looks like Steve got a pretty nice makeover!   :D

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As far as slaying this wicked beast, I can be about any-old-time, I work from home. I was not much use though, I pegged him once I think, and that was a "lightly slaps" xD 


I do really want to see him burn though. 

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Looks like Steve got a pretty nice makeover!   :D


He is much prettier now isn't he.  I will miss him terribly, although he didn't really need to kick the entire deed down when he moved out....

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He is much prettier now isn't he.  I will miss him terribly, although he didn't really need to kick the entire deed down when he moved out....

Steve :( 3 years of care and you do this to us?!

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Lets arrange a group time to hunt down the Kyklops.  I'll be on again tomorrow at around 3pm CST, so that's 10pm typical Wurmians time.


All who can be on tomorrow about 24 hours from now, please chime in and we'll group up for this hunt with a meeting location.

Edited by Slickshot

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it takes long ppl to travel wait for group up and even fight it self takes long. might not be best timing for Europa... maybe one or two hours earlyer?

Edit: it was like trying to kill a bison with a needle today. so i can see coming wipe(s).  which is why im saying again bring a tent. also those wipes will make the fight last alot longer.

Edited by Tarkie

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Ok how about this, we'll do this Friday at 1:30 pm CST, 8:30 average Wurmian time.  Would that work for everyone to group up to fight the Kyklops?  We need AT LEAST 25 people who want to hunt it, so don't be shy about chiming in.

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As the only Fo healer at the failed attempt (I was driving Journeya), I'd just like to add a few points. 


I'm not sure how much favor I went through exactly, but I'd guess I burned 500 favor before I ended up as a squashed pancake.  Even if I hadn't died, I don't believe my gems would have lasted long enough to finish him.


I believe, given the type of damage being dished out (bruising), that Kyklops is only doing crushing damage.  Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't that that mean that in the case where only crushing is being mitigated, studded leather is the best armor (edit:  not best, but better than any metal armor) to have for this fight (based on this post


In addition, we didn't have designated healing.  Probably because I was the only one dedicated to healing.  I suggest that the folks who don't really have the skills necessary to meaningful contribute to the kill (at least 70 fight skill and appropriately armored) take a few swings initially, then fall back and standby with cotton. 


And of course, we could have used more Fo priests (or powered Gems for the few Fo's that do show up - Does using another gods powered gems work for other priests?  I think at some point it did, but haven't tried it in a while)

Edited by Seancarl

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