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Everything posted by happysad

  1. What's wrong with that? I wasnt sure about the prices, but I did some research and edited the post.
  2. Goblin leader = Potion of mining Blue dragon hatchling = Potion of fletching Goblin leader blood - 2s each The rest - 1,5s each
  3. Nah just drop them on the ground and call it an event
  4. Well you created that 'system' so who's fault is it? The community? Creating a flawed system that allows people to exploit will always cause that. Also you had some experience from the last year so you could make some changes, but you decided to do exactly the same thing, and people did exactly the same as last year. Why not give an announcement that an event is happening in 30mins or something like that? There's no GL freedom window on Chaos so I guess the entire chaos playerbase cant enter the box event because of... Reasons? So you have to be on a certain server (one of the freedom isles), you'll have to actually be online for the entire 24hours a day and watch the GL freedom chat (last quiz event was 4AM my time), AND then you have to win the event. If I didnt make a post about it, we wouldnt even know that there's gonna be more quiz events. Dont get me wrong, its nice that you're actually doing this but the entire thing doesnt make sense to me. I guess I'll stick to streamer/community events since somehow they manage to make it fair, and announce things properly.
  5. Yep. Same. And there was a dragon spawn? Some quiz on GL freedom to win more chests? And none of these things were announced??? Seems like they just wanna give the rewards to anyone just so they can say they did it. Doesnt matter that it only targets a few lucky people, instead of giving everyone a fair chance.
  6. An event like that should be announced a day before to give everybody a fair chance of getting the rewards. Too bad I didnt make a suicide alt, because that was the best way to get 'rewarded' in this 'event'. People got like 5 chests just suiciding all over xanadu starter deeds in the first hour of the event, and chaos players that actually have to risk their life and items in order to find those chest couldnt find any in hours of searching. It was exactly the same with the last year chest and people exploited it as much as they could, so.... you did it again? Just with better rewards so people will exploit even more? Great event 10/10 will have a suicide alt ready for the next year