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Found 70 results

  1. Today I had to mine out several tiles in a mine that used to have the floor reinforced. This was a rare event in the past. If the Dev's have to collapse reinforced floor tiles then at least give a warning . Make rotting reinforced tile show maybe . We can not examine the reinforced tiles to see decay, therefore we cant do anything to prevent the collapse. If someone wants to remove the reinforcement of a floor tile it is easily done. Recommend that reinforced tiles prevent collapses on their tile to a much higher degree than they do lately as this is a simple solution. Who gets harmed by reinforced floors not getting collapsed ?
  2. it would be very helpful if a mod could be custom created to speed up decaying items and creature corpses off deed. This would be great for polling timers taking so long from the clutter of random junk left laying around including dirt piles, locks, tree stumps, dead animals... etc.. Might be helpful to create a .properties for items admins want to whitelist from the increased rate (if possible) Thanks in advance.
  3. I find it to be troublesome that there are so many large carts, wagons and boats littering the place, especially the ones that end up on your deed, and you then can't do anything about them. First off it looks bad, secondly it probably doesn't help server performance. Note that this is mainly about abandoned vehicles. Basically, I would like various vehicles to be removed faster than they are currently, and I have a few ideas about how to do this: Vehicles that belong to players with no active premium decay at accelerated speed. Vehicles that belong to players that have not been online for a month begin to rapidly decay. Vehicles that have not moved in a long time decay at an accelerated speed. Horses attached to wagons/carts will starve/break free if the wagon/cart has not been used for a long time(2-4 weeks?). Vehicles that do not belong to a villager of the deed they are parked on will decay rapidly if they have been there for a set amount of time(1 week?) Boats parked in shallow water take damage at an increasing rate. The above are just ideas, and I think anything that would get rid of these things are a huge improvement, regardless of what that might be(as long as it doesn't force people to repair their vehicles constantly if they are being used). Another acceptable solution would be for locks to decay quickly using any of the above, so that we can at least move the things. Currently on my deed I have a boatload(no pun) of boats, carts, wagons etcetera that are wasting space, probably causing lag and look horrible. I feel it also makes little sense that I can litter other players deeds with boats, large carts and wagons without them being able to do anything about it. I am aware that GM's will currently assist with these issues, however it seems a waste of both their time and the players to assist with such tasks. Noevi
  4. Currently wine barrels are very nice decorative items, the trouble is that if you keep wine in a good QL barrel it does not age well at all. A bit of a contradiction really and thus the following two changes are proposed: 1. Allow material contained in wine barrels to decay as if offdeed. 2. Accelerate this decay based on wine barrel QL (QL% increase)
  5. I've heard quite a few stories of how players have been waiting for that #%&?# house to finally rot, so they could deed the spot it was occupying. I've been in that situation a few times too myself. So how about being able to buy an item at the nearest trader called "Altar of Accelerated Rot" (or something to that effect), which when planted in an off-deed house missing at least one wall would speed the decay of said house? If the owner of the house should happen to come back in time, he can simply right-click->reset on the *item* and it will go poof and reset the extra damage it caused. When a player enters a house in which such an *item* is active he gets a message saying it. The extra decay caused should increase proportionally with the percentage of walls missing (1 wall missing = small effect. 1 wall still standing = big effect) Price could be maybe 2 silver
  6. I am friends with two players that have not been on in over 200 days. Three to four weeks ago their deed dropped. Glacial Glimmer Grape..I went to check it out within two hours of it happening. The stone buidings and walls had almost NO damages on them and were at 60ql + not to mention a bridge they had built when bridges first arrived. I checked it last night and EVERYTHING but a pallisade gate were gone...just like someone had come in and dropped everthing in some other game. That decayed WAYYYYY TO fast for in game mechanics in my opinion. I know this because I am a deed hunter and I know even with the recent bugs there cannot be any bug in game that could cause the uniform of a decay. I am wondering if someone has a bug or program that is doing this. I have been at a site that another player showed up..and when that crucial wall dropped within 5 min of that player showing acitivity the game crashes three times in a roll, in fact. Whats up with this..I have some other buildings wood and stone( off deed in fact and same or less quality) that have taken several months to decay halfway down, even with the recent bugs that Wurm showed us two months ago. Please check into this..I personally wonder if you can still catapults buildings into destruction..or use to ...SOMETHING is up though...this area should only at best be showing 40% decay on everything. And I know the owners have not been on in over 200+ days. Thanks.
  7. Please apply absentee decay to ships and carts too. There are so many abandoned all over slowly ticking down.
  8. Off-Deed Building once again bugged. Since the last round of this bug, I've repaired a ton of longhouses and structures off-deed back to <10 damage. They're back up to 30-50 damage in the last week or two (these are all 85-90ql stone structures). A gatehouse I built less than 2 months ago at 93ql walls is up to 30 damage. This is consistent in all places checked - both buildings I am the owner of and not, my own and others. Once again broken. The last bug like this cost me several days of playtime to repair and over 20k repair bricks. I can't do it again - please, when you fix, run an update on the database to delete 30-50 damage off of off-deed buildings...or just all buildings, since on-deed don't take decay in most cases. Do something, this is crazy sad. Or a good ploy to have us drop more deeds...which I would gladly do if I could. ALLOW 1 TILE PERIM DEEDS OR FIX THIS INSANE BUG. I do not want to spend all my game time every day making repair bricks and repairing house walls that, prior to this bug, would accrue 10 damage PER CALENDAR YEAR and have, in the last 3 months, accrued 7-8 YEARS worth of damage because of these bugs. Not fair, not cool, frustrating this loyal customer.
