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  1. Sharing your way in an open democracy My name is Calcifer, and I would like to share with all of you an idea I have started in Deliverance. Thank you for reading. Mi nombre es Calcifer y me gustaría compartir con todos vosotros una idea que he iniciado en Deliverance. Gracias por leer. ABOUT US - Sobre nosotros Silent Quest is a place for everyone, that adopts the values of the Buddhist Sanghas in the form of open democracy, with principles rooted in honesty, equality, and transparency. It's a place where its citizens shape their destiny and choose their representatives and goals, both individual and collective. All without impositions and while respecting each person's style of play. Also a wonderful place to have nice conversations. Silent Quest es un lugar para todos que adopta los valores de las Sanghas budistas en forma de democracia abierta, cuyos valores se basan en la honestidad, la igualdad y la transparencia. Un lugar donde sus ciudadanos dan forma a su destino y eligen sus representantes y objetivos: tanto individuales como grupales. Sin imposiciones y respetando el estilo de juego de cada persona. También un lugar perfecto para tener conversaciones geniales. If you're just starting out in Wurm -I myself began only a few months ago-, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to discover your own place and purpose on these islands: Perhaps a laid-back farmer enjoying his fields and animals? Will you become a celebrated craftsman? A renowned warrior? Or our next mayor? As you find your path, you can join a community that will support you and in which you can actively participate. If you decide to establish your own deed in the future, you'll receive the gratitude and support of the town for your time with us and your contributions. If you choose to stay, we'd be thrilled to share a common project with you and grow together. Si estás comenzando en Wurm, (yo mismo empecé hace unos meses), me gustaría ofrecerte la oportunidad de descubrir por ti mismo tu lugar y tu propósito en estas islas: ¿Un relajado campesino que disfruta de sus campos y animales? ¿Serás un famoso artesano? ¿Un renombrado guerrero? ¿O nuestro próximo alcalde?. Mientras lo descubres, puedes formar parte de una comunidad que te apoyará y en la que podrás participar activamente. Si en el futuro decides fundar tu propio deed, recibirás el apoyo y agradecimiento del pueblo por tu estancia con nosotros y tus contribuciones. Si decides quedarte, estaremos felices de compartir un proyecto común contigo y crecer juntos. If you are a veteran and enjoy the company of others, this might be your place, whether by helping and collaborating on the town's projects, teaching newcomers, or participating in local politics. Being an open democracy, all town decisions will be made transparently among all. We promote each player's genuine development and enjoyment of their own experience, honing their skills and crafting items. So, the goal for veterans shouldn't be to constantly provide everything for the less experienced, but rather to mentor. Si eres veterano y disfrutas de la compañía de otras personas, este puede ser tu sitio, ya sea ayudando y colaborando en los proyectos del pueblo, enseñando a novatos, o participando en la política local. Al ser una democracia abierta, todas las decisiones del pueblo serán tomadas de forma transparente entre todos. Promocionamos que cada jugador se desarrolle de forma genuina y disfrute su propia experiencia desarrollando sus habilidades y creando objetos, por lo que el objetivo de los veteranos no debe ser proporcionar todo de forma constante a los menos experimentados, si no más bien mentorizar. Alone or accompanied, the spirit of the deed will remain, regardless of the number of members. Feel free to visit us anytime. We also love to talk and have interesting conversations with our visitants, so feel free to visit us. Solos o acompañados, el espíritu del deed se mantendrá independientemente del número de integrantes. Ven a visitarnos cuando quieras. También nos encanta charlar y tener conversaciones interesantes sobre todo tipo de temas con nuestros visitantes, por lo que siéntete libre de acercarte. If you don't wish to join Silent Quest but need shelter, support, or simply some company, we can provide you with a residence and help during your stay. Si no quieres unirte a Silent Quest pero necesitas cobijo, apoyo, o simplemente estar acompañado, podemos proporcionarte residencia y ayuda durante tu estancia. DEED DETAILS - Detalles del deed - Location (Ubicación):,1680 - Size (Tamaño): 52x42 + perimeter. - Terrain (Terreno): 70% flat forest and 30% mountain. Excellent elevation for opening mines at various heights. LANGUAGES - Idiomas [EN] English and [ES] Spanish will be the primary languages, but you are free to use any language; you will be equally welcomed. Inglés y español serán los principales idiomas, pero eres libre de utilizar cualquier idioma, serás bien recibido igualmente. Discord OUR VALUES - Nuestros valores Our only wish is to help others, without egos, and we practice what we preach. Nuestro mayor deseo es ayudar a otros, sin egos, practicando lo que predicamos. Honesty, transparency and equality for all. We treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves. Honestidad, transparencia e igualdad para todos. Tratamos a los demas como quisieramos que nos trataran a nosotros. We respect and accept all our colleagues. We