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Everything posted by Bloodreina

  1. What about merge the two clusters and brand this as the "exploration update" since we'll all have a whole new cluster to "explore"?
  2. Thank you for organizing this and making it public! I'll sure be there!
  3. Just pointing out that there may be a bit of conflict between the rift and the slaying, as in the rift will probably not be closed by the time the slaying should start...
  4. Also, since I decided to stop playing / take a break 'till the clusters will be merged (if ever), I will stop checking the forums too. So I'd appreciate if you'd focus on the discussion at hand and not on my person. Anyway, even if you'll do the former, I won't be here to replay, so don't assume that I run out of arguments or anything, but just out of interest.
  5. That's not about me, but if you insist... I always loved the game, but I was constantly disappointed about the emptiness of the world and the lack of social interactions. It is one of the very best games that I ever played, but also one of the games where I felt most lonely. Yes, I did tried finding friends, and, generally, a community on NFI and I failed. Most people that reached out to me were from SFI and while I didn't had the chance to talk too much with them, they did sound nice and helpful. However, considering I do have more than three years of both premium time and upkeep on NFI, I really didn't felt like spending even more money to create a new avatar on SFI. And even if I would, I would still only have access to a limited number of events (those on SFI). Hence, I started this, hoping that I could eventually travel to SFI and end up meeting more people, participate in more events and so on. Seeing the reaction and realizing that it won't happen I decided to vote with my wallet and with my time and stop playing the game until (if ever) the two clusters will be reunited because I am simply unhappy with the amount of people / events on the NFI alone and I don't understand why I can't experience all the events and explore the whole world (without paying two subscriptions and splitting my time) because of the greed of some hardcore traders. And yeah, I may be a bit jumpy, coming and going in what seems like a whim as you said. But I think it's an absolutely normal thing for someone of my age to not stay glued to a game that feel stale, lonely and boring. And if you want Wurm to survive and flourish, you have to consider the needs of the people in the younger generations and at least try to cater to them too by having more events, more interactive content, etc. And it's really not about me here. I am just a single person and not a very important one for that matter so feel free to ignore me. But still, if you want Wurm to grow or even survive another 15 years, you can't ignore the specifics of the younger people/generations and/or expect them to behave like 40+ years old people.
  6. I also voted with my wallet, cancelled my subscription and uninstalled the game.
  7. I do agree that I'm a very small minority. I may even be one of the kind weirdo in this regard. But that is totally unrelated with our discussion. Yeah, my assumption (which I don't claim is necessarily correct) is that most people see games as entertainment options for which they're comfortable paying (like a Netflix subscription, or a movie night, or a restaurant dinner, or whatever). So yeah, my assumption is that most players are comfortable buying their silvers with RL$ that they make at their RL jobs then use said silvers to buy whatever they need in game (deeds, items, enchants, etc). As I said, I don't claim that I'm necessarily right. I just think I might be. Hence what I would like to see is an ingame poll where all players (or all premium players if you prefere so) can vote. Only then we (including the devs) will know for sure what the majority actually wants. Then, having the numbers at their fingertips, the devs could make an educated decision, because at this moment all we say here are just speculations.
  8. Not only chatting, but participate to more events (more rifts, more uniques slayings, more impalongs, etc). The average player, who is actually a consumer, not a producer, would greatly benefit from the economy merge. Yeah, sure, you and a few other hardcore players on the NFI cluster, would lose, but I'm quite sure that you are a minority (although I admit, a very vocal one). But, dunno, maybe I'm wrong and you're in fact a majority. But who would be hurt if a poll (similar to the one done for Pristine and Release) would be done so the actual interest could be (accurately) measured and not just assumed by one side or the other.
  9. I'm not sure why you see it as negative. I imagine that some news like "Vox Populi, Vox Dei! Seeing a masive interess in this direction on an online petition, CodeClub AB, the company behind the Wurm Online game, decided to let their players shape the fate of the game further more, by organizing an in-game poll and letting the players decide by themselves if they want to merge their two clusters or stay separated." would be a great advertising to the game, not something negative by showing some developers that actually deeply listen to the desires of their players (even more than to the desires of their shareholders). If you want to think at negative advertising, don't look at my petition, but at the terrible mess with the last contest prizes... THAT is bad advertising.
  10. Actually the idea behind using for petition was a loong shot that if it gets enouhg traction it can eventually make it to the game news sites and also generate more exposure to the game. A long shot indeed (and apparently one that did failed), but I thought it's worth at least trying.
