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Posts posted by Vessel

  1. 4 hours ago, MordosKull said:

    I can concur that wurm audio is strange. If I switch audio outputs (like from headset to speakers or vice versa), there is no sound. If I want to switch outputs, I need to quit game, switch, then log back in. Sometimes my volume mixer also loses control of wurm sound. I don't have these problems with anything else but wurm.


    Maybe it's related to your issues?


    Minecraft also got that issue so I assume it's a java thing. Especially frustrating because some minecraft modpacks can take like 15 minutes to boot

  2. 2 hours ago, Jindala said:

    Thank you for organising/announcing Sinn!


    All travelers coming "just to pray": Consider if this island at the servers border can make your travels/prayers easier:



    This is sweet. With Vynora you can pray in water, though. All you have to do is locate a tile right below you(which may take some fiddling) and pray. You can pray while swimming no problem.


    Your thing is still very useful for libilla and mag. Their pray tiles are a bit complicated

  3. 2 hours ago, DevBlog said:

    For example, you may now queue multiple sowing actions using a satchel containing seeds.


    2 hours ago, DevBlog said:

    Fixed the hitbox of the hide button on the Main Menu.

    Big if true


  4. I think this is also broken. "squares of Q12 and ." The intent was to have another square there, yes? Or is it like map smudges, intended to throw off?

    Also would've made those guard towers clues ever so more tolerable becasue as it stands right now these are incredibly difficult. (on test, on live those should be way easier)






  5. I think this is a bug. Spamming "forage" repetitively on the same "picked clean" tile still awards the casket.

    Seeing how on live this will be tied to rare rolls will probably not work there, but Im not sure, so Im reporting this anyway.

    Either way for now it's a decent way to cheat yourself some maps. You welcome, fellow testers lol.


  6. 1 hour ago, Tukodama said:

    I would also be alright with a miniscule chance of finding either fragments or an actual piece 0.01 of dragon scale.  NFI is dominated with private dragon slayings by a tiny number of actual players.  I am completely in favor of any method to counteract the greediness of private slayers and spread some of the top loot around.  


    I saw people suggesting that, yes. Personally Im not so sure. If both suggestions were to be implemented it'll stop uniques from being unique. From a glance it looks like a bad thing. So it'll have to be either/or. So inevitably a question rises: which one is more important?

    It is common for MMOs to have catch-up mechanics, true. And I can see how treasure hunting is looking like it would fit the bill. But other MMOs also feature ever-increasing challenges, thus needing said mechanics. 

    Wurm, on the other hand does not. I don't really know if there are PvE challenges in the game that would require drake armour, aside from uniques themselves maybe. Bloods and imbues, however, in their variety help with many different skills. Being denied those is unfortunate.

    Maybe a fair question that everyone should ask themselves is "Do I care for drake armour because of the clout/perceived "endgame" point or do I genuinely need the stats?"

    If it's the former then uniques being unique adds more value to the gameplay.

    If it's the latter and there's an actual demand for a good armour - perhaps a middle ground option can be achieved? In continuing with a treasure hunt vibe, perhaps add a new, slightly worse set entirely. Like "Ancient drake hide/scale" or something. This way uniques are still unique and it's possible to acquire one of the best armours through individual effort. (which is how it is anyways on SFI for most people)

    Hell, that thing could be even more of a clout item. Sure took some effort to gather all of it. Way more effort than sailing to a designated place and stand there for a while.


    On the other hand, perhaps you're right and Im overthinking. It is indeed an amazing armour(or good coin for people that don't care to make a set) and SFI seems to have a regular stream of public slayings and all of it looks really positive. Meanwhile it's all just negativity here on NFI. And that's bad, worse than anything. If the only thing that comes from "uniques being unique" is negativity then to hell with the whole concept and your suggestion should be implemented(along with mine pretty please)


    Yes, Im that centrist who just wants the world peace, but ends up annoying both sides 90% of the time


  7. EDIT: Imbues were added into loot tables. Hooray!

    • Will sometimes contain a single skilling imbue potion.



    Original suggestion:



    A less potent(produces weaker imbue) version of dragon bloods. Can occasionally be found in "difficult" and rarely in "challenging" treasures in the new exploraiton update.


    A drop blood from a long dead x dragon. Time and chance turned it into a beatiful shimmering crystal. Perhaps it still holds some enchanting powers.



    Probably makes much more sense on NFI.

    I can also see this backfiring massively as a reasoning for slayer groups to never even bother with public slayings at all, since "eh they can get thier own bloods now". 

    Im also not certain on how useful it's gonna be. In fact maybe "less potent" part is redundant, but it kinda makes sense to keep uniques unique and all of that. 


    So dunno. Just a rando idea I had after seeing dreadful treasure loot tables.