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About Belkin

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  1. Category: Cozy Ranches and Farms New Bacon Stables - Port of New Bacon - (Cadence Q22 - Ragequit Sound) Sheep/Ram Pens Horse Pen/Stable Farm Equipment Yard Vegetable Garden
  2. Category: Place of Business New Bacon Cathedral - Port of New Bacon - (Cadence Q22 - Ragequit Sound) Dusk - Front Entry View from Southwest Interior Worship/Sermon Area View From Northwest Arrival into Port of New Bacon (from Southeast) - Cathedral in Background
  3. Category : Wacky & Wild Ragequit Bridge - Cadence This is a 175 Tile long (700 meters, or 2,296.5 feet) , Seven Section Bridge w/ 6 man-made islands. Spans between R22 and R23 over Ragequit Sound in Southeast Cadence. Max Water Depth 205 Dirt. Four Colossus shown on the center section (Colossus of Rage, Colossus of Rant, Colossus of Rave, and Colossus of Bob). Full View From North Full View from South East Coast Access w/Chessboard
  4. A few Updates: 3016, 3141 Happy Bottom (Deed) Highways: 2717, 3074 to 2795, 3074 2886, 3074 to 2927, 3074 2927,3044 to 2975, 3044 2927, 3044 to 2927, 3108 to 2947, 3130 to 3047, 3130 to 3047, 3192 to 3086, 3192 3012,3130 to 3012, 3183 to 3008, 3193 to 3008, 3245 Bridges: East Encore Bridge: 2795, 3074 to 2886, 3074 (Incomplete) Ragequit Bridge: 3086, 3192 to 3263, 3192
  5. So as an update... The Encore Bay Bridge has been completed and the Highway from Encore to New Haven has been activated! A special shout-out to east-coasters for helping lighting it up, install the guardrails, and pave the islands!
  6. Cadence Developers! - The Encore Bridge project is well underway which will connect The South and East Coasts with The North and West. This project circumvents the mountain range. There are three small bridge sections remaining and the last island is being completed. The O19/O20 Canal - Ship passage needs to start connecting the inland seas and allow for boat travel between Encore and Sonata. This will allow for market development/seaport connections along the shorelines. Keep up the development. You can PM Belkin in-game for updates!
  7. Hello Sonata Road builders! There is a small group of infrastructure builders on the East and South side of Encore that have slowly been connecting up this end. There is a large mountain range limiting our connection to Encore...but all of that is about to change! There is currently a large Bridge engineering project underway on the east side of Encore by the Friends of Cadence Alliance that will allow linkage across the island. Stay tuned for updates!
  8. New Bacon is ACTUALLY located at 3050,3140...It was my error...I apologize.