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About ZealotSE

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  1. I'll take supreme stone fountain, gonna try to contact you in game to arrange pickup.
  2. Sold for private buyout, can be closed
  3. Could you cod all easter eggs to Lordzmielot please?
  4. It is up to players to build safe zones, wooden fences can be bashed easily especially if few players do it...
  5. Just asked but its no problem for me, stuff if yours then
  6. Could you cod 2x HoTS small banners to Lordzmielot and rest to Gerboa please? Sharing is cool
  7. I noticed same thing for creating cheese, at 90dfm skill and 97ql sup cheese drill I had 1,2s action timer, now it takes 3,8s, over 3 times longer.
  8. Want to auction this amazing lurking 4+1 speed black silver newborn. Starting bid: 50 s Increment (minimum): 1 s Private bids accepted, may accept private buyout offer No reserve No sniper protection
  9. Good idea, information about buffs/debuffs and spells granded from each item could be also included on that list.
  10. Speed limit

    I noticed that my movement speed is not calculated correctly, im slowed down before reaching said weight, I dont know if its because of rounding numbers up or what but accuracy of the said limit is 0.5kg and I decided to post it. 100% speed limit 75% speed limit 25% speed limit
  11. Great news! Another anvil has chance to return to the owner.