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Everything posted by Ekcin

  1. Lol. It should be noted that some language communities, German and Russian in particular, seem to be more concentrated on NFI. That might be a motive to start there. All these discussions could end once the stupid community divide were lifted.
  2. This "new server" nonsense also discriminates against the other NFI PvE servers which have a considerably lower population, roughly a quarter on Harmony, and a tenth on Melody, though they are no more than a couple of weeks "older" than Cadence. It should also be noted that the player populace on both clusters is widely the same, with up to 30% more on SFI between September/October 23 and mid January 24, now roughly equal again, sometimes up to 50 players more on NFI, still sometimes more on SFI over the day, Still there is a slight participation gain yoy on both clusters. What would be helpful for a beginner, would be an overview for every server, containing size, number of deeds, creation date, maybe a link to the forums for those interested. Also, it should be mentioned, which servers and clusters are accessible when settling on one of the 16 servers.
  3. I see some stubbornness in Simyaki's posts. He has no authority whatsoever to judge what is newbie friendly when resettling as a dead old veteran to a different server. He has none of the woes real newcomers suffer from, rather is in a ways better situation than we were when starting on Jackal (which hopefully will return some day). I started on Xanadu when newcomers had somewhat harder times than nowadays. I must say that the overall reception was friendly for an independent player, I got quite some help in terms of materials and equipment, even before my first impalong participation. Also there was good newbie friendly infrastructure, allowing beginners to stay some time in the relative safety of starter towns or nearby, and exploring and developping their chraracter there before settling down. When I started my characters on NFI, there was not much of that, even not on Harmony though the situation was better there than on Cadence. I attribute much to the denser population and stronger competition where noobs, if not slaving or joining, were mostly considered a nuisance (ok I understand that to some extent).
  4. Xanadu has probably the best road and canal/tunnel network of all Wurm servers. Also, it has the best maintained community map despite its size. Where highways exist, which is practically all of Wurm, it is impossible for deeds to block roads. Calling Cadence newbie friendly is ridiculous. Afaik there still is no newbie friendly inn near the starter towns, finding a mount a close to impossible task for a beginner. We in Vrock Landing area would be ashamed for that. And not few Cadence players are openly hostile towards noobs, maybe a consequence of the dense population where clashes erupt more easily in PvE in particular. If one already knows an alliance, or a particular language group such as German or Russian, Cadence may be a good choice for a beginner belonging to that group. Else it is arguably the worst place to start. I do not know whether that has been fixed, but when I started my toon there, the starter mine had a death trap for beginners where you could fall into a steep and deep canal and drown. A complaint about in kingdom chat met derision. Just as an example. Edit: Thanks Camelrider for the clarification.
  5. As I wrote repeatedly: Unless a new player has already contacts to Cadence, it is arguably the worst choice of all Freedom servers for a beginner, no matter whether NFI or SFI. Instead of propagandizing it, there should be objective information about the whole Wurm universe.
  6. Just to say: I have not been a lot on Celebration, but spent regular visits for rifts for quite a while where I had to travel a lot over it, and a few public slayings. Contrary to what Simyaki and Camelrider assert, there is a lot of free space all over the not very large (8x8) server, also coastal places which are abundant due to the server's topography. As far as old players are holding their traditional deeds, I fail to see anything bad in. Over the years, I heard a lot of accusations of players "deeding whole servers", but, having rifted on all of them for quite a time, I did not find much ground for. I suspect personal feuds being the root cause. Still, there are enough servers in SFI, if one does not convene, one may always choose another.
  7. I can speak for Xanadu, and mostly my area. I do not know a single deed of an absent mayor who went to NFI, monopolizing large spaces. Given the size of the server it would not matter. On all of Xanadu, there are lots of inns open to travelling players offering facilities like beds and food for free, especially around starter towns. There is no shortage of mounts, beginner mounts like cows an donkeys in particular. New players are welcomed and offered a lot of assistance. The road, canal, and tunnel network is the most elaborate in all of SFI (and NFI, too to my observation), bested if at all only by Release where the tunnel passages are more nicely decorated, cladded. and lit. But indeed, Xanadu can be perceived harsh by its size, high mountains, regions with abundance of mobs etc., at least it is never boring. Still there are large areas of low dangers, and a dense network of guard towers allows fairly low danger when traveling, even over large areas. Honestly, I feel Xanadu ways less adverse for beginners than Cadence.
  8. That "Lagadu" babble means putting a sign on one's forehead "I am an idiot and stubbornly proud of and would rather abandon wife and children than one of my prejudices". Xanadu has no lags more significant than on other servers since Wurm left Hetzner as a provider where a dated dedicated server was unable to cope with the update of hundred thousands of items polled for decay and whatever. The new cloud based server provider changed that. In the last four or five years there were some less significant lags here and then, but not on Xanadu alone. As to the topic. I tried to start a character on Cadence and was apalled. There were (and still are, to my knowledge) no starter inns with beds and free food as they are standard on Xanadu near most if not all start towns. Moreover, there were no donkeys, or at least cows there providing an exploring newbie with a mount. Asking, I was told "they are annoying, we killed them". My impression was that Cadencers want newbies as villagers or slaves, not peer players. Also, territorial quarrels often broke out, over picking sprouts or other forestry, even highways built. Maybe that changed in the meantime. That said, that negative experience is quite a while ago, and there are certainly many helpful players and alliances on Cadence. It demonstrates, though, how pointless that recommendation was all time. From my limited experiences on NFI I would rather have recommended Harmony, and any SFI server before Cadence. Generally, singling out a server, or a cluster in such a recommendation is a grave mistake and a major failure. It has been pointed out repeatedly. Yet the devs or whoever is responsible play deaf and blind.
