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Found 105 results

  1. Wurm players have always wanted a way to turn a non-water tile into a water tile and I have a few ideas that might make heading down that path a bit easier: Idea 1: Create koi (fish) garden pond items (basically a water basin) that you install into a tile like floorboards. This could consume one tile as a single small pond or you could create multiple items that would create a bigger pond that would take more tiles (think of a pie cut into four equal pieces (+) that make up a larger item) and it could even be filled with water like a fountain or placed like a well to fill on its own. This could provide water in deserts/steppe/tundra and on top of mountains, where you currently have no access to water if you are above water level, making it more difficult in these fantastic places. Imagine an Oasis in the middle of a desert/steppe or a hotspring resort on top of a mountain, or even a fish farm far inland! It would certainly help fishers hold their catch. I also had some other idea's: A multi-story stair or floor that is a trap door (so think in pvp if you you pass/bash through a gate or into a building, go up some stairs and step on a trap door and get trapped in a makeshift jail below). And another idea that could add some more capacity to multi-story buildings is theorizing that you could somehow add additional coded containers per height level for each floor which would allow you to treat each floor level as its own tile with its own tile contents, instead of just a single tile with multiple floors. This would allow you to do things like add trees on top of buildings, or other tile enhancements that are currently restricted to single tile. I don't know if this is possible but I thought that it would be worth looking into, if the devs already hadn't. Thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration, I'm sure they would improve the game and help players accomplish more in the game as well as more personal enjoyment.
  2. I feel that the only REAL thing that Wurm needs is the ability to use your mic ingame and chat with people in your local area. Anyone else who has some good ideas for Wurm to make a it a better RP game please do reply with your idea.
  3. User who may read this - I have a lot of game thoughts, and suggestions, and will be putting them into volumes. Please +1 this as a whole, or each individual idea that you like. I want the community as a whole to discuss these ideas together. Also, I want to see the approved features to be included and integrated into Wurm Unlimited no matter what. Also, to +1 a certain suggestion, put the +1 with the corresponding letter next to it. Thank you. A. The ability to level and flatten down cave walls, ceilings, and floors without there being any chunks that stand out and make it less good looking. B. The ability for priests to have spells that can buff animals, like horse speeds, or wolf/dog damage, to make war animals a bigger part in the game. C. The ability to create a macro that auto crafts things, so we don't have to hit that annoying button ten times. Especially with arrows... D. Make coins gained from botanizing and other actions during moments of inspiration a lot more to get more use. E. Establish the ability to have an actual "sneak" instead of hide feature, so that we can actually have viable almost-invis rouges. F. Allow us to turn the inside of caves into walled structures with floors and roofs instead of wide open, and raw, so we can have underground secure bases... G. Saddles would be 10/10 nice, would make the game a bit more harder but more... Well, realistic. (This ones getting no support, I bet you...) That wraps up this volume, I may add to it, all the way to Z. If any of the above listed suggestions are features, please converse with me either in game on Zenath or through my Discord, alexinmichigan. Thank you guys for being such a great community!
  4. Simple suggestion, similar to the way a lot of web browsers work nowadays, I'd like to be able to merge certain tabs to optimize my in-game HUD. Currently you can't merge tabs like inventory and say a backpack tab. I think this change could make the game more user friendly. Any Ideas?
  5. There's been a lot of discussion around transporting animals, and I think the devs always find a way out saying that there's technical issues around moving animals across servers. Well, I'm sure some people would like to move/trade animals across servers but, I also think that most people would agree that just being able to transport them by the coast would be enough. Not being able to move animals across big distances also makes sense, 'cause it's difficult to keep them alive and healthy while they're shaking in the ocean and enclosured for a long time. I have a suggestion and some options for animal transport that might please both players and devs: 1. Animal Cage. A simple plank and iron bars cage that can be locked with a gate lock and loaded into ships and wagons. Each animal requires his own cage regardless of which animal you're transporting. It takes the same space as 4 large crates, so a wagon would be able to transport 3 animals. Animals inside animal cages can not be groomed, fed or interact in any way, so players would need to move them efficiently or make stops to tend them, I guess that just makes sense and saves the devs a lot of headache. Now there's two options: Option 1.1 Once a animal cage is loaded into a ship, whether it is occupied or not, whether it is inside another container (like a wagon) or not, it disables the ship ability to move from one server to another. Option 1.2 Animal cages can only be loaded into wagons and a new specific type of ship named Ark, which is unable to sail across servers. It would be pretty much a corbita in most characteristics, but lower, wider, slower and require 22 Mind Logic to command. It's a big ship, difficult to maneuver and ok as a cargo ship, a little worse than the Corbita, so people wouldn't want it unless they plan to move a lot of animals around. That would encourage a new market for the transporting business and stimulate the economy. Those two option are independent, choose the one you like the most. Hope you enjoy. With enough support we can make it happen, so leave your comments below.