understand and support them. Each person is unique and deserves to live and discover the world based on their own experiences. Respetamos y aceptamos a nuestros compañeros. Los entendemos y apoyamos. Cada persona es única y merece vivivr y descubrir el mundo basándose en su propia experiencia. When we spend time with bad company, often we don’t even realize how much we pick up their bad qualities ourselves. Similarly, if we hang out with good friends, without even much effort, we quickly gain good qualities. We work on ourselves and on the community to be that good friend. Cuando pasamos tiempo con malas compañías, a menudo no nos damos cuenta de como adoptamos sus malos hábitos o defectos. De igual forma, cuando pasamos tiempo con buenos amigos, sin mucho enfuerzo, ganamos rápidamente buenas cualidades. Trabajamos individualmente y en comunidad para ser ese buen amigo. FAQ - Preguntas y respuestas Do I have to pay to join the deed? Who maintains it? ¿Tengo que pagar por unirme al deed? ¿Quién lo mantiene? > No. Everyone contributes according to their means for the maintenance of the deed and its sustenance. If there isn't enough silver, the founder will make periodic contributions, although the goal is to achieve self-sufficiency. No. Cada uno aporta en la medida de sus posibilidades para el mantenimiento del deed y para la subsistencia del mismo. En caso de que no haya silver suficiente, el fundador realizará aportaciones periódicas, aunque el objetivo es alcanzar la autosuficiencia. What can I do in the deed? ¿Qué puedo hacer en el deed? Silent Quest is a common project where there are always things to do and decide. Now, during its early stages, there's a lot of work geared towards planning, land exploitation, and housing preparation. You have the freedom to engage in activities within the deed or specialize in certain professions to offer them to the rest of the town. You'll also find that working with other citizens on town projects is rewarding. Silent Quest es un proyecto común donde siempre hay cosas que hacer y decidir. Ahora, durante sus comienzos, hay una gran cantidad de trabajo orientada a la planificación y explotación del terreno y la preparación de viviendas. Tienes libertad para realizar actividades dentro del deed o especializarte en ciertas profesiones para ofrecerlas al resto del pueblo, descubrirás también que es interesante es trabajar junto con otros ciudadanos en los proyectos del pueblo. Can I build my house, or do I have to live in an already built one? ¿Puedo construir mi casa o tengo que vivir en una casa ya construida? The only way is to build your house. Even if you're a new player, your project will let you get to know the rest of the community, who will guide and assist you, as well as experience the mechanics of building. In the future, you can continue to upgrade and improve your house. We aim to build modest homes to respect natural spaces and allow new members to settle. El único camino es construir tu casa. Incluyo si eres un nuevo jugador, tu proyecto te permitirá conocer al resto de la comunidad, que te orientará y ayudará, así como experimentar las mecánicas de construcción. En el futuro, podrás seguir actualizando tu casa y mejorarla. Intentamos construir casas humildes para respetar los espacios naturales y permitir que nuevos miembros puedan instalarse. Is it truly a democracy in the deed's settings? ¿Es realmente una democracia en la configuración del deed? Yes. Si. Are there ranks and permissions within the deed? ¿Hay rangos y permisos dentro del deed? Monk (citizen) and Master (mayor). The projects to be carried out in the deed and the way of execution will be decided and supervised by the citizens themselves. Citizens have all permissions enabled, except those reserved for the mayor. Monje (ciudadano) y Maestro (alcalde). Los proyectos a realizar en el deed y la forma de ejecución serán decididos y supervisados por los propios ciudadanos. Los ciudadanos tienen todos los permisos habilitados, a excepción de los reservados al alcalde. What differentiates the mayor from a citizen? ¿Qué diferencia al alcalde del ciudadano? The mayor will be responsible for greenlighting projects once approved by the citizens: planning or destroying constructions, opening new mines, and creating and moderating votes and discussions. The mayor may add temporal roles as needed, for example, to plan buildings. It's also a very social role, as they will need to ensure the well-being of all citizens and welcome new members. El alcalde será el encargado de dar paso a los proyectos una vez aprobados por los ciudadanos: planificar o destruir construcciones, abrir nuevas minas, y crear y moderar las votaciones y discusiones. El alcalde puede añadir roles temporales, por ejemplo, para planificar edificios. También es un rol muy social, ya que deberá velar por el bienestar de todos los ciudadanos y dar la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros. How will voting take place? ¿De qué forma se realizarán las votaciones? Voting for the mayor will be done using the game's /vote mechanic. Local policy votes will be conducted via Discord to give all citizens the opportunity to participate regardless of their life schedule. Las votaciones para alcalde se realizarán utilizando la mecánica /vote del juego. Las votaciones de políticas locales se realizarán mediante Discord, para dar la oportunidad a todos los ciudadanos de participar independientemente de su horario. Can I join the deed with