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About Ayaana

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  1. Beautiful ❤️ each video was amazingly done, and congrats on the expanding team!
  2. Very good idea! +1 from me.
  3. I'm starting to feel disheartened as well. Gave info to Demona at beginning of December, and GLoot is still nowhere. Not the Wurm teams' fault but still rather upsetting.
  4. Same, I was planning on investing it right back into the game anyway 🙂 Hope you hear from them soon Demona
  5. Just wanted to say thank you, & no matter on placement - all the deeds entered were/are incredibly well made. I am just as shocked to have won first, but I am thankful. ❤️
  6. Category : Wacky & Wild The "Wilted Sanctum" is a church/sanctuary built for the love of the forest, but with an aura of eeriness about it. A place for peace. Located at P25 on Harmony. Built with teamwork, & decorated with love.
  7. I cannot care for my animals properly.. thank the gods my starving seals don't need to be hand fed anymore, Id never find them.. Should have be able to disable like other seasonal effects... Not good for us who spend our days on the farm tending to the animals. Poor testing/planning.
  8. please add - Wilted Sanctum @ 1328, 864
  9. Wood Witch Overlook 1290, 874