  6. Both me, and most of the people in my village, think it would be a good idea to add Medieval Instruments to the game. Some examples would be; lutes, flutes, drums, harp, bagpipes, guitar, castanets, and tambourine. These are just some examples, but there could be many more. -Thank you
  7. As far as I know, the current Friend ranking system doesn't do anything, so I think a simple tweak to the Friends list that would make everyone happier would be setting varying levels of detail in relation to your online and server status according to what Rank of Friend they are. I think this would help people who do not want to have other people constantly knowing what server they're on, or what server you were last on. Plus, it would make the current ranking system more useful. Trusted Status: Can see if Online/Offline Server: Can see what server you're on, and what server you were last on if offline Last Connected: Can see when you were last online Friends Status: Can see if Online/Offline Server: Cannot see server you're on, or the last server you were on Last Connected: Can see when you were last online Contacts Status: Can see if Online/Offline Server: Cannot see server you're on, or the last server you were on Last Connected: Cannot see when you were last online Other Status: Cannot see if Online/Offline Server: Cannot see server you're on, or the last server you were on Last Connected: Cannot see when you were last online Thoughts?
  8. Suggestion: A new "Highway Tile" for community highways that could only be created by GMs. This tile would have a unique appearance and name to set it apart from player made roads. It would also not be able to be altered by players. Existing protected roads would be converted to this new tile. This would have the advantage of setting the highway apart and making it easy to tell you are on a path that (presumably) leads somewhere and not on the ancient paving of a long-dead deed. Good for both new players and veterans with a poor sense of direction. This would make cleaning up old dead deeds easier, since there would never be any question of what was allowed to be destroyed or not. If paving decay ever comes back it would (presumably) also make that step easier, since it would be a blanket "all off-deed paving decays at this rate" with a single exception for highway tiles.
  9. I have played for Wurm Online for a little over two and a half years and I have just thought of this idea. I am thinking that there should be a setting that you can change to organize your inventory when you log out and when you log back in. Example: I have my inventory groups in alphabetical order, and ALSO alphabetical order inside those groups. There needs to be a setting that can 'SAVE' this setup. I know you can click name and it will put your tools in alphabetical order, but there needs to be a way to save your own personal setup of your inventory. I usually organize my inventory to where I like it, but as soon as I log out or disconnect, it will reset it all and I usually forget how I had it set up. Just a minor suggestion, please leave thoughts and additional ideas below. Hashtag
  10. We seriously need a 'Shutdown server' button that does NOT close the entire server gui, and a 'Restart Server' button that shuts down and re-launches the currently running server, so we can do faster restarts or switching of databases. Sometimes we only change one small line in a mod's .properties file and need to restart - seems silly to have to close the entire gui and reload it... Other times, we might be working on several servers getting ready to launch a cluster, but just need to be able to quickly switch between servers... I posted this to the 'Server Issues' forum, because we don't have a WU general Suggestion/Ideas forum (hint, hint, ;p), and because this lack of functionality *IS* a server issue. Please oh wonderful code-god Devs, PLEASE add these functions to the gui. Many thanks for the wonderful work Vanyel
  11. Title speaks for itself i hope, but if.. if doesn't. We've already requested more marble stuff in an assortment of threads which i still fully hope for.. but I'd like to suggest the addition of maybe a couple of iron colossi. 1- colossus that maybe requires a blacksmithing skill of 80 for beginners 2- and a `full-on` one that also needs a high plate smithing and weapon skill. personally i haven't the ability to solo such a thing but i'd love to strive toward the newbie one. good idea bad idea?
  12. This is only a suggestion. I have no idea how difficult or complex this would be. The ability to jump would be nice. If it is an Issue of fences wouldn't it be possible that with the Fence Models you can make them two tier with the second begin invisible? Another suggestion is: Is there any way to make this game into an EXE file? I have nothing but problems with java. each time I log out, if i want to log back in I need to clear java temp history.