an alt (alternate character)? ¿Puedo unirme al deed con un alt? You can join the deed with any character you have, but only one. Puedes unirte al deed con cualquier personaje que tengas, pero solo con uno. Can I join the deed with multiple characters? ¿Puedo unirme al deed con varios personajes? No. Unfortunately, this would directly affect the democratic system, as some citizens would be overrepresented by their alts. No. Lamentablemente, esto afectaría directamente al sistema democrático, ya que algunos ciudadanos estarían sobrerepresentados por sus alts. Is it a roleplay community? ¿Es una comunidad roleplay? No. We all speak openly and quite naturally. There's no need to force any roleplay to participate. No. Todos hablamos de forma abierta y bastante natural. No es necesario forzar ningún roleplay para participar. What will the future of the deed be like? ¿Cómo será el futuro del deed? The citizens of the deed shape its future and that of their fellow citizens, so its future will be the shared vision of everyone, based on the values that underpin this community. Los ciudadanos del deed dan forma a su futuro y el de sus conciudadanos, por lo que su futuro será la visión compartida de todos, basándose en los valores que fundamentan esta comunidad. Is it possible for the community to fail? ¿Es posible que la comunidad fracase? As long as there's at least one person, the spirit of the community will remain alive. The only possible failure would be drifting away from the core values established in the foundation of the deed and the community. Our main purpose is to have a haven of peace in an increasingly hectic world, based on friendship, honesty, and understanding towards others. Siempre que haya al menos una persona, el espíritu de la comunidad seguirá viva. El único fracaso posible sería el alejarse de los valores fundamentales establecidos en la fundación del deed y de la comunidad, ya que nuestro principal propósito es disponer de un remanso de paz en un mundo cada vez más agitado, basado en la amistad, honestidad y comprensión hacia los demás. HOW TO JOIN - Unirse Just join our Discord and ask for the master/mayor or reply to this post. The mayor may have a friendly conversation with you to inform you about the deed and the community before joining. Únete a nuestro Discord y pregunta por el actual maestro/alcalde o responde a esta publicación. El alcalde tendrá una conversación informal y amigable contigo para informarte sobre el deed y la comunidad antes de invitarte. If you're curious about the community but aren't sure about joining, the Discord is open to everyone and you'll receive a warm welcome. Si tienes curiosidad por la comunidad pero realmente no sabes si unirte, el Discord está abierto para todos y recibirás una cálida bienvenida. It will be a pleasure to meet all of you. Thank you for reading and for your warm replies. See you soon! Es un verdadero placer conoceros. Gracias por leer y por vuestras cálidas respuestas. ¡Nos vemos pronto! DISCLAIMER: This community is just starting in the deed but you can help to shape it. You can expect many things to be in progress. Calcifer is my main character and the only one I have, so I will be quite active. AVISO: Esta comunidad está empezando en el deed pero puedes ayudar a darle forma. Puedes esperar que muchas cosas estén en progreso. Calcifer es mi personaje principal y el único que tengo, por lo que estaré bastante activo.
  2. Well, we have been here for a little over a year so I feel like it is time to introduce ourselves. We are just a small group of friends that wanted a relaxed place to play Wurm. We are owned and ran by a group of four gm's; Kittyflower, Mynerva, Sandstorm and Foxfire (player names). We like to receive input from anyone in our community about mods and ideas for the server and we take each suggestion into serious consideration. We don't guarantee that we will do everything requested, however we do guarantee that we will discuss it and come to a consensus between the 4 gm's. We do not have a large community, however we do have a helpful and friendly community. We are still building infrastructure for the server and we would welcome anyone that would like to visit us. We have a website with a few rules and a list of our mods at Feel free to check us out.
  3. You wake up to the sound of waves and seagulls. You feel broken and beat ... and the disgusting taste of salt. As you slowly regain consciousness you manage to look around a bit and see a sand dune ahead of you. You crawl up with the last bit of energy you got and fall into a deep sleep in the sand. As you wake up a while later you start to remember what happened ... You went on an expedition. Left your home to find fame and fortune in new lands. A few months into the journey the ship you were on ran into a terrible storm, which wrecked it and burried it under the waves. And now you are here ... wherever "here" is ... you don't know and you don't regonize anything. But you realize that if you don't get to work, you will never have the chance to fin out. You must get up and find a way to survive. There is nothing left but the cloths' on your body, no tools, no weapons. Maybe if you swim over to the island behind the sand dune you can find some resources to craft some basic, crude tools. Maybe you will even find other survivors ... Welcome to Stranded - a challenge to your limits 🕸️ Website 🗺️ Live Map ⌨️ Discord - A little bit about me Hi, I'm Vedurin a former Wurm Online player with a passion for sandbox games. After many years of Wurm Online i quit because the game simply took up too much time. But it didn't take much time for my longing to the lands of Wurm to return. So i bought Wurm Unlimited to still be able to build and adventure with faster gameplay and no monthly cost. There's just one thing missing: the community. I loved to build a deed with friends and be very active on the market with big bulk orders. 