  9. So I started a building about 4-6 weeks ago and never got to finishing the 3rd floor till today. I have 6 unfinished floor plans and several wall plans. I cut my planks and went about building the floors first. I have a habit of checking a finished floor or wall for ql once it is finished, and I was surprised to see my finished floor looking like this, [20:45:55] QL = 27.706396, dam=20.0. I am not sure if this is a feature or a bug, and have never had it happen to me before, I have left parts of buildings unfinished for weeks as I tend to hop from project to project. This is a building on deed and with extra silvers in the coffer to keep things happy. I thought it was a glitched so I built two more floors to have the same results. After that I went and destroyed all the other old floor/wall plans I had and re-planned them. Finished the next floor on a fresh plan with a finished result of 0.00 damage.
  10. Right now, hedges allow us to essentially plant permanent fences that never decay. This seems a little inconsistent with how the rest of Wurm works, and is a total pain when clearing up formerly-deeded areas, since they are just as hard to destroy as other fence types. So, I suggest one or both of the following: Let hedges decay (probably rather slowly), and make them easy to repair by watering them like you do with flowerpots and similar objects. Allow hedges to be easily removed with a shovel or similar implement, in one action, assuming the player has permissions (of course).
  11. Not a huge deal, but seems to me if a meal lasts months in the SMC, some flowers ought to as well. Flowers are taking decay hits within a day.
  12. Not sure if this took place before the patch or not, but I have some crates inside a boat, on a deed which have lost some of the quantity in the last month or two. I didnt check just before the patch so I dont know if the loss happened before or after the patch but thought I would share it just in case.
  13. Decay Settings?

    Found this while poking around in an extracted Server.jar... \server\com\wurmonline\server\TimeConstants.class can someone make use of this? maybe the long awaited decay mod? Or am I hoping up the wrong tree? public static final long BASEDECAY = 1382400L; public static final long DECAYTIME_QL = 28800L; public static final long DECAYTIME_NEVER = 9223372036854775807L; public static final long DECAYTIME_GLASS = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_STEEL = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_WOOD = 9072000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_FOOD = 172800L; public static final long DECAYTIME_FOOD_CONSERVED = 604800L; public static final long DECAYTIME_CLOTHING = 3024000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_STONE = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_CORPSE = 86400L; public static final long DECAYTIME_MAGIC = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_VALUABLE = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_POTTERY = 12096000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_LEATHER = 3024000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_CORROSION = 3024000L; public static final long DECAYTIME_RAWMATERIAL = 86401L; public static final long DECAYTIME_FLOWERS = 1382400L; public static final long TENTDECAY = 1814400000L;
  14. I think the decay rate of on deed Marble Planters is way too high, A q38 has damage 20 already and these are not repairable !!!
  15. A handful of days ago I was able to store food in a water barrel on my large cart and use it for a few days as it slowly decayed in a reliable manner. I knew it would go from no decay to perhaps 39, then say, 59 then maybe another twenty to 79 then poof. Last night I logged off and had several meals at zero decay. This morning they are gone, decayed away in nine hours, from zero decay to totally gone. Is this the future decay rate of WURM? I've seen nothing in any news about accelerated decay rates yet that is what appears to have been done. Can someone in the know PLEASE inform the community as to whether or not we now have to suffer faster decay, therefore producing more work for us? I thank you.
  16. Before you comment please read my post till the end. Can we please get rid off all those abandoned ships / carts / wagons? Can every ship, that hasn't been used for over 6 months (3 months? a year?) decay much faster (3x? 5x? 10x? 20x?)? Shouldn't be too hard to code. Just add a flag to every "vehicle" with single date of last embarking as a commander. Ships, that hasn't been embarked for longer than half year loosing this flag (same carts / wagons). Since January 2016 make every vehicle without flag to decay on multiplied rate (you can use in-game voting to choose multiplier). Thank you for your attention.
  17. Recently, the developers changed the current game mechanic where weapon enchants never decayed with use to include the decay typical of tools and other enchants. Public news of this was recently broken by Jberg in the thread HERE. Apparently the change has been live for some time but never mentioned. My opinion of this is to revert this change ASAP, weapons are a necessity in survival of Wurm Online, allowing you to gather food and protect yourself. With the option of obtaining multiple casts on weapons, it will become increasingly difficult to maintain these enchants, as most weapons are recasted in a lengthy process with current casting being almost completely random this change will severely hurt the player base, and so I am suggesting this changed be removed ASAP. What are your views on this? Please post below and vote in the poll. Fooli
  18. I logged in today after being gone approximately a week and found 3 of my 4 braziers were missing on my deed. They were all around ql 38 to 40 or so and I had just repaired them before taking a break. I have no villagers and do not have permissions granted to my alliance that would allow them to pick up or destroy or anything. It appears we had a server reset about 14 hours ago. I have 122 days of upkeep left. All the braziers are in close proximity of each other in the middle of my yard near my token. The one brazier remaining says its ql 25.13 with 12.45 damage on it (Even if I somehow totally got the ql wrong; which I'm sure I didn't, why would the ql have changed and if it only has 12 damage why would the others be gone?) . I don't see how they could have decayed away, especially since the one left is at 12 damage. I am curious as to why the one left would be such low ql also. I cannot reproduce this as I do not have the means to buy another set of braziers I know this may sound silly, but I was told by CA Wilca to post this here. Thank you for your time.
