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vinius last won the day on January 17 2016

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  1. [08:35:06] The old fat Wildgrey eats some sleep powder. Put some SP in a satchel last night, which also held some barley. Used the feed from satchel option, and the hell horse ate the SP
  2. What could be useful is locations of easy sea access to off deed waystones and Wagoner containers for people that travel over to pick up bulk.
  3. AI trolls..

    does pilk fit into the equation here
  4. Defiance? Trash and the fanboys Chaos? We are back
  5. they are busy with the map dump
  6. they are busy with the road map
  7. Change the 100 rifts to 10000 points (or whatever), incentivises doing well in the rift or making colossi as an alternative
  8. Libbylow is the winner! Will PM you