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Roof positioning

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I was about to create a roof for my house when I was wondering: Why can't we position our roofs?

The top of the roof is always in the middle of the tile when you create it. This way when you have a wall on the tile next to you there is no option to connect it to the wall. Sometimes a house will look pretty weird because of that.

It would be nice if there was an option to either position the roof or build different shapes of them. When positioning the roof you would first have to plan one. Next thing you do is right click the unfinished roof, click connect, right click a wall and click connect roof. You can do this multiple times. Once on every wall next to the roof. To seperate them right click a connected wall and click seperate. When the wall is finished it will be connected to the selected walls.


3, roofs as they are now.

4, new type of roofs.

Edited by loenabelle

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