
Bug Tester
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Everything posted by Synjor

  1. To add to this, what if rifts had a low chance to drop a sorcery tome, which unlocked a sorcery spell to summon a weta similarly to a worg? That way it could be used at any time, but would still be on a timer and couldn't use horse gear Just let us have Weta again!
  2. I almost wanted to suggest giving each skill an item that applies a recolor to the master cape that would be received upon reaching 100 in said skill. But master capes should just be customizable on their own, and more capes would be great. More options for player customization should always be looked into
  3. Unless something changed today, I was able to do it without issue yesterday. Make sure you've enabled /invitations on the toon you're trying to give the pet to and maybe try doing it while you're not leading the animal
  4. Jackal 2 when?

    Why not both? 6 months each, one starts in January, the other July Year round profit increase for the game from all the reprems and new deeds
  5. Whenever new skills come, they will likely swap the last two war machine subskills out and group those into the parent skill like they did for ballistae Probably much easier for them to do that than have to address the issue where adding more skills disrupts affinity foods Not that we really need more skills, like retro said there is plenty in the list that could do with being reworked (please make creation only skills bearable)
  6. June Skin?

    Any chance future skin releases could be moved to the first restart of each month? Pretty weird to have them toward the middle or end of the associated month
  7. 100% Bring back Challenge and Jackal
  8. Your ticks are so small that they don't actually update every time in the skill tab. It'll only show a tick when they eventually total up to .000008. Happens with every skill, behind the scenes every boost is working like normal.
  9. They had a unique model at one point during public testing, but lost it in place of the paper map at some point. I reported it in a public testing thread so, who knows if it's intended or not.
  10. Could the Master Cape please be reworked to properly allow us to dye, rune, and rare bone it? Simply recolor the base Master Cape the same as the new dye-able carpets. Really disappointing that something you work so hard for as THE final reward from the journal system can't be customized in the slightest.
  11. While you can edit the map image in your client files to temporarily display any image you want, I would imagine this one was done by simply mapping a flat, sand area and using slate paving as black pixels to make some pixel art.
  12. "Small minority of the game" being many veteran players who make up a large majority of income that this game sees. Not downplaying though! Point is, whether it was forgotten or just not mentioned, the info should have been right here alongside the announced change. Very bad look.
  13. you're quite intent on downplaying this huh
  14. There really isn't any difference anymore between the two playerbases, plenty of time has passed so NFI players are about as established as SFI players. If you want to "catch up" to other players on either cluster, it's easily accomplishable with good time spent grinding the right things. If you're starting over either way, just ask yourself if you'd like to have an active local or a more private experience. You can get either of those things on either cluster, but NFI is far more condensed and easier to jump into a local community.
  15. They've stated a few times in the past that marks are intended only as a loyalty reward system, as such they won't be made available in other ways. I do agree it'd be nice to be able to purchase the renaming items from traders, though.