  11. At the bare minimum have a vote on NFI alone (if you want), like it was done on Pristine/Release back when they were a separate cluster. My gut is telling me that the vast majority of players would enjoy and benefit a merge (more places to explore, more people to know, more events to partake to, generally more options for anything, plus cheaper prices and wider access for most items). The only people who would not benefit from it would be the very few uber traders that monopolized the market on NFI and are selling their wares at inflated prices compared with SFI. The problem is that they're usually also the most active players on the forums, so they sound like they're a majority, when, instead, they're just a vocal minority. Have a vote and see for real what the (silent) majority of players wishes.
  12. It's about time to merge NFI and SFI islands so we can be one crew (wonkru) community once again and allow us to interact with all our friends, no matter where they live in the Wurm World. Sign the petition that I started on today! Link:
  13. Started a pettition to have NFI and SFI merged so I can attend.
  14. Thank you for making this public!
  15. Thank you for organizing this; I'll be there.
  16. Created two small outpost deeds, one on Harmony, one on Cadence, directly opposite from my main deed on Melody, so I can just cross servers and get a summon to events, then use karma to return to my local deed, then cross servers again to return to the main deed.
  17. I'm well aware that most people will either ignore this thread, or go straight defensive and start attacking me. And that's OK. I still feel that what I have to say is important and I want to say it. I know most of you like to say that Wurm's community it's one of its strongest assets. And, up to a point, it really is a nice community, much more mature and less toxic than many other communities (not saying there are no trolls here too, but way less than in other places). Yet, while not toxic, it is definitely not very vibrant or helpful either. Actually (and I apologize if this offends any one) it feels like it is made of some of the most self centered people in any of the games that I played far now, where pretty much everyone (again with a very few exceptions) is only focusing on their actions and are hardly interested in what the other people are doing. I am a social player. I like to chat with fellow players and participate to group activities. And Gods know that I did tried to find people to socialize with in game. And here are a few examples: - Tried to start an alliance here - no answers whatsoever - and when that failed tried to join an alliance here - no answers whatsoever - or at least meet my neighbors here - no answers whatsoever - Tried to look for a mentor here - no answers whatsoever - or friends here - no answers whatsoever - or fellow Romanian/Moldavian players here - no answers whatsoever On top of that I was always active (and I consider that I was also nice and positive most of the times) both on server chat and on discord. Yet all my efforts show low to no success. The freedom chat is radio silent for the most part of the day. With one or two exceptions people in my friends list never message me unless I message them first (I honestly can't remember when was the last time when someone in my FL checked out on me to just see how my day was). I consider myself a nice and positive person and in most games that I've played I had tons of friends and there are games where I stopped actively playing years ago, but when I log from time to time to check how things are, my screen lights like a Christmas tree from all the messages that I get. So I really don't consider that I am the problem. Still, here, I completely failed. Or, maybe, the "online" part of Wurm Online failed me. Anyhow, I end up feeling almost completely alone. And it honestly s***s, up to the point where it end up being one of my worst (if not the worst) experiences and feelings I had in all the MMORPGs that I played before. I still love the "Wurm" part of Wurm Online, so I'll probably keep playing it (to a certain degree), but I'm honestly done trying to make the "Online" part work for me. Why should you care about my stupid rant? Maybe because there are other (new) players that feel just like me and quit the game in silence. Maybe because you share a tiny bit of fault why Wurm is just a small niche game with a very high churn rate. It's easy to blame the developers for their decisions (or lack of), but maybe it's not entirely their fault and we all share a part of this fault. In my case it was not the Wurm part, but the Online part of Wurm Online that failed me...
  18. Casual players like me who don't play enough to burn all our SB so it doesn't overflow. I play on average between one and two hours per day and between the SB gained from sleeping (close to one hour per day), from missions and from the occasional rites, it's happening quite frequently to not be able to burn in a day enough to not have waste/overflow from next day gains. And yeah a lower efficiency is waaaaay better than wasting it completely. And, actually, from what Kenan said, I think we are exactly the target group for this mechanic, not people abusing powders. Not really. First of all it's not 5 hrs a week, but 7 hrs a week (so one hour per day on average) presuming you don't only log once per week. Second you didn't accounted from extra SB gained from missions or rites, which only add to that. And that without getting me started about all the extra ways of getting SB on the PVP servers. Finally, you assumed that all your time is spent grinding / with SB on, while, in reality a fair share of time is spent not grinding / watching an action bar and during those times when you're not grinding I assume SB is off, so is not taking time from those 7+ hours per week. So this is beneficial to any player who doesn't spend more than seven hours per week grinding (and potentially even to those who spend a bit more than that because of the extra SB from mission/rites), and yeah, I do tend to believe that's the vast majority of the players. Before the changes, caffeine was, basically, a win more mechanic (people who afforded to abuse powders got even more bang from their bucks), no it acts as a catchup mechanic so the casuals can get more from their limited play time and stand a chance to somehow catchup with the more hardcore player instead of wasting their SB due to overflow.
