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Posts posted by Kody

  1. 13 minutes ago, Oblivionnreaver said:

    mobs dont use armor types for combat they just have flat DR/Glance. unless you're talking about archery, but what mobs glance arrows a lot is pretty obvious.

    Hmm, do WU creatures have armor types then? Maybe the table I saw was for WU? 


    In any case, thanks for the feedback! 

  2. Among these two links, the damage reduction listed for plate armor does not match. So which one is true then?

    In this link's table below, plate armor is listed at 65% damage reduction.

    Meanwhile in this second link it says: "Like drake hide armour, plate armour made from iron has a base damage reduction of 70% at 100 quality.".

  3.  I can't decide if plate or chain is better for hunting in PVE. I'm listing why, and I'd like to hear from others. Let's consider rift creatures, but exclude them from the focus on hunting armor.

    Glance Rate (woot, no damage!)
    Bite: 65% chain, 50% plate
    Burn: 65% chain, 35% plate
    Crush: 30% chain, 30% plate
    Pierce: 30% chain, 65% plate
    Slash: 65% chain, 30% plate

    Acid & Cold damage don't seem relevant for hunting, so I won't include them.

    Damage Reduction
    Bite: 107.5% chain, 105% plate
    Burn: 107.5% chain, 95% plate
    Crush: 107.5% chain, 95% plate
    Pierce: 92.5% chain, 100% plate
    Slash: 100% chain, 105% plate

    Plate has a superior 2.5% overall damage reduction.
    In damage reduction, it leads with pierce by 10% and slash by 7.5%.
    In glance, plate leads only with 35% in pierce.

    In damage reduction, chain leads by 10% crush and 10% burn
    In glance, chain leads with 15% bite, 30% burn, 35% slash, but has 35% less for pierce.

    So what creatures do pierce damage? Besides pierce damage for which plate is superior, chain looks better overall .
