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  1. I am requesting that the original Survival mod get updated to 1.9 . Coldies version is great, but cant really use with temp damage on, because you overheat and boil very fast during spring,summer, and fall and you cant get cooled off. I am totally willing to donate or pay someone to update it. Please!
  2. I have done some testing with Coldies variation of survival mod, the higher the temp source factor value is the slower you get boiling hot, also the less distance the heat from campfires and forges go. Tempsource factor also doesnt seem to affect how fast you get cold when not near fire, that seems to be completely controlled by difficulty setting. i would recommend setting temp source factor to 15000+ at least during summer and maybe adjust it back to around 5000 during winter if needed. elevation will probably only control how cold you can get. you will still heat up at a certain rate controlled by tempsource factor. possible best thing to do while playing is do your smithing at night and winter *After more testing this seems to only help a little, still hard not to over heat when the normal temperature outside is high. Not sure overheating is avoidable unless there is a way added to turn that off.