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About Katherinerenfold

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  1. for auction is a Fantastic rare of Horseburger and chips starting bid is 5 silver and will go for 4 days , recipe has a QL of 67.0 https://prnt.sc/u0axab
  2. hello id like to order 10kg of black dye mailed to me for 3s , ty katherinerenfold
  3. hello  i was  directed to you by a friend , says  you  might have  crusader items for sale? 

    [15:48:46] <Kain> Can tell them that Kain/Jotz recommended their services :D 

    Im looking for  banners  / flags  and a crusader wagon. 

    can  contact  me  via  pm in  game 


  4. I am applying to have my deed Kats Point added to the albia map . We are just north west of club market at 48y 44x . Point past the market.