  19. So, that's what I managed to achieve in one month (30 days) of /playtime. That means one year of real life time for a casual player playing an average two hours per day or two years of real life time for a casual player playing an average of one hour per day. I did everything without using any external help (I only used mats that I gathered myself, tools that I crafted and imped myself and absolutely no enchants) and while I did paid for my premium time with RL$ the deed setting and upkeep was pretty much paid with earned money (not doing bulk orders, but just selling my rares and the occasional coins from foraging or whatever) and I even made a small profit. Sure, things could have been done better and I'm sure some other people could have achieved much more, while other could have done considerably worse. I won't comment if what I managed to achieve is much, less or appropriate for this time interval - that was not my goal. My goal was to just give a casual player an idea (not necessarily a very accurate one, but at least a general one) of what he could achieve in this timeline by playing casually. From this point forward is up to any (new) player to decide if Wurm is the kind of game for them. As far as it concerns me, this is my last public post regarding my fails, struggles and adventures. I will still be around and I will still keep playing, but I'll keep my businesses to my own and I will cut down on public postings or interactions because if that's one thing where Wurm failed me it was this one. Over'n'out!
  20. February 3th, 2022 [15:11:40] You have played 30 days, 0 hours and 0 minutes. So here I am, at my ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY and here's a new (and probably final) activity report. What's new Main objective: I finally managed to reach that long desired level 11 on the Path of Knowledge, so starting now all my skill gains (except fighting) will be increased with 25%. It was a big goal of mine and finally reaching it does indeed feel like a big achievement. Other objectives: - Took events in two public events (one on Melody and one on Harmony), and since the travel took a lot of time and I almost got lost, I took the decision to establish two tiny deeds (minimal size ones, 1s per month upkeep cost) both on Cadence and Harmony, right across from me, so in the future travelling to those servers will be a five minutes business and when I'll eventually get to level 12 on the Path of Knowledge (which requires 80 meditation skill) I'll have a fast away to travel to all events (cross to the server where it takes place, asking a nice priest already at the event for a summon, then, once it's done Recall Home and just cross back home). Theoretically I could already do that using karma teleport, but unfortunately karma is not an infinite resource, so doing my best to push for that 80 meditation skill level. - As I said in my previous post, I eventually dropped bisons from my small breeding project, but the horses and donkeys ones are going decently fine. I have four pairs of wild horse and three born foals (unfortunately all born only with miscellaneous traits) and on the donkeys I already replaced seven out of the eight wild ones with own foals, and I already managed to get a male that has one draft trait and a female that has on speed and one draft trait (rest of them only have miscellaneous traits). Nothing impressing, but making progresses. - Also on the animal husbandry front, I managed to raise my skill over 55, which means not only that I can now see all traits (requires 53 skill), but that (in theory) I could get animals with four speed traits (20+15+10+10=55) or with the three useful draft traits (20+20+15=55). Next milestone 65 skill, so I can (in theory) get animals with four draft traits too. - I also continued what I started last month and managed to replace most (if not all) of my tools and improve them to 35+ QL (it was a real challenge finding a marble vein for improving my baking stone and mortal and pestle, but other than that it was a relatively smooth ride that also gave me nice skill gains. - Dredged some of the mess in my north perimeter, then used the gather dirt to raise 23 new tiles of land out of the water; still a long way to go, but again, at least some progress is made. - I achieved one more milestone regarding characteristics and body control is now above 30 (31.12). - Talking about skill gains, I finally managed to go over skill level 30 in fighting, and together with my (slightly) improved weapon, I can actually start to be able to hold my own against many mobs (like wolves, bears, crabs, spiders and even the occasional crocodiles or turtles) which definitely feels nice. Probably