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bug out bag xanadu

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Assuming we can sail to Xanadu, what should one bring beyond bricks,boards, nails, and shafts?

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Seeds, cotton/wemp, bulk metal (getting a mine going/finding metal might take a while). Rope and Tools of course.


But yeah that's pretty much it.

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High ql compasses. There will never be a better opportunity to sell them. :)

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I am only bring my tools because i want the skills earned from gathering all the stuff i need. I have a few unfinished items like a bed, carts, bsbs, fsb, forge and then some nails and stuff to get by with till i find the iron i need. Well this is what i had for my explorer boat but it seems like that is not going to be needed if they are stalling the boat crossing for a week. I am sure in that week i will have already found a spot with my new alt.  

Edited by Kegan

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Depends on what type of boat you have.. we have two ships we are loading. lg cart , 6 80+ forges, seeds, a lot of cotton should be good hunting.

bsb's, fsb's  sm and lg anvils. horse shoes saddles. 6 sand incase have to start my own sand pit. you get the idea.


 Load anything that will get you up and running quicker.

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Depends on what type of boat you have.. we have two ships we are loading. lg cart , 6 80+ forges, seeds, a lot of cotton should be good hunting.

bsb's, fsb's  sm and lg anvils. horse shoes saddles. 6 sand incase have to start my own sand pit. you get the idea.


 Load anything that will get you up and running quicker.

never thought about the sand i will have to add that to my list

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Shovel, axe, pick, hammer/mallet, saw, carving knife, chisel, rake, and sickle. I could get by with just a shovel and a pick if I had to as the rest can be made. Oh yeah, I would take a copy of the Time Machine so I could tell the new trolls about what not to do in mine. haha

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Noob gear. Because only noob toons will be land grabbing at first......

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sword and butcher knife: check

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Everything. I'll probably be bringing over thousands of bulk 

Edited by atazs

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Join Xanadu to Epic and we will come too ;-)

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My drake and my sword. Everything else can be made or found. Starting fresh is where's its at. New beginnings.

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