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[Ended] Rare Carving Knife - 70ql

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[11:14:23] Made for carving, this knife has a broad blade and half a hilt. This is a very rare and interesting version of the item. It is glowing from the heat. You will want to polish the carving knife with a pelt before you improve it.


QL: 70.26


Buyer pays COD or pickup on Celebration (Gurrington X20Y18)



Starting Bid: 4s

Bid incr.: 50c

Buyout: 10s

No reserve

1hr Sniper protection


Private bids not accepted, only buyout is accepted via PMs


Auction ends in:


Edited by Guruen

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Mail it to PUFFINCAT if I win please.

[12:08:27] The items silently disappear from the spirit castle. You expect them to arrive in less than ten minutes.

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