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Posts posted by Jonneh

  1. The newer version doesn't use RMI any more, it needs access to the map and database files. You could do it across separate machines by setting up the server directory as a shared folder on the windows machine then using something like samba on the linux machine to access that and point the map viewer to the shared directory. It'd probably run a bit slower as it would need to copy a couple hundered megabytes of data across the network each time you update the map. Alternatively you could run it on the windows machine then have some automated way of uploading the generated map to the linux machine over (s)ftp.

  2. On 13/03/2016 at 8:51 PM, Senitor said:

    I've just set up my own server and the map is showing, with the first deed, but 2 more deeds have been created but their names are not showing on the map - I can see the actual settlements but not the deed names, 


    SHOW_DEEDS = true


    Any ideas?


    You need to re-run the program every time you want to update the map. You can use some kind of task scheduling software such as cron to do this automatically.

  3. 44 minutes ago, razoreqx said:

    Nevermind.. this worked:      java -Xmn256M -Xms512m -Xmx1024m  -jar mapviewer.jar



    But the map is blank like its not able to read the just the zoom, search box and blue background...  GRRRRRRRRRRRR..


    Still broken.


    Try removing all the files from the old version (the map.js, main.css, index.html etc) and running it again (it should automatically replace them with the new versions).

  4. Just released new version. This update has more accurate deed borders, shows bridges and attempts to reload sections that don't load properly. The setup procedure and config file have changed considerably so you'll need to set everything up again (also paths also no longer need slashes to be escaped in the config file).

  5. On 11/02/2016 at 4:04 AM, Honeysolo said:

    So I have it going.. but when I go to the map, it's just blue. I tried to run the mapviewer, and it gives me an error at the end in regards to no target sections. Yet, there is a sections folder? 


    INFO: Rendered 96%
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoa
    Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: \var\www\pve\mapviewer\sections
            at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(Unknown Source)
            at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
            at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)
            at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createDirectory(Unknown Source)
            at java.nio.file.Files.createDirectory(Unknown Source)
            at com.wyverngame.mapviewer.MapViewer.main(
            ... 5 more


    If the directory definitely exists it's most likely a permissions problem. Try changing the permission on the directory with the command 'chmod a+wr /var/www/pve/mapviewer/sections'.

  6. Patch notes for Wyvern for 2016/02/04


    * Update to latest Wurm Unlimited release. This brings the following changes:
    * Added rewards for voting for Wyvern on You can claim 10 copper coins for each vote at settlement tokens.
    * Added depth drill item, this allows you to measure how deep the rock layer is below the surface on tile corners. The depth drill can be created by using an iron ribbon on a shaft, along with two handles and a small nails.

  7. Patch Notes for 2015/12/24

    * The CA channel is now opt-out instead of opt-in, which should help new players.
    * Santa Claus has arrived and brings players a (cosmetic) gift. Find him at the spawn towns on each server. (A client bug does mean his texture is terrible, however. Not much we can do about this.)
    * There's also a Julbord at each of the spawn towns, so you can get 100% food, water and nutrition.
    * Santa Claus and the Julbord will stay for at least 2 weeks. The exact day on which they disappear will depend on reboot timings, so there may be a few extra days as well but we can't guarantee that.



  8. 15 hours ago, Crustyfoot said:

    BTW: This is maybe not exactly important but I noticed after this is done generating a map the files are not closed. You have to close the java applet to release the files so that for example you can look at the map with an image viewer.


    Just uploaded fixed version for this.

  9. DbQ4dDw.png


    Latest release:

    Requires Java 8.




    The map and a render of the surface will be saved to a map_<seed> directory in the same location as terraingen.jar.



    • Mountains (smooth & ridged)
    • Rivers/lakes
    • Deserts/tundra/steppe
    • Clay/peat/moss
    • Tar pits
    • Flowers
    • Regional forests
    • Regional ores
    • Fairly uniform iron distribution


    Example maps:


    Source code:

  10. It won't work with anything that modifies the existing RMI interface, not much I can do about that :/


    Edit: Actually you *might* be able to get it working by also replacing the WebInterface class in mapviewer.jar with the modified one as well, as long as it hasn't changed the methods for retrieving deed info.

  11. The checkForGrassGrowth in TilePoller has a problem if grass grows and a new flowerType of null is generated in the same call, causing a null pointer exception.


