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Everything posted by Cipacadrinho

  1. They could use the jackal portals for that since they don't have a purpose anymore.
  2. Would be lovely if we could first aid by pressing the first aid hotkey while mouse overing over the body in inventory and not have to expand it and scroll to each individual wound
  3. Forgot about a solution for moments when one would want to use a skiller tool instead of the high ql absorbed one. Could go about it three ways: use a skiller the normal way with activate then action and you just right click and set it to No Absorb. You could have the high ql absorbed tool be able to adjust the ql on it (similar to how you adjust the measuring jug) and you would have options: set to 1ql 10ql 20ql 30ql and true ql (true ql would be the actual imped ql) We could have it so we can absorb 2 tools of same type as long as one of them is 1ql. And you could puke them out anytime you want but they would come out at creation ql or 1ql so you can re-imp mail for re-imp and they would keep their afinity to you so can re-atach as soon as they are mailed back.
  4. It could also become the mechanic for prestiging a toon right? Say if you have 6900 skill points then you can press a button to prestige your toon or go lick all 4 of the holy sites then press a prestige toon button and what it will happen is that toon's skills all reset to 1. But now you have the ability to have tools, weapons and armor develop and affinity with your toon and when that happens you have the ability to absorb that tool and armor making it always a part of you and you cannot drop them on pve death either. And when you use them for imping or stuff your hand will just spawn it like half wolverine half transformer hand. This way they could just make it so we can start doing chop on a tree and the correct tool will just spawn in our hand. They would still take dmg and could repair them by way of dragging the hand on the toolbar and repairing it or repairing the hand in character window. Could also make it so it repairs all absorbed tools while you are sleeping and they lose half the ql they would lose from your toon repairing it normally. And if you want to imp them can just right click your hand choose from a list what tool you want the hand to be then imp the hand without needing fire and hot lumps etc, sort of a permanent imping on the go. You would still need a lump but the hand or the lump won't need to be hot in order to imp it that way. And let's say you had a rare trowel absorbed and now you got your hands on a supreme one with a better cast then you can just use the supreme the standard way untill you get the absorb pop-up and then when you click yes absorbe the supreme it will say that it will replace the rare one and is gonna re-apear in your inventory at creation ql or something. And the way you would set up your imping toolbelt with all but absorbed tools would be, let's say for blacksmithing: You drag a casted lump in slot 1, casted water in slot 2 and 3 times your hand in slots 3 to 5 and then you right click each of them and choose the role for each hand: one is pelt (if you ahve a pelt absorbed), one is hammer (if you have a hammer absorbed) and one is wetstone (if you have one absorbed). And if it would still feel like too little to prestige could make it so the absorbed gear would have no drop chance on pve and like 70% less chance on pve and does not stack with res stone and the toon could also be a priest after prestige on top of normal crafter toon but of the deity they chosen ofc. so can't be a vyn crafter and a fo priest in one prestiged toon can be a vyn crafter and priest or fo crafter and priest or, heavens forbing a lib crafter and priest. The one issue that remains is what do you do if you want your absorbed tools imped but you don't have the skill? Well you could get like an imp gem like they are making spell gems why not make imp gems too right? But you would have one big downside: tools that are absorbed by a player can only be imped beyond 70ql by someone else. Up to 70ql they should be only impable by the toon they are absorbed into so people would have to re-grind alot of skills up to 70. And i mean once you are 70 is not a biggie to go to 80 right?:) Or make it 90 wth:)
  5. Even the naming could be part of the "magic" so to speak and could even indicate the level of affinity the tool has for the owner and who the owner is. For instance could have some set names for each affinity level: 1 affinity: Adept 2 affinity: Companion 3 affinity: Friend 4 affinity IMPerator 5 affinity OnlyFan So for instance you use a hammer on your hammering ways. The hammer is a rare 86ql you named BotD>CoC. If that hammer rolls and affinity towards you it auto get's renamed to Adept Hammer of Finnn. So now even if you borrow it or sell it people will know it has an affinity on you. If you keep using it maybe half a year later it gets a 2nd affinity to you and now is Companion Hammer of Finnn then 10 years later if you still re-imp and re-cast the poor bastard could get a 5th and final affinity to you and auto rename into OnlyFan Hammer of Finnn
  6. The tool gains the affinity to the character that was using it can be sold or traded but the affinity will not transfer can even make it so it will decay in time if is not in the inventory or being used by the toon that has the affinity for. Half a weight on each tool when you have 20 tools in your inv at all time is significant. Could also make it so one affinity is weight reduction then the second affinity is less ql loss when repaired then third could be less chance to lose enchant power, then the fourth could make it so it does not count for item cap in your inventory and fifth affinity would be that you don't drop it on death etc. It does not ahve to be just a free rename and a weight reduction to be honest i would just take 5 levels of weight reduction but that is just my prefference i am sure you might have a totally different one they can't please us all. Basically is a fluffed up way of rewarding you for using same tools and having, due to commodity, to carry them around with you it would feel like a nice way of getting the sense you are progressing and getting small perks from doing so.
