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Lost boat named Explorer I. Owner Zep

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Hey all!


I am back for Xanadu and well i have not played in more then a year. My boat is somewhere on Indy and i guessing it might be around either somewhere south as i remembered i traveled from exo or it might somewhere in the middle i am not actually sure hehe. But i am going to need it for Xanadu.


The reward is me being really grateful and i will give you a true wurmian hug.


I could not find the lost boat forums is it gone? If not please move this topic there.




Edited by Zep

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There is no more protection for boats if they are unlocked or unmoored and they have faster decay than they use to so my guess is your boat has decayed and no longer exists.  

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I believe they increased decay rate on ships by a large amount a while back, so your ship may have rotted away if you didn't have any nearby allies that would have taken care of it.


Especially if you were gone for a whole year.


Edit: anyways, looks like kegan beat me to it.

Edited by williamwierd

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Oh i see. Well it is locked and moored. Last time around there was always someone reparing it because people went by and used as a skillgain for repairing. Guess i might not be that lucky this time. Also i am not sure it has been a whole year but it might have been. Well hopefully i might get lucky. :)

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