  13. As things currently stand, you go to each gate and set it so trusted friends or friends (whichever one you choose to set) may pass. This adds the individual names to the currently managed gate. It is an easy way to get groups of people to pass gates as current gates do not work even with a deed role set for "may pass gates" (i.e. you create a deed role for a deed and tick may pass gates, yet your gates will not open for a member of this deed unless you actually added them by name to the gate individually). What is problematic is that when you add someone to trusted friends or friends later on, you have to open and manage each individual gate again, and tick the friends/trusted friend list again, to get this name you added after you allowed the list originally, to be added by name to the gates you have. The opposite of this is also true: Previously added people who were added to pass gates because they were part of your then list of friends or trusted friends, have to be manually removed from all of your gates if you are no longer friends with them. You can remove them from your friends lists but they remain on your gates. Suggestion: It would be extremely helpful and time saving tool that can eliminate a big portion of human error, if people who are added or removed from your friends or trusted friends lists, automatically updated on all the gates. The rest of this suggestion is just more clarification on the suggestion above, possibly TL:DR Add Trusted Friends or Friends as a GROUP not as individual names, to gate pass permissions (same extends to carts, ships, wherever you add these people to have access or pass or command), to allow management of groups of people to pass (or command or access), and if you remove or add someone to these groups, the permission is replicated everywhere you ticked this group to either have access or pass or command, or not. This means that this group of people will be the same as people belonging to a specific deed, where you tick a box to allow a deed to do certain thing, and people who belong to that deed can do things you allow. If you move someone to your group of people you want to allow gate pass, they should automatically have gate pass as long as they are in that group, and automatically lose it the moment they are no longer part of that group. Second suggestion: Make one tick box for all the gates on your deed, on top of the original box that pops up when you choose to manage gates, where you can choose to "clear all settings for gates on your deed" . Add to this an option to also open an individual gate and in one click clear all settings, save it for that gate, and then go back and add new permissions for that gate (say your friends or trusted friends or deeds etc.) Currently you have to go into each individual gate and manually tick deny all for each added person, then save. If you have ten people added, you have to tick ten times deny all for each gate, then click save, then find the gate again, open, add the group(s) again, save. The reason this should only be an option for gates on your deed, is that you get all the gates you have manage permissions for, on your list of gates, not just the gates actually located on your deed, so you could inadvertently clear permissions for gates on someone else's deed if you just blanket clear all the gates you have manage permissions for. Adding these suggestions will greatly enhance the enjoyment I get out of Wurm.
  14. So I had an idea for yet another way to increase the player base and bring in more revenue to WO. Wurm Unlimited Ultimate. Basically an open source version of WU. P.S. Sorry if this should have been posted in "Suggestions & Ideas"...seems to fit either category.
  15. Could we add this to the next update rolf? Detailed item requested here. Just needs your fancy development team to get this rolling. Just an image needed and I have an idea for that too. But im sure you can handle this with out any trouble. Hope this grabs your attention ** ::::::: Creation::::::::: Activate ::::: small nails Right-click :::: plank Open submenu :::: Create > Storage ::::::::Total materials :::::: 02x :::::: Small nails 13x :::::: Planks 13x :::::: Pegs 02x :::::: Shafts ::::::::: Result ::::::::: Fishing Pole Rack / Case maybe? (25.00 kg) ::::::::: Skill and improvement ::::::::::: Uses ---> Fine carpentry ::::::: Description upon Examining ::::::::: A fisherman's pole rack, it will hold and display most fishing rods. (Used for storing fishing rods and fine fishing rods) Other information for this item? The wood type of the fishing pole rack / case is determined by the last piece of wooden material added during construction either plank or shaft or peg. If a nail is used last it will turn the wood type your started with example: (unfinished maple fisherman's pole rack / case) needs 1 nail to complete this.. 1 nail will the unfinished fishermans pole rack maple but if a cedar or other wood type of wooden material is used as the last required piece it will change to cedar wood type or which ever wood type you choose to use as the last item on creation. Can hold 100 fishing rods or 50 Fine fishing rods To continue building it, it must be on the ground. It cannot be picked up once finished, though it can be push/pull/rotated Loadable? Yes ::: by large cart, wagon, boats Tools needed to improve this fisherman's pole rack / case File, pelt, carving knife, and mallet Materials would be logs to improve as well. Please like this request and bump often we can do this ! This is long over due....
