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Everything posted by TheTrickster

  1. It is also only temporarily iron mode, because you skill up, build your infrastructure, tool up, armour up. It is a good start on the particular road to madness that is the quest for lasting challenge. @JackdrydenWhen you are ready for gameplay that stays challenging beyond the honeymoon period, PM me and I will direct you to a WU server that caters.
  2. It is great that you enjoy the treasure maps. Honestly, I am glad somebody enjoys them. However, "exploration map" is kind of the opposite of what these are. As to the OP - the notion that higher quality maps are less accurate maps is completely counterintuitive and frankly illogical programming. if they are higher ql, but also need to be harder, than valid dig radius should be smaller but should certainly not be further from the actual X.
  3. I was not saying that "the expected manner" is toxic. I am saying it is expected - and to a certain degree justified - to be more abrupt and less diplomatic in such cases. Also, my reiteration of "do better", for the record, was directed at Sleeper rather than you, which I note when reading back was not particularly clear. Frankness, bluntness - even a certain degree of harshness sometimes - are not by definitively toxic.
  4. Sorry, but when the newer player displays trolling and arrogant behaviour with readily apparent disdain for forum etiquette or even the opinions of others with more experience (I am referencing other threads entirely here), it is a bit much to be told that the community responding to that in pretty much the expected manner is trolling and toxic. This member has been quite open about the predetermined course of action to be dismissive to others. So, I say the same. Do better.
  5. At the very least a confirmation should be required. There are a number of ways to accidentally destroy stuff in Wurm - spilling liquids like this, bandaging a scratch with a puppet. It should always involve a pause to tell you what is about to happen and give you a chance to avoid it.
  6. But at least they won't have the impression that a lot of players will pay money for this.
  7. Well, I pondered it for a while, but I literally couldn't come up with any idea worse than this one. I thought maybe teddy bear backpacks, but as bad as they are they are not worse than this. I therefore retract that portion of my comment. The setting is fantasy mediaeval, not cyberpunk. See the many threads about the beehive popup for a bit of a straw poll on how plastering the environment with intrusive ephemera is received.
  8. - 1 googol I could probably think of a worse idea, but nothing comes to mind at the moment.
  9. The OP alternative sentences are correct. In English, the technically correct and unambiguous syntax does not have the same flow as normal conversational English, so people often opt for the flow that seems better rather than a clear meaning. That sentence: "It is no longer possible to expel a mayor that is offline from a PMK." Would have been clearer as: "It is no longer possible to expel from a PMK a mayor who is offline at the time" ("That" should never be used over "who" when discussing a person) The statement about arrow bundles likely would have been much clear had the "and" been replaced with a "but", although the suggested alternative is clearer. Clearer still may have been: Enchanted arrow bundles will no longer incorrectly warn you when you are adding an un-enchanted arrow to them.
  10. You know what they say: creative laziness is the mother of invention. (Or something like that).
  11. I don't think any of this will be fixed. Much of it was noted in pre-release testing or early post-release use. You can probably get a bubble wand skin for your maul first.
  12. Yes. Very yes. Especially when new players join an existing deed that might provide unlocked carts for use. Players become accustomed to using these and have no idea that they could be locked out of it simply by doing something like disembarking to trade with a personal merchant that happens to be on a deed without the necessary permissions. (😬 Ask me how I know...)
  13. I have more of a problem with the glazed windows. (Which, to be fair, are not in the cropped image on the website). EDIT: Honestly, the enhanced images are beautiful. I don't agree with the "lazy" commentary around using AI for enhancement. It isn't all that easy. But it isn't the beauty of the images or the skill of the editor that is the issue. It is the fact that what look like they could be screenshots are not something anyone can achieve in game. I think also, part of the backlash at this is that the enhancement kind of acknowledges what the community has been saying for a long time - Wurm deserves better graphics. The solution there is to improve in-game graphics, not to enhance the screenshots.
  14. We cannot know intent, but we can infer it from content. The tone and word choices of not only the OP, but the CM's follow-up responses would to me say that there is not an intent for discussion. Instead there is this low-content rainbows and unicorns talk that is soft and pillowy masking a hard and unpleasant core. Example: Announcing that Krister is officially NOT going to provide the financials he offered to back up his testable claims. There are a lot of words following the declaration of what is not happening, but they mean nothing and provide no actual reason. (And this post is probably at risk of deletion for even discussing this. It wouldn't be my first post removed for even mentioning Army's announcement about this). Example: Explaining the update to the website being done without the promised feedback opportunity because it was so urgent and there was insufficient time, when it took MORE THAN TWO MONTHS, and the "update" is only marginally better than what it replaced and in fact retained one of the key elements that the community complained about. It also was full of misspellings, grammatical errors and outright nonsense references ("both games" ?) . The update has all the appearance of being rushed in the few days before the OP so that the OP could say it was done, also implying that nothing much was done for a couple of months. But the broken promise is attributed here by this staff member to lack of time for feedback. I was one of those defending Army from "attacks" early on, saying to give him time and a chance. However, when you can clearly see that the villagers have been driven to fork-and-pitchfork anger at the among other things contemptuous and largely empty communication it can only be expected that if you provide even more contemptuous and largely empty communication, they will start shaking their implements at you, too. If the Community Manager acts like they are simply the CEO's mouthpiece, then the ire provoked by the CEO is likely to be directed at the CM.