    Can be fixed by changing the flower growth part to

    	FlowerType newFlowerType = Terraforming.getRandomFlower(flowerType, false);
    	if(andFlowers && createFlowers && newFlowerType != null) {
    		flowerType = newFlowerType;
    		dataHasChanged = true;


    Stack trace

    Nov 23, 2015 12:42:35 AM com.wurmonline.server.Server run
    SEVERE: null
            at com.wurmonline.mesh.GrassData.encodeGrassTileData(
            at com.wurmonline.server.zones.TilePoller.checkForGrassGrowth(
            at com.wurmonline.server.zones.TilePoller.checkEffects(
            at com.wurmonline.server.zones.TilePoller.pollNextTile(
            at com.wurmonline.server.zones.TilePoller.pollNext(
            at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


  12. In the getChampionsFromKingdom method in the Players class, the select statement is called incorrectly.

    The ps.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()) call is causing the issue, as the SQL query only has one parameter.


    Stack trace:

    WARNING: Array index out of bounds while polling an action Jonneh due to 1
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
            at org.sqlite.core.CorePreparedStatement.batch(
            at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.setLong(
            at com.wurmonline.server.Players.getChampionsFromKingdom(
            at com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.Methods.sendRealDeathQuestion(
            at com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.HugeAltarBehaviour.action(
            at com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.HugeAltarBehaviour.action(
            at com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.Action.poll(
            at com.wurmonline.server.behaviours.ActionStack.poll(
            at com.wurmonline.server.players.Player.pollActions(
            at com.wurmonline.server.Players.pollPlayers(
            at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


  13. So is that something you would remove after using one time and out back the original?


    Like i add that to the packs? run the game once then remove it?


    I don't want to respawn flowers every time I run the game.


    Is this something that can be used on a server that is already established and has people without having to completely redo the server?


    Just a bit confused with the that an executable file i can run and just add flowers to my server?


    It's just a run once program that modifies the map, doesn't need to be added to anything, although you'll need to shut down the server while you swap out the map files.

    Needs to be run from command line (or a batch/shell script) like 'java -jar flowerspawner.jar 25'.


    You'll need to either have the in the same directory as the flowerspawner.jar or specify the entire path.

  14. As promised earlier, here's a simple Java program to add flowers to an existing map:

    Needs to be run with 3 arguments: original path, new path and percent chance for flowers on each grass tile (this can be floating point)


    If it works properly, the output should be something similar to this

    >$ java -jar flowerspawner.jar 25
    Creating flowers on existing grass with ~25% chance
    Loaded '' with size 4096
    Finished, written to ''

    Keep a backup of the original just in case anything goes wrong.


    Here's the code if anyone wants to mess around with the flower type chances etc:

  15. Just took a look at the code for naturally spawning flowers, and came across this gem:


    Whoever wrote that code either doesn't understand or forgot how Java passes references, but either way that's why there are no natural flower spawns.


    Edit: I gave someone a script that adds flowers to existing maps, I'll clean it up a little bit and post soon.

  16. This is a tool that provides a much nicer way of interfacing with RMI methods on the server. It runs as a HTTP server which provides responses in JSON format.





    Setting up

    There is an example config.json file provided in the git repository. A copy of this should be made, edited (and renamed to config.json) and placed in the same directory that you are running the API from.

    Ideally this should be run locally, given the security issues of exposing the RMI ports to external access.

    You will need to set the USE_INCOMING_RMI setting to true in the wurm.ini file for the WU server you are targetting.

    After that simply run it with the command java -jar rmi-api.jar.

    You may need to run it with elevated privileges to bind to certain ports.

    Currently the API must be restarted on server restarts, however I plan to resolve this in a future release.



    The host name of the server to connect to the RMI interface of. If you're running the API locally, this should be set to a loopback address.



    The port the RMI registry for the server is listening on. The default port is 7220.



    The password used for the servers RMI interface.



    The port that the API HTTP server will listen on.



    A password used in requests to the API. If this setting is left as an empty string then the password parameter can be omitted from requests, however this will leave the server wide open from a security standpoint unless the port the API is listening on is firewalled off.


    Example request and response



    "playerId": 19710976

    API Reference

    As this project is still a work in progress, there are still many methods that are not implemented yet. As I continue to implement more I will update this post.



    Broadcasts a given message to the event tab for all players on the server.



    message - The message to broadcast.


    Example response

    "success": true


    Gets the battle ranks for the top players.



    limit - The limit of players to retrieve the battle ranks of. Defaults to 10 if not present.


    Example response

    "ranks": {
    "Jonneh": 1000,
    "Graham": 1000


    Gets the equipment for the given player.



    id - The ID for the player to retrieve the equipment of. See /getPlayerId.