🙂 For a while i have been dreaming of my own server and with Stranded i just started that project. - Goals My goal is to create a server with a community who enjoys to play together, help each other and make things possible together. So in general i would like to create an environment which is not afraid of a challange while avoiding grinds which take years to complete. So: not easy peasy lemon squeezy but also not insane. 😉 - Progress Certain aspects of the server can be changed by the community or according to the wishes of the community. The idea is to have some kind of global progress in the game. Currently everyone starts as a survivor of the shipwreck. So: no items, low skills, no starter town, no fixed respawn. As the community grows and builds certain things or decides to elevate the game for themselves and others these conditions will be changed. Starter deeds will be established, maybe with schools and libraries to enable new players to join the game with starter items or even higher skills. Creative ideas by the players on how to influence the server will be very welcome. - Server Rules No cheating - this involves among other things no bots, bot scripting, no exploits. English chat - Keep the chat clean and in english. Be friendly to people. Follow the general Wurm Online rules. Before setting up a deed close to someone else's deed make sure to ask them first. One Alt allowed - each Steam ID may play up to two accounts: one main and one alt. Both may set up a separate deed. More detailed rules will follow ... - Server Details Settings 6 x experience multiplier 3 x action timer 1.5 x combat rating Farming tick every 12 hours 50k creatures with 50% hostile Skill affinities may be gained while using a skill no PvP not newbie friendly (this is a challange after all 😉. If you're ok with spoilers check way down below the server details.) no deed upkeep claim new deed tiles and perimeter at usual price (see modded features below for info on free deed and how to get money) Game Start You start with absolutely nothing. No tent, no tools, nada. - You are stranded after all. 😉 Characteristics start at 18 Skills starts at 1 Avoid dieing, you will respawn randomly "somewhere" on the island. Modded features Free starter deeds up to 625 tiles (for example 25 by 25 tiles in total) 1 free Spirit Guard Maximum deed size 101 by 101 tiles (10201 tiles in total) Bounty for killing mobs Bounty for burning bodies 50c reward for daily votes on No priest restrictions No limit on faith gains per day Fields don't rot Better digging Better farming One tile surface mining Pick two sprouts from trees Plan buildings twice as big as your carpentry skill Creatures age faster until mature (4 hours per stage; young to mature in 8 hours) Treasure hunting (find treasure maps and go treasure hunting, for more details read below) Bulk QL separation (can be toggled) Double Crate capacity Fires show their remaining burn time on examine Highway portals (teleport between towns that are connected by highway) Location command Inbreed warning Sacrifice rares to receive bones by chance (transfer rarity) Sleep in tents (right click a tent with empty hands) Find people with high levels skills via a leaderboard system. (Accessible through equipment window and skill window.) Treasure Hunting The treasure hunting mod is quite extensive. Many of you surely know already how it basically works. But i added this section to show how it is configured on this server and explain a few things to those who are new to treasure hunting. Find treasure maps while doing various actions like digging, mining, foraging, felling trees, etc. Locating the treasure with a compass does not damage the compass. Bring your shovel, you will need it to dig up the treasure. Treasure maps have a random QL. QL of the map has various effects: QL of the treasure is the same as QL of the map. When you dig up a treasure guardians (mobs will spawn) and attack you. Higher QL means stronger mobs. Even Avatars of the gods may spawn. Treasure chests are no more locked, since they can't be picked on a PvE server. The better the QL of the treasure the better the items inside. Features to be implemented Info Tab in game with introduction Meditation modifications Ingame Server Map Addition of a custom map island ... Known problems Something is causing mobs, that usually can't swim, to walk or glitch into water and drown. Making loot available easily which usually would take quite some preparation to obtain. Double bulk capacity currently doesn't work. Volume is still capped at 16k. CA Help channel is not properly synchronized between the game and our Discord server. Messages in game will be relayed to Discord but not vice versa, as the bot seems to not have access to the CA Help channel in game. - Survival Tips DON'T PANIC 😉 👍 Expand below boxes to get tips about how to survive the start. Newbie Buff: Finding a place to settle: Outrunning fast creatures: Getting started with tools: Starting your deed: What are the minimum materials i need to gather ?