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Everything posted by TheTrickster

  1. Nope, I have to say something. There were two "examples"; one imaginary (what you imagine will happen in the future) and the other both inaccurate and immaterial (rares being available to paying players but not other players). I think a lot of your belief is based on a) your experiences elsewhere and b) a lack of experience on this cluster. All the best for your servers. I don't think they are for me, much as you don't think this one is for you, but that is the strength of WU - its diversity.
  2. Well that's disappointing. Frankly, it's a bit bizarre for someone to be so affronted by their own misrepresentation misinterpretation of your actions and their own judgmental inference of your motives. To me it seems quite juvenile to judge an experience as great if and only if nobody else can have a better one, but if someone else gets something you don't have then your previously great experience is somehow now rubbish. I for one have been up front about not being able to pay real money but I know that the way you are managing this I am not missing out on anything. I therefore will NOT be throwing my toys out of the cot but will play in your world for as long as you will let me, and I will be grateful for it.
  3. When coins are banked, do they simply become amounts or do the coins still exist somewhere, ready to go back into circulation? I have never had a rare coin in withdrawals, but I have had a renamed coin which I had banked included in coins I withdrew later. Would that only happen when I withdraw, or would it be possible for someone else to get such a named coin when they withdraw from the bank?
  4. Lowkey, Stormguard lvl 0, personal merchant* Map B, Gold. * Yep, another NPC for Gleann Ard - that will be 3 now, with a 4th soon.
  5. Because it might have got lost, and does bear repeating;
  6. The "material support" I mentioned was the patronage of players, for which they receive rewards. The bit that made me a little uncomfortable (and I stress a little) was the private island thing, so that is moot anyway. I am on the fence whether rarity counts as "advancement" but since rarity is amped up on these servers anyway (and non-paying players can get strange bones other ways anyway) I don't think it matters, and again what other people get in addition doesn't subtract from experience in anyway so I really see it as no-harm, no foul.
  7. I simply don't have spare money to pay cash for games at the moment (my WO toon languishes unpremmed for a while now) so I wouldn't be paying real money, BUT I can see how I benefit from other people patronizing this. I, too, am made a little uncomfortable at some of the rewards for payment. I would be more comfortable if payment attracted cosmetic rewards (skins, decorations, etc). When the reward is content, there is a bit of a balancing of conflicts - not wanting to make it "pay to advance" but also being mindful of how people who pay real money would feel about how non-payers might benefit without contributing their "fare share". I wouldn't want to work it out. Whatever; the basic fact is that while Kiama is paying for the servers and I am not, I have zero right to expect a say in how Kiama administers or manages them (in reality, I can hardly believe how MUCH of my opinionating Kiama tolerates). I am open about what I wouldn't use (or even what I wouldn't like) but being able to voice my opinion is the limit of any right I might have. At the moment, though, the "base" free experience is great so if others are offered other stuff over and above that in exchange for material support, that has no effect at all on my experience. It isn't a zero sum. As long as my experience is great, why would I care if someone else's is more great? I don't see how that hurts me. I think the whole Patreon thing got started with Kiama working out how to better safeguard the servers, and what with a huge imagination and everything it just ballooned from there. I do think the implied criticism of data management a bit unjustified. Kiama implemented daily back ups. It would seem that the paid host let Kiama down in that regard, so maybe it is they who should demonstrate better data management before asking for payment. However, for what seems to have been a fairly critical failure, it has been for the most part resolved, with a commitment from our host to replace anything missing. As to only subscribers getting rare strange bones and such, we already know that this isn't the case. I have no complaints, and can only be grateful to Kiama for a wonderful experience and a dedication to providing it.
  8. Well, maybe you don't. 😉 I drink coffee to help with chronic headache (help ease it, that is). Endorsed by my neurologist.
  9. Yes, please. An oft-made suggestion, so hopefully gaining some traction. Here is another recent one -
  10. Yes! Metal and wood generally keep their distinctives all the way to the end product - so why not fibres and hides? Calf and deer to make high q gloves, crocodile to make tough boots and armour. Sealskin for sporrans! Keep the look of the hides in the leather products.
  11. "Literally" - an Inigo Montoya quote is called for here. 😜
  12. Apart from silk, I would also like to see flax crops to make linen.
  13. Our wish is granted. I have updated the OP to reflect the 28/10/21 patch that allows small anvil use on the ground.
  14. WOOHOO! Thank you! This is a minor change but a major improvement. 🎉 Thank you! WTB bulk waybread! When will this be "craftable"? Allround impressive list of patches.