    Example response

    "items": [
    "parentId": 10092096531,
    "details": {
    "sizeX": 5,
    "sizeY": 30,
    "sizeZ": 60,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "Jonneh",
    "creationDate": "12:50:34 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "",
    "material": "birchwood",
    "id": 102511723522,
    "name": "shield",
    "quality": 50.0,
    "damage": 0.0
    "parentId": 10092094995,
    "details": {
    "sizeX": 1,
    "sizeY": 4,
    "sizeZ": 75,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "Jonneh",
    "creationDate": "12:50:34 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "",
    "material": "iron",
    "id": 102528500738,
    "name": "short sword",
    "quality": 50.0,
    "damage": 0.0


    Gets a list of all deeds on the server.



    detailed - If set to false only the deed ID and name will be retrieved. If set to true then the motto, kingdom, size (in the X direction), founder, mayor, # of citizens, # of allies, # of guards and location will also be retrieved. Defaults to false if not present.


    Example response

    "deeds": [
    "motto": "A settlement like no other.",
    "kingdom": "Freedom Isles",
    "size": 5,
    "founder": "Jonneh",
    "mayor": "Jonneh",
    "citizens": 1,
    "allies": 0,
    "guards": 0,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Newtown"


    Gets a list of friends for the given player.



    id - The ID for the player to retrieve the friends list of. See /getPlayerId.


    Example response

    "friends": {
    "Jonneh": 19710976,
    "Graham": 20032411


    Gets the inventory for the given player.



    id - The ID for the player to retrieve the inventory of. See /getPlayerId.

    detailed - If set to false only the item name, quality and damage will be present. If set to true then the size, position, owner (as a player ID), creator (as a player name), creationDate, description (renamed name) and material will also be retrieved.


    Example response

    "items": [
    "sizeX": 1,
    "sizeY": 1,
    "sizeZ": 1,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "",
    "creationDate": "14:33:19 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "",
    "material": "crystal",
    "id": 510365844482,
    "name": "emerald",
    "quality": 50.0,
    "damage": 0.0
    "sizeX": 3,
    "sizeY": 10,
    "sizeZ": 60,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "",
    "creationDate": "12:33:19 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "",
    "material": "birchwood",
    "id": 102494946306,
    "name": "hatchet",
    "quality": 10.0,
    "damage": 0.0
    "sizeX": 1,
    "sizeY": 1,
    "sizeZ": 1,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "",
    "creationDate": "12:33:19 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "Newtown",
    "material": "birchwood",
    "id": 102746604546,
    "name": "Settlement deed",
    "quality": 10.0,
    "damage": 0.0


    Get detailed information about an item.



    id - The ID for the item to retrieve information of.


    Example response

    "item": {
    "sizeX": 1,
    "sizeY": 1,
    "sizeZ": 1,
    "owner": 19710976,
    "posX": 942,
    "posY": 2752,
    "creator": "",
    "creationDate": "20:47:58 on Luck day in week 2 of the starfall of the Digging in the year of 980.",
    "description": "",
    "material": "vegetarian",
    "id": 1189507548162,
    "name": "bouquet of greenish-yellow flowers",
    "quality": 1.0,
    "damage": 10.02768


    Gets the number of players currently logged in.


    Example response

    "playerCount": 17


    Gets the ID for a player with the given name.



    name - The name for the player to retrieve the ID of.


    Example response

    "playerId": 19710976


    Retrieves the quantity of money the given player has in their bank. The quantity is given in iron coins.



    name - The name for the player to retrieve the money of.


    Example response

    "money": 10000000


    Retrieves the power level for the given player.



    id - The ID for the player to retrieve the power level of. See /getPlayerId.


    Example response

    "power": 5


    Gets the number of premium player currently logged in on the server.


    Example response

    "playerCount": 5


    Gets the current server status.


    Example response

    "status": "Up and running."


    Retrieves a list of available skills on the server.


    Example response

    "skills": [
    "id": 1024,
    "name": "Healing"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Body"
    "id": 1025,
    "name": "Clubs"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Mind"
    "id": 1026,
    "name": "Religion"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Soul"


    Retrieves the skill levels for the given player.



    id - The ID for the player to retrieve the skills of. See /getPlayerId.


    Example response

    "skills": {
    "Large axe": 1.0,
    "Staff": 1.0,
    "Prospecting": 1.0,
    "Shield smithing": 1.0,
    "Ballistae": 1.0,
    "Mining": 9.173884,
    "Traps": 1.0,
    "Carpentry": 1.0,
    "Hatchet": 1.0,
    "Animal taming": 1.0,
    "Body stamina": 99.00001,


    Retrieves a test message from the server.


    Example response

    "message": "HEj! 1447045549224"


    Retrieves the running status of the server.


    Example response

    "running": true