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About Naih

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  1. Except you are factually wrong, you are off topic, and you are not helping. I don't even know why I need to validate this with you to make a bug report. I have demonstrated the behavior is consistent with recorded math on the wiki. I have provided the information necessary to reproduce it yourself in lieu of derailing what should be a simple bug report and yet you persist. Now I provide factual evidence that an attempt is being made to calculate metal properties value modifier in the "get price " action. You are not staff. It is absurd that I even have to go this far for someone who has no interest in doing seemingly anything other than perpetuating a years old wives' tale. com.wurm.server.items Item.class public final int getValue() { if (!this.isCoin() && !this.isFullprice()) { if (this.isChallengeNewbieItem()) { return 0; } else { int val = this.template.getValue(); if (this.isCombine()) { float nums = (float)this.getWeightGrams() / (float)this.template.getWeightGrams(); val = (int)(nums * (float)this.template.getValue() * this.getQualityLevel() * this.getQualityLevel() / 10000.0F * ((100.0F - this.getDamage()) / 100.0F)); } else { val = (int)((float)this.template.getValue() * this.getQualityLevel() * this.getQualityLevel() / 10000.0F * ((100.0F - this.getDamage()) / 100.0F)); } if (this.template.priceAffectedByMaterial) { val = (int)((float)val * this.getMaterialPriceModifier()); } if (this.rarity > 0) { val *= this.rarity; } return val; } } else { return this.template.getValue(); } } Note the branch for checking the template for affected material. This logic is called when using "get price" from your player inventory or from the context menu of an item in the trade window. This code base is large with many monolithic classes and my research is by no means exhaustive. I have only just begun looking at things like TradeHandler.class and LocalSupplyDemand.class. It does appear that there are at least 2 sections for handling the value of an item, those being the general get price above from Item.class and whatever is going on in TradeHandler and LocalSupplyDemand.
  2. If you really believe that, then go report it in it's own section. The bug report stands. Either "get price" is not the trader price and the bug is textual or "get price" is not functioning correctly when accounting for metal properties and the responsible modifier needs to be consolidated.
  3. The screenshot indicates to the contrary. That price is a function of both the metal property modifier and the trader stock modifier. You can test this on a private server.
  4. Unlimited is a fork of Online. I understand the semantics which is why I posted here. The behavior is consistent with the parent branch to a level conclusive enough to document the bug. Either the "get price" description is out of date and this figure does not represent a trader valuation, or there is code segmentation such that trader math is not being handled in one place resulting in the "get price" functionality returning incorrect results.
  5. I made a copper file and used get price against it, then offered it to a trader. Test QL was 32.12. On using get price from inventory: [00:20:21] A trader would sell this for about 5 copper and 15 iron. This value is consistent with the math listed on On offering to trader: The offer price in the trader window is consistent with the value multiplier, combined with the modifier for lack of stock documented on The metal properties modifier is not reflected in the get price context menu option.