  7. Hi! Gonna keep it short: Make tools and armor pieces etc. be able to develop affinities towards their user, basically if someone uses same hammer or sickle or chest piece etc., over time (i imagine this will be easier for tools with actions that have a timer) they can develop an affinity for their user. And the perks could be stuff like a free rename that will have to include the name of that toon or less weight with a cap to 50%. Basically 10% / affinity and affinity cap is 5. This way people will care more about their special bond with their trowel and make having all tools on you less of a drag over time.
  8. Archery is ###### because of how much micro it takes to prep because the arrows break and are lost anyways not to mention if you want to re-use them you have to pick them up from floor and corpses over and over again. The problem is if that was not the case then archery would become the primary way to deal with mobs and would make weaponsmiting and various types of armorsmithing alot less needed. The solution would be that for pve only you could have a priest get a spell that can be casted on a bow or an arrow to make it so it shoots as many arrows as the power of the cast (like a 62 power cast would allow for 62 shots etc.) but like 30% of the damage dealt would also reflect (similar to aosp) into the shooter's armor and bow so that you would need to heal and repair armor and bow just like you would if you were melee. The benefit for this would be that people can grind to 70+ archery fairly easy without having to micro manage hundreds or thousands of arrow heads that go into arrow shaft that then break after you shoot them once what a fun skill!
  9. Be able to cast widsom of vynora on lib follower and priest on pve servers or get an equivalent spell for libila priests.
  10. You are not supposed to feel safe on a pvp server but sadly, in practice, you need some type of safe zones to allow new players to catch their breath and get their bearings. But when you do that you have veterans taking advantage of the safe haven too. So it's impossible to balance perfectly no matter how much you try. Could make it so the toons in the template kingdom sort of have to graduate in the sense that once they hit a certain skill points ceiling they would be asked to join a pmk of the template kingdom or any pmk. Could also cap skillgain on the protected area's have like a 70 cap on crafting profession and 50 on characteristics so people wanting to still be in the template kingdom would have to deed outside of the protected area to keep developing their toon or join a pmk.
  11. Hi! What if you add spiders as pets of the goblins in the camps and when players kill and butcher them they could get spider eggs that could be put inside a chiken coop and hatch domestic spiderlings and their only function would be to lay spiderwebs as long as they are within range of a bee's hive so they can eat the bees to poop spider webs. Once they lay the webs the players could use them as decoration or use a spindle to turn them into spiderweb silk or something. And then you combine that with a cloth armor piece to create a spiderweb armor piece just like you combine leather with the thingy's to create studded. And then when you equip it is gonna have a sticky property so means you cannot take it off for like an irl week but in exchange you can walk normally without having to climb over a slope of 48 or 50 instead of the normal 24. It would imp with cloth imping tools (thread(cloth or spidersilk), scissors, water and needle?) If the climbing thing would feel underwhelming then you could make it so priests wearing this armor would be able to sac and receive favor in any domain but only 33% of the normal ammount (sort of like Essence Drain vs Life Transfer LUL) or if that would be too op then make it so they can sac and receive favor in any terrain that has no god's domain too (sort of like the 15 power spots). The benefit for this would be having the option for a new lightweight good run speed armor that could make hunting treasure more pleasant while giving armor defence between cloth and leather and would give a decent perk/bonus to the priests of the world too. Also spider webs to hang on stuff!
  12. Ability to use bank funds when interacting with a Merchant. Basically being able to click a button called Use bank funds in the drag the coins window or have a right click option on the Merchant's menu called: buy with bank funds.
