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About impendent

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  1. New here

    Awesome, I used to play this game a lot, I thought i would show it some love by advertising it on reddit. Although i'm not the only one doing it. Still, In my mind i'm going to call this a win. This game is tough to survive alone in, Try finding a village to help you get started. I'll warn you though, This game is addictingly fun, so be careful!
  2. I'm back.

    Thanks, but my brother DOE said the exp rates are like x30 of epic exp rates... If thats the case i wouldn't really call it grinding anymore xD
  3. I'm back.

    Hello, I'll be returning to Wurm for this new server. I'm just curious if anyone out there remembers me. I usually played on Wild server ( Long long ago), Epic (A little while), and Pristine server (Was battling Cruza for the top blacksmith position). In game names ( I think) TheTylerLee Impendent ImSoPvP Mynor (Possibly) Brutality Whiplash I doubt anyone will remember me, since i cannot even remember my own account names =] Either way, Monthly resets seems amazing to me, So i need to check this out.
  4. Wow, Well anyways i just remembered he is on release
  5. Wow, Thankyou guys alot. What caused the price raise ?
  6. Ill check back in a bit and see who is buying, Ill pick the most trusted member and then we will trade! (Yes i have quit, No i have not logged in since i quit, This is my brothers coin, And he is using your hard earned cash for runescape.) Love all my wurmians, TheTylerLee
  7. i hope i didnt give anyone ideas with my first post...
  8. Im pretty sure instead of this 1. There is a 50% chance every hour to create a rare/legendary/fantastic item. (let's shorten them to RLF). Confirmed It should be this... 1. Rare Roll's Average to about one per Its not "You can only have one rare roll an hour" or "You can only get one rare an hour" And waiting an hour (doing nothing) Does not increase your rare chance for the next hour EDIT : as for this 4.Combining rare items (such as 2 rare ores) might maintain their rarity or might make them loose their rarity. Still requires feedback and testing ( I will use this opportunity to combine some RLF lead ores). Unconfirmed. Ive combined NON rare iron lump, With a rare lump, And kept it rare, Ive did this tons of times Also, Combining a Rare Lump with a rare lump does not guarnatee it to stay rare, So i wouldnt waste it like that, Id use one rare , one non rare (seems about 50% - maybe a little less That it combines rare) as for number 10 Ive got 4 rare needles, And two of them were from the last piece of rare lump I used 1kg lumps, and used a total of about 10kg of rare lump
  9. I want to build gate in a mine. +1
  10. Unfortunatly, the game wont run unless its disabled.. I have a terrible computer Anyways ill pm you the logs shortly
  11. Ever since the new rare animation Ive been having issues with crash's, Every time i get a rare roll (Which is 20-30 times per day) (Multiple accounts) The client which got the rare roll crashes I tested this only running one client, And even still it crashed I have optimized the lowest settings , So im all out of ideas.
  12. So, Because this doesnt effect you personally its a useless idea? I agree with The OP There should be a better way to breed trolls. Maybe on Epic/Chaos only?
  13. Hunting server, Pvp only, No deeds aloud, Mobs spawn fast and in groups, Gives less FS on this server