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Posts posted by Aylana

  1. I am looking to setup Wurm Unlimited for a single player experience.  (not looking for an argument on why servers are better). I don't need technical help of how to setup server or install server and client mods. I have played both a little solo and on a server before, i just need long breaks that don't workout so well with a persistent community server.


    I want to know which mods would improve the gameplay for a completely solo experience, but I don't have much experience with Wurm. I want to remove some of the grind and the clicking. I am mostly interesting in terraforming some virgin land into a long term building project. maybe add some mods to give me things to do outside of building.


    Here is a list I made just from going through the mod list with very basic descriptions. any feedback would be great. Things like X mod is only useful in multiplayer or x and y will not work together. Or mods I may have missed. Thanks for any feedback


    Creatures age mod
    crop mod
    Action Timers Fix
    Better Digging
    Better Farming
    move to center (still has move to corner)
    no build limit not really designed for normal gameplay
    Highway Portals
    location command
    fire burn time
    double bulk capactiy
    boat mod
    bounty mod

    Creatures Mod (miss this one on my first look at the mod list)


    improved compass
    custom actions
    max toolbelt
    time lock
    skill gain tracker
    better tooltips
    cave vision


    no damage not really designed for normal gameplay
    non-combat pets mod (minipets)
    dragon mounts
    kingdom items
    bounty on burn
    treasure hunting (by Ulvirla or Sindusk)
    **mark and recall - quick travel mod
    DUSKombat - Full combat system rewrite (requires SinduskLibrary)

    **Survival mod

    **More Potables - Plant 'anything" in a pot like herbs and spices


    **suggested for single player


    Edited: added some notes to the list from the replies.