  9. Away from the hate campaign against Archaed, and back to the topic. I paid in ingame silver exactly once, the first month of my subscription. From then on, I paid yearly. When the BF sales came out, I even extended my subs to all of my 3 priests all the year, before it was bit split, and partially with ingame silver. I do not intend to change that unless BF sales get scrapped, or more catastrophic failures like the forced drunkenness for forage/botanize skill gain occur which might drive me out of the game, or at least limit to my main character.
  10. Once the clusters are merged, the former north will have Chaos and Epic without need for bandaids or even the terrible idea of another server.
  11. Tor said it (nearly) all (except for the problem arising when a creator erroneously or maliciously introduces works not free of other parties' rigths, but I leave that to a lawyer to think about). What remains now is: Can this mess be cleared? Can everybody of that hapless PMK agree that the graphics be reinstalled, now irrevocably, and their mutual frustrations settled somewhat, or not, internally? This "you said/did it first" quarrel sounds like an intermarital war, and should calm down now, after divorce.
  12. I agree to Reverent that reopening Jackal, maybe after some mopup like better skill retransfer, and a prettier endgame fortress 😎 would be good. But not without cluster unification. Same concerns like with PvP unification without cluster unification: Would create a common silver space without item space (given that no item transfer on common PvP server which would be even worse), so opening would create avenues for abuse, cause panic bandaids as evil as the mining/wc, and priest nerfs, or even worse, and possibly precluding or at least hindering full cluster merge.
  13. Just merge SFI and NFI so that all the community can play together. No new server needed. Any common SFI/NFI server without full cluster merge would create havoc, and, in worst case would require bandaid development precluding unification of the whole community. -1
  14. "Merging" means destruction and deportation. I doubt it would be technically feasible in finite time to preserve all existing deeds into a "merged medium server". That would e.g. require to preserve all coast lines with harbours to avoid ship stranding, not to speak of inner lakes, canals, road networks. The 16 maps may be not ideal, but "merging" would spell exodus of many long time players
  15. Fully agree to Marku. You may always file a support ticket demanding that "foreign" vehicles are pushed off deed. The GM will process such requests on time.
  16. We are all very grateful for the rules based civilized world having invented the "intellectual property" crap for extorting rents and tributes all around the world. That is the core of the evil. A work around are copyleft, gpl etc schemes defusing these mines though the armies of lawyers, patent trolls, and lawfare warriors will certainliy do their best to damage that as much as they can. Still, these are the ways how creators may survive without a standing legal department.
  17. Absolutely agree, though this commitment cannot be made retroactively unless all participants would agree, and i doubt a lot Niki would. But for the future, yes. Every contribution to the game submitted to the development, or graphics team, or Wurmpedia, must transfer copyright, or grant at least copyleft under GPL or whatever, to Wurm, else such contribution, be it to ingame contests, graphics, or code, would be excluded. This should become part of the rules asap.
  18. Thanks, should be moved to Maintenance Buildings - Other Bugs and Issues. Is a bug report rather than a suggestion.
  19. I considered that a feature, not a bug. But if it is removed, so should be drunkenness. Or at least both should be reduced at the same rate as when logged in. Immersively spoken, keeping the favor of the deity when returning from RL makes sense. Going to Wurm sleep for many hours, even Wurm days, and still being drunk on waking up does not.
  20. I have over 6, approaching 7 gold on my bank account, and it is still growing, albeit more slowly due to the destruction of high skill forage/botanize grind by the devs (except for the obscenity of forced drunkenness), and I am not doing a lot of trade. I bought some silver once at times when I bought my first lmc, and it was less than 20 silver. If I felt the need to buy a high amount of silver for any reason, it would depend. Of course I would not worry a lot about losing 1 or 2 copper when buying in 100s batches given I would decide to buy in excess of 100, or even 200 silver at once (only I have no idea why I should do that). But if I would actually need, say 45 silver, with the prospect of needing the same of bit more in the foreseeable future, I would of course first buy a 50s batch, then later if needed the next one. Would there be any discount on buying 100s at a time, I would do that of course, but certainly not when being "punished" for, and be it for a single copper or two.
  21. As usual, the same player starts crusades and polemics about things to understand he is too challenged intellectually or/and too carried away by his inflated ego. The point is not so much that saving 0.01€ where a large incentive to buy 2x50 units instead of 1x100 of them. Rather, when needing 40 units now, and other 40-60 maybe some time later, a player now won't buy 100 units. She would be foolish to do so. Buying the smaller quantity would not only not be a loss rather a tiny gain. Disincentivizing customers to buy more is not a sane idea, economically. Bulk discounts are common everywhere in trade. And, @Muse, pls ask to close this thread to stop further useless posts like mine.
  22. Hm. If I want to get rid of a temporarily undesired activation, I just click on something in my toolbelt, or, when I have my satchel with misc crap open, on the bows trings 😎. I have a keybind for activate (pos1 key) so it is a fast action. Nothing against the suggestion though.
  23. In fact, I never liked the old fishing for a host of reasons, and was happy about the new one allowing we to raise skill fast with net fishing (which is quite relaxing too), even completing a missing personal goal (old style) that way. And I like the crafting around new fishing. But even back then, I did not understand why the old fishing had to be removed. It is similar to what they did to foraging and botanizing. And it is completely counter the concept of a sandbox game, where it is left to players to choose their ways instead of forcing or "nudging" (I hate that term) or otherwise coercing players into a preplanned way.
  24. Batolomaeus commented on that: Check for "Anti Virus" software. Try to connect to a different ISP, e.g. via mobile tethering.
  25. Hi, My bet would be https://xanadu.yaga.host/#1645,3911 Got it