  15. Oh, good grief. If you are already going down the path of which promises are serious and should be kept and which are not and can be broken without concern, the broken faith with the community simply will not be restored. Hint: Don't try to justify breaking promises after the fact. Just don't break them in the first place. Or at the very least explain ahead of time (or as soon as possible) what isn't happening and why and be accountable enough to wear the disapprobation that comes with it. As to overhauling the website "as quickly as possible", let me simply say I do not believe that. There were two whole months, well and truly more than enough time to update the website (whose structure is apparently unchanged - it is only the content within the structure that has been updated) and seek comprehensive feedback. Feedback from WO community does not generally take weeks or longer - 1 or 2 days would see ample feedback. Not necessary for every single website update, but as a promised correction to a badly mishandled launch and badly mishandled communication, this was indeed "serious" and a promise that should have been kept.
  16. Thank you for sharing that, Malena. It is clearly a labour of love. However, subjectively, in almost every one of those I prefer the original screenshot [edit: for the given context of marketing the game]. To me those are recognizably "Wurm" while the ai enhanced images look exactly like that - ai enhanced/derived images that look like Wurm content. I think this may also be related to Wurm's somewhat older than average demographic. We don't necessarily actively distrust ai images, but we don't accept them as representative of the content, either. I actually also don't think that ai art is "lazy". It is simply a different medium. Some of it is great - in fact almost every image that was previously on the website, is currently on the website, and in what Malena shared is what I would consider to be good artwork. Yeah some of the images have physical impossibilities, but Maurits Escher made his fame with physical impossibilities in graphic art.
  17. I think if real screenshots were there along with the stylized images, that would be much better. With no actual screenshots in the sections where these improved images are displayed, to me (and I could be showing my age) the representation is that this is what the game looks like. In this one example, really to me the original shot would have been perfectly fine, except for the weird paper-cut-out look to the fruit. But then the weird paper-cut out look of stuff in Wurm (I am looking at you, vege crops) has long been a bit ridiculous and in need of addressing. I think I saw your post about slightly upscaled images, but the discussion had long moved on by the time I did. I think they have their place, but care needs to be taken that they are not presented as representative of what a player can expect to see.
  18. I don't think a new player will be good with it. It leads to a feeling of "well, this isn't what the screenshots looked like. Maybe it is pre-release" Or even worse. Phone games have a deservedly bad reputation for bait and switch marketing, so I guess the phone game vibe of thw website is fitting in that respect.
  19. See, now the elephant in the room is the broken promise. We were told that BEFORE an update went live we would be given a preview for feedback. Why that didn't happen is not addressed at all. Hell, acknowledging that it didn't happen, also didn't happen. As to actual feedack about the "updated" website: It is still hideous - the new logo is terrible and both and and the whole look/feel of the website is "Phone Game". To be frank, that is a copout and actually the opposite of addressing the issue of the broken promise. Of course Krister should leave community interactions up to the team. That does not mean he provides no information to the team. He offered something and the way to demonstrate integrity is to provide it to the team member responsible for such community interaction. We have already looked at and discussed GCG's financials and have openly said that the specific performance of Wurm is obscured there. Krister has specifically said the Wurm itself loses money every month. Inviting us to only look at what we have already seen that doesn't provide the information offered is more than a little insulting. EDIT: Also, "leaving community interactions up to the team" does not explain neither Krister nor anyone else telling us this for the last, what, 2 months? That Q&A section was woefully inadequate for all of the questions that have been going on. The first and biggest question/answer (the financials) is dismissive. The section is more of a "moving on" from the many issues and problems rather than addressing them. I was strong advocate for giving you a chance to communicate something first before firing a lot of demanding questions. Well, you have had that chance, and to me it honestly feels like you missed it.
  20. Yeah, a litttle bit the same here. I also thought "where's his shovel?" and then realized it was a different person.
  21. I just think take a beat and give them time to get started. See what the first actual communique is and then respond. I am also quite impatient and disappointed with what has been going on, but I am not about to direct that at the new guy. Yet.
  22. That wasn't an attack, which is why I never called it out as an attack - but it was more than simply a welcome and congratulations, and kicked off a string of questions from others. I meant that it was probably the wrong tone and tack to take with a new staff member so soon, but I didn't mean to imply that your post in particular was an attack. Apologies for that implication.
  23. Well, it was pretty well on the "spoiled" path from the very first response pretty early on. If this is where people will attack, it seems here is where they should be called on it.
  24. Well, considering that the "paid" claim came first, shouldn't that be the one with the onus of proof? And "we"? I think you mean you.