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[Xanadu]--Mistress of Metal

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Now open for business, the Mistress of Metal, located at L24, deep in the bay near a large patch of peat moss.


Willing to create chainmail (65 or lower QL), platemail (50 or lower QL), weapons (60 or lower QL), tools (70 or lower QL) on request.   Vynoran enchantments can also be performed (COC, WOA, AoSP), but these may take extra time. Delivery for requested items will be sent COD.  Please leave a message below or contact Cirianna, Bokora or Deathhuntsalone in game.


Current inventory at merchant stand:


75QL mallet (oakenwood) with 69COC: 2s

74QL mallet (oakenwood) with 44COC: 1s 50c



72QL saw 35c

72QL rake 35c

72QL needle 35c

71QL shovel 35c

72QL hatchet 35c

73QL leather knife 35c

73QL pickaxe 35c

72QL chisel 35c

72QL large anvil 35c

72QL scissors 35c

74QL file 35c



60QL longsword 40c

60QL huge axe 40c (sold...more coming soon)

60QL butchering knife 40c

60QL short sword 40c

60QL carving knife 40c

60QL sickle 40c

60QL scythe 40c




65QL chain coif 20c

65QL chain pants 25c

65QL chain jacket 25c

65QL chain sleeves 20c (2 available)

65QL chain gauntlet 20c (2 available)

65QL chain boots 20c (2 available)

Edited by Cirianna

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I think it would be much clearer if you state which server you are from :)

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Bump: Increase in Weapon Smithing to 60QL and Chainsmithing to 65QL

Edited by Cirianna

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