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About Bignerd

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  1. Yes, I imagine you would destroy the Platform Pulley Mount wall to put in the wall type that you actually want there once the rest of the level is finnished.
  2. It can be a pain in the butt to make a multi-story building especially when you have to keep going down to the first level for more materials. I suggest a new interactive wall type called Platform Pulley Mount that would have 2 Wood Beams jetting out from the building with Pulleys at the end. Rope would be used to raise and lower a platform that can be loaded with crates. Materials: Use Hammer and Wall Plan to create 2x Wood Beam 2x Pulley 2x Thick Rope 1x Wagoner Container (for added difficulty and realism) +2 Thick Rope per level starting at level 3 Use: Load Crates onto platform just like you normally would with a wagoner container on the ground outside the building Go up to the level where the Pulley Mount is located Right click Platform Pulley Mount > Click Raise Platform Crates can then be Unloaded to player position by Right click Platform Pulley Mount > Click Unload Here To bring the platform back to the ground Right click Platform Pulley Mount > Click Lower Platform
  3. Please allow us to pave packed dirt with metal sheets.
  4. I would like to see a Cartography Skill with which players can create an updatable map. I imagine this could be done by planting a Range Pole activating a Dioptra and using it on Paper/Papyrus while looking at the Range Pole and having a Pen with Ink or Dye in the inventory.
  5. [1994, 1492] - Nerdvana, deed