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Everything posted by Razorblade

  1. They'll forget all about it the second they can actually play the game. They're only lashing out because they're passionate about getting to play the game.
  2. They gave you an extra two days of 30% extra skill gain. There's your reward, now stop whining.
  3. Meanwhile not a single deed has been founded on Defiance, lol.
  4. http://wurmonline.com/status/ All game servers are still down. The devs are currently testing the login servers, it seems.
  5. Epic Fail

    Agreed. Everyone writing angry reviews right now are just disappointed that they can't play a game they were excited for, and are now lashing out. Everything will be fine the second they get to play. Hopefully they'll remember to change those negative reviews to positive.
  6. The servers are down. They will be up soon. Look at this link: http://wurmonline.com/status/ When all of the servers say they are online, you'll be able to log in.
  7. Most of the servers are still down. It looks like the devs are currently testing Haven and Golden Valley to make sure they work.
  8. That's no reason for people in poor countries to not be able to play the game. I can get behind silver not being regionally priced, since that would wreck the economy, but so what if a few people abuse a VPN to get cheaper premium time? The vast majority of players are moral or stupid enough to do the right thing. Any income lost to people abusing the system would be made up for by the increased number of people who can now afford premium, and we'd all have a better experience with more players.
  9. Tbh, mycelium is kinda OP. I don't think it needs any more bonuses.
  10. Epic Fail

    Steam has systems against review-bombing. It won't really be an issue, assuming once the game actually works that people enjoy it.
  11. Maybe give them a few days. I think being met with a face full of "this is how you grind" is going to be more discouraging than encouraging to new players.
  12. @DarklordsSo I obviously have no idea how your map tools work, but is there any way you could literally just switch the places of the current HotS home island and the center middle island? Something like this:
  13. They have the entire weekend to make use of the xp bonus. There's really not a better time the devs could have made the event for working people.
  14. Well, you seem to want to be able to raid people without allowing them to raid you back, so you can always build on the PvE server, then come over to the PvP server when you want to raid.
  15. Games with player-made buildings tend to run much worse. Have you ever played Conan Exiles, Rust, or Atlas? Those games lag to hell anytime you get within draw distance of something larger than a wooden hut.
  16. They'll be plenty safe building on or near their kingdom's home island, and when they want to PvP, there will be plenty of fighting on the front lines, since resource scarcity will actually exist, unlike on Epic. It's the best of both worlds.
  17. The 3 islands surrounding the main one on Defiance will act as miniature home servers for the kingdoms. However, full-sized home servers are way too much, in my opinion. PvP is brought about by proximity. Gating PvP behind a large amount of travel actively discourages PvP.
  18. Unreal and Unity are great for making games when a developer does not have the time or money to develop an engine itself, but they suffer from a lack of specialization. All of Wurm's features could be reproduced in those engines, sure, but optimization is the name of the game with a sandbox MMO. Wurm runs so well because the Wurm engine was built to do Wurm and nothing else. By changing to a general purpose engine, you introduce unnecessary bloat, and limit your ability to optimize.
  19. I'd advise also posting this in the Wurm Online Steam forums. Most new players aren't going to know to come to these forums to learn about the game, so it'll do the most good being posted there.
  20. From a completely mechanical standpoint, Vynora's 10% extra skill gain to most skills is hard to beat. However, if you're planning to heavily specialize in a certain skill set, the other gods may be right for you. Magranon gets 15% extra skill gain to fighting skills, as well as 10% extra quality gain when improving metal items. So if you're planning to be a hardcore fighter or blacksmith, this may be your best choice. However, the 10% extra skill gain to smithing skills that Vynora provides may be better than the extra imping quality that Magranon's skills provide. I'm not much of a crafter, so I wouldn't be the best person to ask. Fo provides 15% extra skill gain to all Nature skills, as well as cooking. So if you're the farming, ranching, or cooking type, Fo is worth looking into. The bonus stamina regeneration is also nice, since most activities drain stamina, and you want to be at max stamina when you start an action, since this lets you finish the action faster. Libila is really an impossible choice to justify if you're not going to become a priest. Her bonuses mainly are all geared around being a priest and/or alchemy (which is a pretty niche skill, as far as I am aware).
  21. Based on the current server statuses, it's 1500 on each of the two new servers, and 800 on all of the old servers. So that is a maximum of 12,600 players (at one time), unless they decide to reopen Golden Valley. http://wurmonline.com/status/
  22. "During Friday last week (17/07/2020), the company launched a new trailer by Wurm Online. This trailer currently has over 22,000 views. The video trailer can be viewed at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2Q7BinTnUU . Since the trailer was launched, we have received a very good response from new and old players and seen a strong increase in interest in Wurm Online. I can thus announce that we have about 11,000 users who have added Wurm Online to their wish lists on the Steam platform. // Robin Bäcklund Managing Director Game Chest Group AB (Publ)" Source: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://news.cision.com/se/gamechest/r/lagesuppdatering-gallande-lansering-av-wurm-online,c3157266&usg=ALkJrhhiNd4hJYQFMM3sn9iG7XLjW55zug
  23. It's pressumably to encourage PvP at all levels of play, rather than having people grind to 80 FS on a PvE server before ever fighting another player.