  16. I’d rather not spam the suggestion forum, so since all of my suggested items here affect Chaos and PMK’s (I cannot speak for Epic in these issues, so I am limiting myself to talking about Chaos and Freedom here), I will have them here as a package of changes that I believe should be looked into for the Chaos server moving forwards. Wild/Chaos is an old server, the oldest in the game. Some would be happy enough to either wipe it clean or even have an entirely new map. I believe this is a short-sighted view which does not take into account the broader history of the server and the game in general. Balance is not a static thing, sometimes it can take a year or more for a problem to become apparent. The creation of the kingdom system, changes to the kingdom system and the introduction of PMK’s over the years have included changes meant to improve Chaos. Resetting the map will not change what actually needs changed, it will simply wipe away the lessons of the past and fail to address other core issues. So, that all being said, here is in my eyes some of the main things that needs to change in regards to Chaos and possibly PMK’s in general. Replace MR/JK/HotS templates with a Blacklight one and Whitelight one. Upon founding (or conversion in case of existing kingdoms), you would pick your light and your patron God(s) from that light (possibly two, to allow a better mix of champs).​ Kingdom deed cap: 10-15 max, possibly the higher number available through an upgrade from Kingdom to Empire status. Intended result would be to help make deed warfare less likely and more considered than currently. Reinstate alliances between WL-WL and BL-BL alongside smaller kingdom sizes. Full member list for the Chief, ability to kick offline and off server players (similar to village screen maybe) and possibly even whom they were invited by. Ability to change Chief title upon founding and at coronation. New Kingdom title: Chat moderator, with associated powers within Kingdom/Alliance channels, but not village. Add a loyalty variable to towers, similar to alignment. Any tower beyond around 200-300 tiles from a deed would begin to slowly lose loyalty until reaching 0. At this point it would switch to no-known-kingdom status, with no influence and attacking anyone. The intended result here would be to make territory more of a fluid thing away from permanent settlements, while still allowing a kingdom to hold their core territories. Change Chaos’ name back to Wild. The change seemed contrived, trying to bury an ugly past. Chaos as a name is worse in fact, with its connotations of entropy and decay. Wild, somewhat chaotic but fun at the same time is what the server should feel like to play on, it should reflect that in its name once again. (okay this first one is mainly a personal preference, I admit it.) Change the Freedom cluster server arrangement to give Chaos more prominence while allowing free travel around it. On the last issue, I believe it would integrate Chaos better into the Freedom community and make PvP an easier option for anyone interested. The old kingdom templates (if not completely wiped) could be used to bring attention to the server on Freedom and showcase certain features. The below image is one method of doing this and would include GV being repurposed as a Blacklight server and a tutorial island being constructed on Xanadu. All of the templates would be locked in an alliance with freedom kingdom and each other, ensuring the continuity of peace outside Chaos.
  17. Unlock milestones, a new type of achievement, per 1000 total skill points gained. Every milestone acts like a trait for your character such as faster run speed, slower food/water drain, quicker skill gain, etc... One time buffs/rewards could be made available as well such as reaching 5000 total skill gives your character a free 1s. I think I counted 140 total skills, which means 14000 total skill, and 14 milestones. It could range from silly bonuses at lower level, to really helpful stuff at the top tier or just generally useless, but quality of life improvements that amount to a significant help at higher tier. I'll lay out a list of how it could work as an example, but these idea's are really just off the top of my head. 1000: 5% increased bite resistance (To help noobs out early on) 2000: Slightly decreased food/water drain 3000: 5% increased damage against mobs (Again, just a helpful nooby buff) 4000: Moderately reduced food/water drain 5000: 1s suddenly appears in your inventory! 6000: +1 quality on all items gathered/created 7000: Slightly decreased wear on all tools used 8000: Chance to critically fail gathering/creating items eliminated (Those random 1ql logs/ores/etc you get even at high skill) 9000: Moderately reduced wear on all tools used 10000: 5s suddenly appears in your inventory! 11000: Greatly reduced food/water drain 12000: +2 quality on all items gathered/created 13000: Greatly reduced wear on all tools used 14000: 1km Walk speed boost Considering the highest total skill uploaded to niarja currently is 8k I figure that list seems fair. If people have more idea's the buffs could be changed to every 500 total skill instead of 1000. I realize some of these suggestions might look OP, and I don't doubt that at all, it's just an example and anyone is free to throw in their criticism's,
  18. Pre-empting an influx of other want-to-mail items, I've left the subject open ended. Please allow range poles to be mailed. /Marni
  19. We are so close to bridges, which are one of the coolest things I have seen in any sandbox game. Do the existing mechanics translate to allowing a dock? Perhaps just a few dirts above water. Would allowing swimming beneath Embarking on ships Loading and unloading Would not need a second person to plan Getting off a ship next to a dock = automaticly put on the dock Has ladders to climb from the water Is made of wood Weighs the same as a duck
  20. Hi I read a post by black_legion and how their deed got totally wrecked over and over again. I wont say its ok but its within the rules of the game. And afterall Chaos is a PVP server. But, attacking undefended deeds? Does that go in line with "PVP" ? and where's the fun in that? The simple problem is actually that you can destroy any deed you want when no one is online to defend it. Its not good for any kingdom, be it you have 99% of the players or 1% or your a new kingdom that want to play on CHAOS. The latter meaning its very hard for new kingdoms to arise on the CHAOS server. Hence this topic with suggestions to fix what I Think is a MAJOR FLAW with this game, attack deeds when no one is online to defend it. Here are some suggestions to stop this flaw as I call it. This is just ideas and they could be tweaked in one way or Another to make it work on Chaos server. But the main thing remains, make it very very hard to raid deeds when there are no players online at said deed to defend it. How should it work? Well we must come up with some formula to calculate when the extra defense is needed. It could be a percentage of the total amount of defending kingdoms players that are logged in Or % of players logged in at the village that are getting attacked. There should also be some kind of "abuse prevention" so the defending village cant log in, log out to get the extra defense. Lets say that when the village has reached the goal of logged in players the timer will reset to 1-2 hours Before it can be Active again. The suggestions are * 60% faster respawning times for deed guards and Tower guards belonging to the deed. * 50-60% extra damage output made by guards or Tower guards belonging to the deed. * 60% less damage made to every object on the deed, houses, walls etc. * 50% longer digging timer within the deed and its perimeters. Please post constructive posts in this topic! Lock away your kingdom vs kingdom hatred and Think Before you post, cause afterall the tides may turn, remember that! In the ends its my belief that this Changes would make it more fun for everyone. And it would actually make it easier for new kingdoms to establish on the server.