  19. A set of 4 pillars have been near me off a deed for 18 months, everything from the deed has long decayed but only these pillars remain, they are only 40QL but have not taken a single decay tick in the entire 18 months, does not appear to be working as intended if I am correct.
  20. Lanterns seem to take decay hits very quickly compared to most items in inventory, even if they're not lit. This should be changed, reduce decay when it's in inventory, there shouldn't be any reason for a lantern to have 11 dmg after a week while a hatchet of the same ql has less than 1 dmg even after use.
  21. Why not have an option on every item to spend some coin to keep it from decaying? Say 10c for 28 decay free days. This way we can put that enchanted huge maul in a weapons rack and not have to create an alt to hold it when we want to switch to fighting with two sickles, for example
  22. As the title says, even stored in a full barrel with salt white in inventory, they are useless in hours.
  23. After a discussion with a fellow Wurmian in which we were talking about equipment, I thought about a new feature (which many of you won't like, I'm more than sure, but what the hell) called "durability". What's that about? Here it goes: The current situation is "Once you've got a tool, you'll keep forever" (unless you die and lose it) and it's because you can keep going repair > improve forever and ever and ever. "It's good!" you'll say, "Taking care of your items rewards you!" you'll say... and I agree. To a certain degree. While it's good to being able to ensure that your tools or arms will serve you well for long time, it's rather bad if that "long time" becomes "forever", because there's not much of rotation of equipment. Durability system should put more life into crafting tools/arms for trade. The system itself would introduce a new parameter (called "durability", obviously) to all the repairable items, save for buildings. Durability would be a total "hp" of the item, reduced at 1:1 ratio* for the damage repaired. When the durability reaches 0, the item can't be repaired anymore. The message given could be: "The <item> is too worn out to be repaired.". * Ratio could be reduced by repairing skill. For example at 100 (or close) repairing each 1 damage repaired would drain 0.75 of durability, instead of full 1. The Durability points would be based on item quality, item material and item rarity. Note that the numbers stated below serve as refrence only and not the actual numbers that should be in game. - Iron: 2*ql = max durability. - Steel: 3*ql = max durability (note that steel damages less as well, so the effective lifespan would be even longer). - Rare/Supreme/Fantastic: +50%/+100%/+200% max durability. (If it ever gets live, a spreadsheet for all the metals and wood should be made). There is, of course, a difference between max durability and effective durability. Max durability can be gained throught improving, even if the item was previously damaged and repaired, but gaining more max durability doesn't restore the durability lost due to repairing. For a simple example: - An iron longsword of ql 50 and no rarity would have 100 max durability. Write it down as 100/100. - The weapon gets damaged for 25 damage and its repaired by an unskilled craftsman. - As a result of the above, the sword has now 40ql, 0 damage and 75/100 durability. - More skilled craftsman takes care of the sword and improves it to 80ql. - The weapon now has 135/160 durability. (Yes, I skipped the damage gained through imping fails. Let's say it'd have more like <130 effective durability, depending on how skilled the crafter was). Two things can be seen above: - Going below the max ql the item ever achieved doesn't lower its durability. If it ever had 200 max durability, it will keep it even if it goes to 1 ql. - Improving an item that has its durability partially drained, wouldn't restore the durability. It will only increase its total amount. If it had 50/100 durability, gaining 100 max durability via improving will result in 150/200 durability. This system would introduce more dynamic to crafting and trade, especially in arms department and would give medium-skilled craftsmen more sources of income when people would prefer to use a mediocre weapon/tool to save their top-tier one to serve a better purpose. IMPORTANT NOTES: - Neither "Mend" nor "Sunder" spells would affect durability. Durability is meant to be HARD item lifespan cap without the room for workaround. - Good practice for (metal) items that had lost their durability and are close to 100 damage would be smelting them, just to get some materials back for a new tool. And once again, just to be sure: Numbers above ARE NOT "THE" NUMBERS. If it seems like tools would be gone too quickly, don't downvote. The numbers would most likely be higher if it gets ingame. Sidenote: This system would neatly come along with:
  24. Simple as that. Remove on-deed decay for items in containers as long as upkeep is >30 days. I realize it might make magic chests useless, but really, I don't see the point in having decay on-deed to begin with.
  25. Very disappointed with the new coffers - items decay in them and quite fast too. Thought they would protect items - more like a large chest or the old coffin. No more coffers for me...