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Everything posted by namyahmas

  1. Something about gold, silver, copper, I saw.
  2. Seems like a big 'un D:
  3. And the site is slow Servers down?
  4. A big well that allows fishing? Fantastic! I'd suggest a few different sizes, with the very smallest being only for decoration/drinking, and the very biggest having every type of fish in it (bar rare ones). Maybe a size in between that allows fishing, but only has a limited selection/size of fish?
  5. +0 +1, as it sounds like a good idea, with regards to current enchants -1 as it's another enchantment that could be a must have. However, it seems well suited to PvE
  6. +1 Also, are there different damage rates for wooden and iron shields?
  7. I proposed the first 2 slots appearing at 10. At it seems now, it's 1 at 1 skill, then 2 at 10, 3 at 20... etc. This means alts could be easily spammed out to care for huge herds with enough dedication. 10 AH isn't too hard to get to prevent new players caring for animals, but probably enough to prevent loads of alts being made.
  8. Maybe premium only servers should only have crude tools (or maybe just epic, seems more fitting, building up from absolutely nothing). At the risk of softening the newbies up, and unpreparing them for how hard wurm can be, I'd say include a fishing rod in their starter kit, and a sickle. Maybe a pottery flask, too.
  9. I'd say make the first one appear at 5 skill, or maybe have the first 2 appear at 10 (if you're keeping horses, you'll generally keep >2, even if just to pull carts), then have one for every 10 after that.
  10. Seeing as we now have a magranon priest (me!), any premium mag followers would be extremely welcome so that I have people to preach to. Also, some redesigning of the deed is occurring. Plenty of space for any people who love digging to join - we need that dirt!
  11. So, this 500 pans set up. Do you fill the forges up, light them all up at once and absorb the HFC gains? Or do you have to light the forges first?
  12. The thing is, if the age limit comes in, we'll be back in this boat again. People will cry because their favourite horse has dropped dead, this time overnight. They didn't even get a chance to say bye! That said, the age limit is a good idea, and breeding DOES need to be tweaked, making it easier to get decent traits. Maybe make it easy to get one good trait, but then it gets extremely hard to get a few, bringing in a large element of luck. Bring in both alterations and the animal issue will be one step closer to being resolved. In the meantime, people just have to deal with it, and wait out this temporary ban on breeding.
  13. Ah, that'll be why then. I'll have to about getting that fixed somehow then. Thanks.
  14. The one in my house can't be moved at all, so I assume not, unless it's some sort of bug.
  15. It's a bit hard to explain in words, it usually takes visual teaching to make people learn this sort of thing, but here's a couple of things: -When you dig, the corner you are standing on when the dig timer finishes is lowered by 1. Not the one you clicked on, not the one you were originally stood on (if you walk away). -"X steep towards you" means that the corner on the other end of the border is higher than you. Inversely, "X steep away from you" means you are higher than the other corner.
  16. Becoming premium isn't really that "insane". If you like the game enough to be hit hard when someone steals your stuff, then I'm sure you like it enough to support it. Living in a village isn't for everyone, but if you're stalling on going premium, that'd probably be your best bet.
  17. That sounds like a good idea. Also, if it brings in the linking of playing accounts and forum accounts, which it seems it must need, even better.
  18. I've already made one, no lava about. Hopefully it wont explode It looks like an urn now, strangely enough. And nothing fits in.
  19. Jct: When you move into the village, you get a 2x3 spot to build a house on. Not much you can do with that besides a house I guess, but space is not exactly a luxury we have on deed. Tenryu, have you contacted split ingame? Sorry for late reply, not checked forums recently.
  20. Did you manage to go HoTS?