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  1. we also provide building services and terra-forming services!
  2. Hollow Oak Exports looking for jobs! We deal with most matts and in bulk. We also weaponsmith, blacksmith, and armor smith. We can deliver to other servers but for a reasonable fee. Prices for our bulk services are as follows: Clay 1s/1k mortar 3s/1k stone bricks 2s/1k wood planks 2s/1k small nails 2s/1k large nails 2s/1k fence bars 3s/100 ribbon bands 1s/100 floor boards 1s/100 large crates 15c per crate If you don't see what your looking for just ask and we will check if we offer that product. order by commenting down below or sending a message to Maxiums. Happy wurming!!
  3. ah thank you for that information
  4. accessing the game standalone. not sure if it duplicates on steam. yes trying to get to the premium shop so i can purchase premium on my character there is no shop button only a button to go to the silver shop at least from the drop down menu in the game
  5. on guidance when you go to the shop all you can access is the silver shop and not the premium shop. If this is a bug it would be nice to have fixed if its not a bug it still would be nice to have to buy and pay for your premium while on guidance instead of having to travel all the way to new dawn to buy it at a token. thank you for your time.