  13. > Erupting requires that the tile is not in the domain of any god that isn't Magranon. In other words, it needs to be within Magranon's domain or no domain at all Let Libila cast Erupt in own domain too because otherwise how is a BL path of power toon supposed to make a lava tile on their own deed when you need to be in domain to benefit from the CR domain bonuses?
  14. Give Libila priests a spell that can be casted on lockpicks and will make them immune to breaking as long as it's used on a lock that the player picking owns. Basically will make it so that we can create unbreakable skiller locks to grind the skill but if used on someone else's lock it will still have the normal break chance.
  15. So what is the benefit of the BL holy site? I get to summon a pet that can "help" me kill pve mobs but killing mobs in pve is not a problem in Wurm. I summon a pet when i can just rebirth one whenever i like and take it to a goblin camp to get 1 hit killed i don't get it. I wish the devs would move on from Libila's summoning stuff and make it more like perform an action and get a benefit like the rest of the gods do rather than libila's go summon something so now you have to get a benefit if the AI will do what you want it to do or you have to lead and care for the thing. Not to mention these spells are not working on pve so i can't be a summoner lib priest on pve but i can get 1 pet if i do a holy site? Are the other holy sites unlocking abilities that their priests have blocked on pve? No. Not to mention libila only priest left that has to link to cast spells? Why are spells that cost more than 100 favor left? Because "they are op?" Ok let's switch then give a WL priest the zombie summons and give us their spells instead
  16. Pandylynn 50 is market wrong is actually here:,425
  17. Be able to equip red hot horseshoes and saddle. I know is not realistic but since you had to let us be able to equip redhot plate armor and such (because of pvp reasons right) you could make it so we can equip red hot horseshoes and saddle aswell, please!:) P.s. No, i dont wanna fiddle with a cauldron in a non lit forge to cool them down.
  18. Fab built a bridge months ago here,691 and it goes all the way south,812 is called the Salsa Bridge. Ledyeti 578,927
  19. Kuntur 682,746 Enoofu 402,712 Andriod 130,542
  20. Lumi 890 tower is now in the map rotation because Horsing Around fell and it was on that deed.,588
  21. Another alternative to giving new players access to casts thru gems would be to implement an account system with 5 slots that are role locked: 1 crafter and 1 of each priest and then you use the gems so they can unlock that spell to be casted by their priest despite not having the faith to unlock it themselves and can cast said spell 1 time/ gem ql. So for instance a Mag priest with 50 faith can use an 80ql strongwall gem and cast strongwall 80 times untill needs to have another one. This way all players have access to a priest of each type and they can grind chanelling bringing the economy of favor buying back in style while having access to spells higher than they current faith. The problem with this is that everyone will have their 4 priests at a sermon grp and just get giant faith ticks which will remove the need for spell gems fairly fast.
  22. So one could stockpile on favor then 5s prem their priest cast for a week then not have to prem that priest for months because can just use the gems. Guess the compromise would be to cap the max power of the cast to land as 70? And we can all call them impalong gems:) L.E. The big advantage for this could be spells that require pressence like mailbox casts and strongwalls, genesis and humid drizzle, these could be so much better if you could just buy the gems then apply them yourself. So there is an argument to add these gems but only for non item spells? Another good one: Summon Soul But then there is also an argument why not make gems that can just imp items so people that want to main priests can just have their gear and tools re-imped by applying a gem that someone imped with a skill. And now you are in a situation where people that only have one crafter can pay to just buy gems to basically get the benefit of the spellbooks of all 4 priests without having to grind a second toon as priest nevermind all 4. That's kinda pay to win if you ask me.
  23. Why develop PvP when you can develop DvD (Decoration vs Decoration) only some like PvP but we all like DvD I mean i am sure they are already aware there are some QoL changes they could make in PvP too like nerfing acid pot and either removing Warbonus or making it so it gives full buff to 40body toons then diminishing returns up to 50 body toons then no bonus to anything above that.
  24. Just make Epic free to play no 20 skill restriction. This way you would still make money from deeds and from the people that will fall in love with the game and decide to roll a new toon on Freedom with prem. The fact that Epic has easy skill gain and full pvp is gonna ensure is gonna be a full blown clown fiesta so alot of fun is to be had:)
  25. I wanna race you for pink slips!:)