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About Jackworkforsilver

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  1. wts shaft rosewood 45ql , shaft raspberrywood,41 ql and branch rosewood,47ql for 1,5 ql each Encore, Cadence fee without delivery (if i can manage to navigate the map)
  2. have some ash too i know a lot of furnace nearby that long not to be cleaned Here my location on cadence 2656, 3031 or i u can invite me to your settlement so i can teleport there and begin to work your order If have easy access to a portal so i can get back when the job done
  3. can do planks and shaft have small nails, but all at low ql cant deliver since i am free player, only can use small cart my place is at encore village, right at the mine entrance Breaxes #5312 here my discord if you interested Looking forward to work with you!
  4. Looking to work with someone that need building materials Breaxes#5312 here my discord Looking forward to work for you