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Everything posted by LynD

  1. Regarding Food Bowls in pens - One of my villagers was feeding the chickens for me, and recently had to take some time off for the holiday, so I took the task over. So forgive me if this is a little dated but I was not aware of this issue till now. When in a chicken coop chickens require both food and water, so it stands to reason that they would require both in the food bowl, so my villager had both in there at all times. What I DIDN"T know was that water still shows as food in the bowl, so I would look at the bowl and think someone was helping me to tend the animals during her vacation. It was not till I did a check on one of the chickens that I noticed it was starving - then I checked the others - they were all starving. I wondered how that could be when I looked in the food bowl and visually there was still food in it. Imagine my suprise when I actually opened the food bowl to discover there was only water in it. Of course I fed the chickens and they are all fine. But I really think that when there is only water in the bowl, it needs to show that instead of a food graphic. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for the update - just a couple of notes though: 1) "likes to pick stuff up" appears to be working for the first time since the update, but I am finding that Fragments, coffee beans and tea seeds seem to be dropping. Is it possible the other items that animals are capable of picking up need to be reloaded? (Just a thought) 2) missing on your events list is the Oak Hill Rodeo and Hoe Down - Being held on Harmony at Oak Hill Ranch - from 11/14 through 11/20 (right around the corner)! Save the Date! 11/14-11/20 OH Rodeo and Hoe Down! - Harmony - Wurm Online Forum Everything else is amazing and the coffee?! Nectar of the Gods, so glad we have it in game now 😁
  3. I jsut got the answer to what "likes to pick stuff up" does - Animals with this trait pick up and drop fragments under them. I noticed this with my deer herd since they have many output traits. This trait seems to have only gone "live" recently - probably with the last update. I dont know if it was intended or just finally kicked in when they tweaked something, but it is working now.
  4. Updated on Auction information and Jousting information.
  5. It would be nice to see Ivy be used for more than just a decorative plant. Traditionally in real life English Ivy can be used in medicinal purposes - one of which is burns. I think it would be awesome to see it used here in alchemy application as a burn treatment in addition to some of the other things we have. In concept it could be worked as a healing cover for burns specifically. Ivy does have other applications internally, so utilizing it as a tea for drinking while sick might be an option as well, though since the illnesses it treats are rather specific, making it only effective 50% of the time (figuring that not all illnesses would be applicable and you never really know what you have when you are "sick") would be interesting. For example if you are "sick" as indicated by a cough, it could be a cold or a stomach ache, if it was a cold the ivy would not affect it, but if you have a stomach ache it would help. Brewing it as a tea as applicable in the Alchemy range would make it effective as a medicinal treatment for some internal illnesses. Just a thought.
  6. Wondering too, would like to get on before I have to go to work today, lol
  7. There is already that option in the system now if you use the proper container for the item.. if it were only optional to use for giving to others - not to yourself, it shouldn't be an issue. Things like food couldn't really be worked in this manner unless you wrapped an entire larder. Other items would have to be "packaged" properly for this to work as a non decayable. My thought was not to delay or stop decay, if you packed something improperly for giving, it would still decay as normal... the skin would have no effect on the current options of the items inside. You pack it wrong, thats your issue, not the games. LOL My idea was simply a visual differentiator from others of its kind for immediate notice of the reciever. The impact of the container should be unchanged.
  8. Yeah, and if they did bring this back and.or updated, having different wrapping paper options would be fun, birthday skin, christmas skin, basic gift skin, New Years skin, etc. I think that would be awesome!
  9. I was just thinking about leaving things for some members of my deed, and it occured to me that if I leave a crate with things in it, it could just look like another one of the crates they have there, and they might not realize the gift was there for a while. That got me to thinking that if there was "gift wrapping" available in the game, it would be noticed immediately. It would be useful to working on paper making (for the paper), dye making (for the ink to write the tag), and cloth making (for the ribbon to wrap it all up with), and would act as a skin to be used on any container type so it could "wrap" for any gift type. (for example an item that can only be held indefinately in a crate the wrap would go on a crate, but for an item that can only be held in a chest for a long time - the wrap could be used on a chest instead). Ideally as soon as the tag is read and the gift is opened the wrap would disintegrate so the container could be used for anything afterwards. I think this would be great to add into the game for those that like to leave gifts for other players, but would like it noticed immediately when the player comes on, and to know where it came from even if the creator of the gift is not online at the time, and would utilize several mechanics of the game that are under served right now.
  10. Event information has been updated for the week - we are still looking for Vendors who wish to attend for the week, as well as notification of anyone wishing to race in the Alt Mount race. Thank you for looking! Lyndee