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Everything posted by Zekezor

  1. Uhm... Swing timers still reset tho... don't they...? so.... just keep spamming ride/dismount on a pet...
  2. Currently pet orders arent combat actions and thus are unusable while in melee combat. Considering its use is almost always for combat engagements i suggest this is changed. I also suggest a change to allow pets to target neutral animals such as horses being ridden by hostiles without having to engage them in combat first.
  3. sounds cool. Bet freedomers would like it too
  4. i think its fine as it is. The pregnancy time and time inbetween breeding sessions is so short that you can spew out hundreds of horses a day.
  5. A new change was introduced where characters on Defiance belonging to the Horde of the Summoned are auto-converted to the Libila faith. In the past every player needed to visit the BL or be converted by a priest to get the Libila faith. The issue is the journal objective "Convert a Player" in the category "Approbation"... Which requires a priest to convert a person. If my understanding about all HOTS players being auto converted to libila is correct then this objective is impossible to complete for a priest in the Horde of the Summoned on Defiance.
  6. People are randomly freezing up with their clients data transfers (aka lagg) and then DC after a long-ass time. It's super noticeable while running multiple accounts cuz one of them just randomly stop transmitting/receiving info. And to be clear: it happens even for people running one account. This wasn't a thing at server launch and started occurring after one of the brilliant "server upgrades".
  7. I prefer the newbies being able to join up into pvp properely and not just the seasoned vets like myself.
  8. The suggestion is simple. Increase early-game bow/archery gains vs living targets. Comparable to other weapon skills archery is super slow to grind past 45. New people shouldn't need 70ql bows with 70ql strings with 70ql arrows with 70ql learning enchants and 70ql nimbleness to get "okay" gains. It's an important skill for pvp and shouldn't be this hard to get.
  9. So heres the thing i dont get... The skillgain reduction was to reduce the grinding benefit of having more links. Yet the favor limitation is to make each link less regenerative.... Are you guys keeping the 20 favor ###### to make sure we keep multiple alts? Cuz in essense ONE link with the 10 favor cap is the same as TWO links with the 20 favor cap...
  10. Are you claiming that a BL alliance used the walk out bug? If so, what server? Did you actually see it?
  11. We are aware of it. This nerf is in addition to whats mentioned in that thread.
  12. Thanks for not including this little gem in the patch notes:
  13. looked at some of my logs... old (43 sec. 10 ticks.): [19:42:17] Favor increased by 0.2319 to 22.0559 [19:42:22] Favor increased by 0.2294 to 22.2853 [19:42:27] Favor increased by 0.2271 to 22.5124 [19:42:32] Favor increased by 0.2248 to 22.7371 [19:42:37] Favor increased by 0.2225 to 22.9597 [19:42:42] Favor increased by 0.2204 to 23.1800 [19:42:46] Favor increased by 0.2183 to 23.3983 [19:42:50] Favor increased by 0.2163 to 23.6146 [19:42:57] Favor increased by 0.2143 to 23.8289 [19:43:00] Favor increased by 0.2123 to 24.0412 new (61 sec. 10 ticks.): [23:06:41] Favor increased by 0.2321 to 22.0368 [23:06:48] Favor increased by 0.2296 to 22.2664 [23:06:55] Favor increased by 0.2272 to 22.4936 [23:07:02] Favor increased by 0.2250 to 22.7186 [23:07:09] Favor increased by 0.2227 to 22.9413 [23:07:15] Favor increased by 0.2206 to 23.1619 [23:07:22] Favor increased by 0.2185 to 23.3803 [23:07:29] Favor increased by 0.2164 to 23.5968 [23:07:35] Favor increased by 0.2144 to 23.8112 [23:07:42] Favor increased by 0.2125 to 24.0237
  14. even the person being linked to is getting the favor nerf...
  15. I just hope the dev and gm team will not go the "super lazy, dont give a crap" route and just plainly nerf anyone above x skill. Punish the exploiters by all means but don't nerf everyone in the process. Also since heavy restrictions are applied temporarily I hope the devs intent is to prioritize their efforts into fixing a solution rather than keep a work-around fix for months.
  16. RIP whoever is starting out their channel grind on the new servers.
  17. I feel sorry for those who didnt get the channeling before this nerf.... It's a tremendous nerf to grinding.
  18. Optionally: keep MM but let it be as good as steel. MM essentially become bling bling cosmetic skins then.
  19. Path of powers eruption/freeze abilities are heavily tied into faith despite being from a skill that otherwise is completely independent of faith. I suggest the removal of the faith conditions and make all meditation paths "neutral" to all kingdoms. The current faith limitations are... ERUPT: Can't be used on a tile too close (less than 2 tiles) to a Magranon altar. Only usable inside Magranon's domain, and in areas with no domain of any deity. FREEZE: Only usable inside Magranon's domain, and in areas with no domain of any deity.
  20. Incase you talk about defiance....
  21. When was that nerf implemented? It used to spawn while inside libila domain and hots influence.
  22. So far we havn't seen a single mycelium patch anywhere on the server with the exception of around the starting deed. There is plenty of towers with altars straight under them and multiple days have passed. I asked players who played as hots on the latest elevation about it and acording to them the mycelium never spawned by itself, it only expanded from excisting mycelium and had to be "seeded" by priests. From my knowledge mycelium is supposed to spread when domain and influence is present. Thus im reporting this.