  21. Lead is pretty useless... You can make balls and anchors out of it. Granted, anchors are pretty useful, but that's really the only use for lead. My suggestion: allow the crafting of basic materials from lead lumps. These materials would be limited to: - rivets - nails - wires - locks (maybe) - hooks The point is just to make lead more useful. Currently it does nothing unless you're a shipbuilder.
  22. I didn't see anything specifically about this, so I figured I'd write up an idea for it. Originally, I was thinking that this could be put into the select bar, but after typing all that up I figured it would look better in it's own window. Like the crafting window, I propose a "Spell Book" or a "Casting Window". 1) Either activate the statuette, or drag it into the casting window like you would a tool into the crafting window. It could also be an unneeded step, instead just having it gray out the "Cast" button if there is no statuette in your inventory. 2) Right-click, add to casting window - or drag an item to it. 3) List of available spells for target item will appear on the left, like recipes do in the crafting window. 4) Select a spell, if you don't have enough favor then it will appear in red. 5) Choose the number of casts you wish to queue 6) Click "Cast" As for the window, it should contain your current favor. It would also be nice to have favor amounts from any linked priests show up here too, as well as who has linked to you. I think this will help to continue the modernization of Wurm that the Devs have done a good job on so far. I do know that people will be concerned that such an interface could be exploited by macros, but I should point out that an ambitious cheater would find a way to do this, with or without such a window. I don't think we should let the fear of macroing stop the game from becoming more modern in terms of interface and overall ease of use. Wurm has it's own challenges, but using features shouldn't be one of them.
  23. I propose a spell that would allow a pottery item to retain its rare or supreme status but be reverted to clay at fraction of its ql. So the item could be improved back up to a mile stone ql(50, 70, 90). Mend already exists as a Vynora spell. It reduces damage and ql on non-repairable items(like pottery), similarly how repair work for a repairable item. But items that benefit form a hire ql in pottery such as smelting pots, flower pots, and jars (and compasses) are at a significant disadvantage. While mend would allow them to reduce damage the rare or supreme status hardly seems useful with out away to get the ql back up. In the interest of balance I think it would be best if the item were reverted to 1/10 of the original ql minimum 1 ql. This would require participation form both a potter and a priest. I would suggest it be a Vyn or Fo spell. Now to think about why not; The biggest argument I can think of for why not, is that they have always been finished items before why change it? Well there hasn't always been rares and supremes, that changes the way items are treated and considered. There may be more items this spell could work on, I'm not sure what else, nothing comes mind. Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns?
  24. Why is it only some of the windows in the UI that allows changing size? I think it would be an easy, yet good improvement if all of the UI windows was customizable in terms of size and direction. Example: Edit: This request has maby been posted before, but after a (really) quick search i couldnt find anything.
  25. I was thinking about the options that we have with rare bricks and they seem to be very limited. Rare walls are not part of the game currently because they would serve no purpose other than glow. Granted, if they had glow, the performance of the game would be reduced even further. So heres my suggestion. Add rare walls but dont add the glow to them. Reduce the dmg taken over time, either on or off deed for this type of walls. Reduce dmg taken by bash/catapults to this walls unless its the deed mayor while on deed, or the wall creator while off deed. If it comes as a rare door, make it resistant to bashing/ catapult dmg and resistance to lockpicking. I dont know if it sounds good but it just came to my head. Please give you feedback.