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About Tampa

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  1. I'd agree for the second option, there are a lot of people that can't stand the blinking. Since Myspace, blinking text should be avoided. I realize it may be a hassle but this should be an option for people to disable the blinking if they need to.
  2. I also missed the 5 hour sleep bonus, partly my fault - partly his. But for my opinion, I agree with the majority here. He uses the forums for his merchant page, I'm sure he knows that community events are posted on the same forum. He didn't want to participate, so I'll choose not to trade with him.
  3. Hey Nordlys, you mentioned earlier in the thread you wouldn't add the highways until the map dumps are released. Do we expect that soon?
  4. Hi - I'm part of Port Crescendo that's already added. We have built a road to Encore (currently adding catseyes) and we are close to finishing one to Sonata (also pending catseyes). The highways will look something like this...