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About Lairdjoker

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  1. Ah, the conundrum of a game caught in the crossroads of financial viability and player satisfaction, a true dilemma worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy. To pay or not to pay, that is the question! Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous microtransactions, or to take arms against a sea of change, and by opposing, end them? Imagine, if you will, a virtual realm where Wurmites gather 'round, their avatars adorned in virtual armor, debating the very essence of their beloved realm. "To evolve or not to evolve?" they ponder, as the game's coffers grow leaner by the digital minute. Some cry foul at the mere whisper of pay-to-win, while others scoff at the very notion of parting with their hard-earned coin. Oh, the dance of compromise, where developers and devotees must find common ground, like star-crossed lovers seeking harmony in a pixelated universe. Shall we weather the storm of discontent, knowing that change is but the harbinger of progress? Or shall we retreat to our safe havens of nostalgia, clinging to the familiar embrace of an old, albeit less sustainable, world? And so, Wurm's fate hangs in the balance, a tale of swords, pixels, and player-driven destiny. With wallets and allegiances as diverse as the lands they traverse, only time will reveal the path chosen – the evolution of Wurm or its poignant stasis. TLDR : Are we willing to let the game die rather than give up any ground? We are going to need to comprimise at some point as sadly 'no touchy' or just add more ways to buy silver will not work. No changes ➔ Game losing money ➔ Game's demise ➔ Unexpected surge in vitamin D levels throughout community.
  2. feedback

    We need to be careful and make sure we are not getting into the mentality of unless you were there during the 'Great Spider Exodus of 72' or the '1993 Impalong' your opinions are inherently weaker. To be honest, all of this feels very…not Wurm. I am going to have to break out some old school ‘Saturday Night Factional Fight’ to remind myself why I started playing Wurm!
  3. feedback

    The issue of implementing changes in the community has been a recurring challenge, that has always ridked evoking mixed reactions from members. There does seem to be two distinct camps among us. On one side, there are those who advocate for change, believing that regular updates and improvements are vital to keep the game fresh and engaging for everyone viewing change as an opportunity for growth and a means to attract/retain new players. Conversely, we also have members who are apprehensive about any alterations to the game's mechanics and dynamics. For them, the fear of seems to stem from the concern that it might diminish the value of their past achievements. They've invested time and effort into mastering the current gameplay, and worry that changes could undermine their hard-earned accomplishments. This unfortunatly lead to the massive decline post steam release. Don't get me wrong, been playing for many many years on and off and I feel quite protective over keeping the core elements of this game safe...even though I hate grinding but these are what make Wurm the game it is. (all my opinion) Anyway rather than getting into my take on current affairs as I think most are on the same page in the community I think the number one coversation is to understand how we keep the lights/servers on for the same amount of years going forward as we have behind us without breaking the core values of the game.
  4. lol as much as I love you using my analogy back at me as I was not fully committed to it as an example, it’s not was I was getting at. If this was a bug I was complaining about then fair enough, unfair advantage and such. But it’s not, it was a game mechanic. Now people can argue that it was wrong but it has been there longer than most have been playing so my issue is with moving of the goal posts after the fact people have spent the cash with no consultation or even talk with community. In the end I guess it doesn't matter. I have seen countless bugs reported on here going back that have had no acknowledgement. Perhaps I should be raising in game support as that have always been great. Moreover, its clear that amount of back and forth on here will not achieve anything as it is just forum PVP (least it’s balanced) so I will now disappear back into my mob-less forest, people will decide in time when their prem runs out so we will see what happens in Oct.
  5. No, I work with others but the restrictions put in place mean that I need to have multiple accounts in order to compete. It is part of the game as per design, not an exploit and most likely paid a large amount towards the steam release as so many on the older servers ran multiple accounts. I am all for people getting in bother who exploit but I am not for equality of outcome. Everyone had the same opportunity previously to have alts if they wanted them. Some people want to play casual and that is fine but others will want to put in time/money to enjoy the game and have done for years. Punishing them now after spending money is not a good model. Would be like buying a car knowing it had four wheels then them telling you after driving it that they were taking one back…you would be annoyed. Perhaps the answer is to keep these new rules to these lands and allow others to transfer back to the older system on older clusters. Either way they need to be careful as steam users are a fickle bunch and the next game will be out soon, after that all you will have to fall back on is the users that you had previously a lot of whom have been posting in these topics.
  6. Just on what others are saying you aren’t paying to 'win at pvp', this game is built around it and could be argued that the devs are trying to get people to buy extra accounts. Especially when the idea is to keep up with everyone to be competitive. Sure, people will say then work with people but who? Most groups are already established and others are just toxic. In the end, I personally was not demanding a can't but really trying to get conversation or something at least. What are my options really? Leave PVP? I guess, but I re-joined to be able to play in Wurm PVP that was not yet established? There is a ton of rage but nothing from dev team, lack of communication is the cause of this as speculation breeds discontent and debates between those who play the game in one-way vs another.
  7. Can we get more information in regards to if there will be the option for refunds? We never fully got to the point of linking but it sounds to me that this system is not going to be in a decent place anytime soon with all the experienced players kicking off. Although I do see the issue it is not like devs should have been unaware of a mechanic that has been in the game for so long and should have been addressed at launch. Instead we have a fully unbalanced pvp server now, priests, sleep bonus bugs and mob migration. As a returning player over the years I really want this game to do well, it’s a great game with a fun community but when buying a product, you would think you would get what you bought. Not 'exploits' sure remove, ban whatever but game mechanics. In the end not everyone can have multiple characters or can afford it but on the other hand how much money has alts brought into this game over the years? As mentioned previously this game has always had retention issues short of the super loyal knee jerk reactions can only hinder it more.
  8. This needs to be looked at as on defiance we are massivly stuggling to find even basic animals to gain FS. Meanwhile all other kingdoms are having the mobs come to them lol. I have mentioned this in a few places and have been told 'it's always been that way' or 'just move'. As you can imagine HoTS moving into JK and MR territory just to get basic FS when they have had free reign to gain is just stupid and is starting to ruin the experiance for a number of players.
  9. Fully agree with above. A good majority of the people that will have been gained via steam are a fickle bunch. Although over the years myself and friends have had fun playing the game it has never catered towards retention very well. Now that does not mean that the game should be simplified or anything, but, knee jerk nerfs when anything shows any sign of being faster is not the anwser. This is the first time I made alts in years and regret it massivly just now, trying to keep up with others on pvp so I can enjoy but this constant moving of the goal posts when others have already gained from it is poor form. There is already issues with mob spawns so certain indivduals are gaining now this. I am starting to think that this game is still not ready for focusing pvp yet.
  10. Something will need to be put in place I think. Honestly if I had the option just now I would want a refund (for my alts). The game sadly seems to be those in the know vs new. Don't get me wrong, knowledge is power but I just learnt about linking and not exploit version that seems to have been happening. With this, a few of my group decided to get additional prem chars (2-3). Now with us coming to the end of the faith grind and looking to priest these chars this comes along and nerfs the process. Rather than fix the issue with the exploit it shanks anyone who is just trying to get a foothold like others. I am aware that they are looking for a middle ground but that does not solve the problem that this game is based on grinding and changes like this will have a lasting impact on a player base that honestly is already pretty fragile.