  15. 1. Thetrickster 2. 2019 3. a) Wurm is whole worlds waiting to be discovered and explored. b) Wurm is the game I have been hoping to find for years, and I don't know why it took me so long to discover it. 4. There is no one favourite memory, but here is a sampler of memorable moments. Putting the last peg on the knarr I built at the lowest possible skill level was a pretty special moment. Reaching the peak of a mountain after a long and difficult climb and discovering a whole new vista. Running around town with one other villager trying to stop a champion troll that was on a rampage was a lot of fun. Where else would you find a ship sticking out of a mountain peak in the middle of nowhere? 5. 5.
  16. Oh, Platyna will be pleased. No, hang on, the torch & pitchfork mob had her railroaded. Apparently after years of open use, it was deemed a bug exploit. Supplies were tracked down and confiscated - I wonder if it was considered worth the effort.
  17. Wouldn't be out of place - it's been around for a very long time. Not super flat and clear panes, but blown/spun. Some thoughts on mechanics: A pile of sand into a smelter --> a glass ingot (or call it a lump for consistency) Allow forges and campfires to heat an ingot. Use a new tool - a glassblower's pipe (whatever the proper name is) to create blown glass objects. Use a hammer on an ingot to create glass shards. Make molds either by using a chisel on a brick or using pottery methods - shards in a mold in a furnace to produce molded items. Use a grindstone or mortar/pestle to turn shards into powdered glass - which can be used on clay items to create glazed pottery items - prettier and more durable than unglazed Add dyes to glass powder for coloured glazes Glass powder into a smelter to also produce an ingot/lump - so coloured glass can also be created EDIT: Allow glass objects to smashed with a hammer to create shards - recycling! I got interested and read up a bit - wooden molds were used, too.
  18. The "marsh spreads everywhere" rumour, however, DOES spread everywhere 😄
  19. By hitting them with frequent permadeath and making them re-roll their character over and over. No, wait.....
  20. I think when I worked on this concept, I had 40 as the minimum slope, and even then only for sand, above the water line. For bare dirt it was something like 70 or more. Grass would be a couple of hundred (and therefore also steppe, and maybe tundra but that could be steeper again). Rock and clay not at all. I didn't think about marsh (Wurm marsh already defies logic and physics) but maybe somewhere a but less than grass while still well above sand. ANY infrastructure would rule it out altogether - even a fence or lamp-post. From memory it wasn't just about the slope, either, but about the CHANGE in slope. The effect would be like the top edge of a cliff rounding off a bit and the "lost" material would be scree at the bottom.
  21. Yes but most objections are to elements that are either addressed in the suggestions, or straw men. Most objections fall into these broad types; Don't be lazy, if anyone is put off by big steep blocky slopes, let them use dig/drop/level to change them the hard way. The problems with this objection are; Newbies cannot do this. The "hard way" is actually no way as working those slopes is skill-gated (or attribute gated). Server populations are greatly reduced, meaning there is a LOT of heavily terraformed landscape ("mine-crafted" in appearance 😄) that is completely abandoned. Where hundreds worked at terraforming for their presence, there are now dozens to re-terraform for the absence. It is hard for the inexperienced to tell the difference between a long abandoned deed area and a newly prepared area - so instead of going to work on a location that they like, there is an impetus to just move on, leaving the abandoned area once again abandoned. All of my hard work will be undone. No, it won't. With a mechanism that is slow and limited both in scope and extent, it will take a very long time to do more than take off the blocky sharp edges. An angle of repose mechanic, applied based on tile type AND prevented by presence/proximity of infrastructure would ensure that landscape "settling" would occur ONLY in long abandoned areas ONLY after everything else has rotted away ONLY to limited extent ONLY on dirt or sand based tiles ONLY above water level. There will be no mountains sliding into the seas and no lakes silting up. Somewhere around here, I worked an example of a 1600 slope cliff and it's final shape - IF it was grass with NO infrastructure and even then only after many many iterations of an erosion mechanic (which I would see as maybe 1 tick per month or even longer). It would still flat-top plateau but with top and bottom edges that are a BIT softened. Others may be pushing for something more than this, I must admit, but my own view is that it should look abandoned, not virgin. All landscaping in Wurm should be permanent. This already doesn't happen. What is DEEDED is protected, and would remain so. What is off-deed and not part of a highway or heritage infrastructure is always "fair game". EDIT: Regardless of this - I don't think it should be a high priority. There are not enough developers, and there are genuine problematic issues that should take precedence. This to me is "would be nice".