there were a few other (small) achievements, but that's the one I noted down. Also, in terms of skill gains milestones, here are the ones worth mentioning: - Got to characteristic level 30 in body control - Got to skill level 50 in archaeology - Got to skill level 40 in restoration - Got to skill level 40 in fine carpentry - Got to skill level 30 in stone cutting - Got to skill level 30 in fighting What I have achieved so far (from the start) - Managed to set my deed on the spot that I dreamed at ever since day one. - Managed to set two additional, minimum size, base of operation deeds on both Cadence and Harmony, right across my main deed. - Built four guard towers on the corners of my deed (and one more on the old deed), so I can keep the predators at bay. - Crafted a set of basic tools to replace the starting ones that I dropped on day one, and after my return replaced them all and improved them to 35+ quality. - Crafted a set of leather armor and a weapon so I no longer walk around in undergarments. - Built a small shed, with a bed inside, so I can start getting sleep bonus. - Learned to make coffee so I can get ten extra minutes of sleep bonus every day. - Joined a religion (so I can enjoy follower bonuses), made an altar, and leveled my faith to 30. - Started to meditate, joined Path of Love and reached level ten, got to skill level 70, then switched to Path of Knowledge where I'm at level 11 now, which means extra 25% gains on all skills besides fighting. - Got to 21 body control (so I can ride horses), 23 body strength (so I can load items) and 30 mind logic (so I can queue three actions instead of two); also got to 30 body strength so I'll no longer be a leacher if I'll attend any more dragons slayings (although this will probably not happen again since all the travel takes too much time for a casual player). - Crafted a small sailing boat, a rowboat and three large carts (one fully equipped with rafts and another one fully equipped with large crates) so I can move freely across the map. - Crafted a corbita and load it with about 30 large crates (so I left space for a BSB, a FSB and a few rafts) so I can carry bulk goods across the map. (unfortunately the crates got lost during my travel to the realm of shadows so I'll have to recraft them) - Crafted quite a few FSBs and BSBs (about 30 totally), a small barrel rack and about a dozen small barrels, as well as some large crates to store my mats (sorting them based on ql already). - Crafted a forge (so I can smelt my ores), an oven (so I can cook my meals), two larders (so I can store my food), and a few bee hive (to capture the bees from a wild hive found on my deed). - Crafted a spirit castle and had a friend come over and enchant it. - Resumed my horse, donkeys and mules breeding project. Characteristics and relevant skills Characteristics (all of them): - Mind: 31.56 (was 30.40) --- Mind logic: 39.13 (was 37.68) --- Mind speed: 20.96 (was 20.85) - Soul: 26.07 (was 25.67) --- Soul depth: 29.68 (was 29.14) --- Soul strength: 24.06 (was 23.92) - Body: 38.29 (was 36.89) --- Body strength: 35.53 (was 34.52) --- Body stamina: 30.59 (was 30.11) --- Body control: 31.12 (was 29.71) Skills (all those above 30): - Archaeology: 50.22 (was 46.65) --- Restoration: 44.43 (was 39.10) - Climbing: 38.49 (was 38.02) - Pottery: 31.03 (no change) - Mining: 52.62 (was 51.86) - Digging: 87.07 (was 85.96) - Smithing: 35.30 (was 31.51) --- Blacksmithing: 48.68 (was 45.27) - Tailoring: N/A --- Cloth tailoring: 38.01 (was 33.20) - Masonry: 58.35 (was 55.55) --- Stone cutting: 33.61 (NEW) - Nature: 54.75 (was 54.13) --- Gardening: 50.83 (was 50.78) --- Foraging: 55.33 (was 55.31) --- Botanizing: 46.94 (was 46.93) --- Farming: 36.46 (no change) --- Meditating: 74.44 (was 72.63) --- Animal husbandry: 55.14 (was 52.27) - Fighting: 39.12 (NEW) --- Aggressive fighting: 45.33 (was 42.67) - Miscellaneous items: 63.55 (was 61.81) --- Shovel: 64.28 (was 64.27) --- Pickaxe: 56.18 (was 55.37) --- Repairing: 58.21 (was 56.31) --- Hammer: 34.97 (was 32.92) --- Stone chisel: 38.65 (was 32.68) - Axes: 38.01 (was 37.89) --- Hatchet: 35.59 (was 35.45) - Knives: N/A --- Butchering knife: 33.61 (was 31.72) - Woodcutting: 57.26 (was 57.20) - Carpentry: 73.05 (was 71.11) --- Fine carpentry: 41.05 (was 36.65) --- Ship building: 34.60 (no change) Deed plan Deed plan:
  21. Katzenkorb and Port Dread disbanded.
  22. Thank you a lot for organizing this and making it public!
  23. Thank you for organizing this! Will you do summons?
  24. Please wait at least 'till weekend (like five more days) since last weekend was another global cast and it's not possible to switch religions and get the SB for the new one earlier than one week.