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Everything posted by Ekcin

  1. Apply Pythagoras' theorem: The diagonal needs not to exceed 20 slope for a highway. Would be handy if picks and shovels could display diagonal slope though.
  2. -1 Sickles have a long tradition in Wurm as fast one hand weapons. The link to farming favors beginners with a pivot on nature, forestry in particular. I have nothing against a new weapon, but a khopesh looks more like a 1 hand blunt weapon. Could be introduced along with 1 hand spears. That said, stop suggestion spamming and trolling. I hate to have the whole board marking as read repeatedly. Think, then post.
  3. This happened to me after having left the canoe and reembarked. The canoe ql64.31, which had before run with 13.20+ km/h, suddenly did not move faster than 2.3, even slower depending on direction. When leaving the boat and swimming, I could drag it at 3.7km/h, on land with 4.7 like before. After that, when reembarking, the ship behaved normally again.
  4. reporting is childish sometimes, bragging with reporting is always. Btw. I disapprove this spam too.
  5. Actually -1 to earthquakes. The point against automatic reshaping of the surface has been made a lot of times so I won't repeat. Changes are left to players, period. Conditional +1 to volcanic islands. They should occur distant from shorelines, at least 200 tiles on Xanadu, 100+ on Independence/Harmony etc. servers, and 75-100 on 8x8, maybe never in inland lakes.
  6. Easter Event 2024

    I fail to see where treasure hunts are broken, I did a couple lately. On contrary, I recognized changes, so that the basic category seems not to go to highest mountains anymore. Also, the issues with misleading X on maps did not reoccur for quite a time, "broken as fudge" looks different (like resource nodes' difficulty scheme, scnr 😎). Maybe to be discussed in a different thread. Happy Easter and enjoy the event.
  7. Resource nodes? *duck*
  8. Soap

    Have not washed for a long while makes the opponent puke and lose temporarily FS and strength .. just an idea 😎
  9. For butchering/filleting botd vs coc does not matter a lot as timer length does not influence tick size as OR explained in the guide. As with botc butchering will be faster than with coc no woa, botd might be better. Further on, a low ql butchering knife apparently does not offer advantages. Yet, I found out that dicing followed by mincing with a kitchen knife (item name knife) gives significantly more skill gain than butchering from a corpse followed by filleting. My increase per unit at skill 53 was 0.0008 per unit with ordinary rare butchering knife ql76 without coc or botd (butchering imbue 100 and gathering rune for high ql) with butchering and filleting. A ql 4.99 serryl butchering knife with coc 105 made no difference except meat ql of course. Using a serryl kitchen knife ql10 coc94 to dice then mince gave between 0.0016 und 0.0036 skill depending on timer length. This was an initial test for proof of concept, I have not yet tested the limits with maximum timers and minimum ql. All values without buffs from SB or affinities, also not tested what happens with difficulties and thus tick frequencies at higher skill levels.
  10. Rift Mar 29

    The rift is in G15, north up the road between Aztarian and Northpass deep, 3403, 2384 circa. Approach is bit tricky, through a narrow road up from the south. Camps exist west of the rift beam, where the terrain is fairly smooth, and attack and retreat can be performed efficiently. Altar of Fo and mailbox are set up on the border of the rift area west of the beam, in front of one of the pens. Free horses are available thanks to Aztarian folks. Some clay and bricks are available at the site, as always, more is welcome 😎. View from West over the pens View from East near Magranon colossus
  11. Two different phenomena. Swimming after server crossing while still technically embarked occurs nearly always to most of the passengers and captains, needs disembarking and re-embarking. The core reason may be related, e.g. the ship "logging in" to the new server at a time when passengers are unavailable or have already logged in to the new server (no idea which applies). The phenomenon of being thrown off a vehicle on more or less sharp turns, prolly the same when hitting slopes, cliffs, or cave walls, seems to be a synchronization problem, it has significantly decreased compared to a few years ago. When I worked on the tunnels in Xanadu I22, I was thrown off the cart everytime I left the cave on the highway in https://xanadu.yaga.host/#5813,1788 , a 90° turn, there was no way to avoid it. Same when exiting north hammer lake tunnel in https://xanadu.yaga.host/#2649,3244 . I was not thrown off ship when using that tunnel now for much over a year. Seems that these problems are tricky, and that a lot of work has been done on them but perfection is still a bit away. I would love if a dev could find the time to explain a bit what has been done, and why some of the problems still happen.
  12. I do not share with lunatics and dangerous paranoics. Were you on my cluster I would put a deny all on your character.
  13. Cared creatures can be attacked if not branded.
  14. For every reasonable player in PvE, other players are neighbours, allies, or friends, with only a handful of unfriendly players. I would count those who consider all fellow players enemies like Darnok clearly among those unfriendly, unreasonable, and paranoic players. Control about resources obtained by deed ownership gives chances to share with others, to create friendship and cooperation, or at least trade. That way, one can establish win-win circumstances. Only idiots strive for zero sum.
  15. Nonsense. You even may care for blue whales, dolphins, octopus, any peaceful creature. Saddling a hen?
  16. Deed it or lose it is not meaningless. It is a warning that your private rights end on the limits of your deed. your inventory, and your locked vehicles' hold. About everything beyond you have to communicate, to negotiate, to strive for consent. That is not a bad thing, but the most pleasant if wisely used. The transmutation rod allows you to create a ql99 resource tile of your wishing, best in your deed mine .
  17. Just to mention, a rod of transmutation costs 25.000 marks, or 40 silver.
  18. Obviously, Viceren did not read, or intentionally ignored what I wrote about the "deed it or lose it" mantra. Also, it is wrong that " It's the most simple way to solve all problems." It may as well be the cause of troubles and problems in some situations. Curiously, even the campaigners for that mantra mention a couple of them. There is always more undeeded than deeded ground on Wurm, fortunately. And players have to deal with other players, with resource sharing, different tastes about how to terraform, build roads and other infrastructure. Most of those problems are not solved, some of them even created by that mantra, especially when it is intentionally weaponized. Of course, ownership is the simplest way to resolve conflicts to the own favour. It certainly is not the solution for all troubles, may even create some when abused or exaggerated.
  19. My respect to Blueheart and Redheart for their polite and restrained reactions. It seems to me that Darnok yet has a lot to learn. As to mailboxes, it is an old tradition to abduct them when on open ground. I myself took one once belonging to Mello's former "Mine" and brought it over 120 tiles to my deed. At that time, a runed power 91 mailbox was quite valuable for me. The most famous mailbox abduction to my knowledge was Malena's she documented in a video, pushing a rare mailbox many hundred tiles, most of them over deep sea ground, to her deed "Misty Rock Mountain". Btw., I dislike the "deed it or lose it" other than a stern warning not to count on resources outside your deed, it is too often abused for ruthless conduct. In this case, it was nothing like the further. I admire Blue and Red's calmness, I would certainly have reacted in a more snarky and cynical way. That said, there is indeed a problem on Cadence by her overpopulation. The server regularly has 2-2.5 times more players than the four times larger Xanadu, and 3-4 times more than the equally sized Independence. It is no wonder therefore that territorial and/or resource conflicts occur.
  20. -1 There are already means to prevent unwelcome deeding. And griefing (not felt "griefing", but griefing according to the rules) is dealt with by the GM. Creating a deed is not griefing.
  21. +1 Absolutely. At least a title, and a random drop.
  22. I agree, they need to be strengthened. Even bardings (leather, chain) give only limited protection. Also, horses should be more combat able. I sometimes thought about a battle mouth bit, dealing piercing or slashing damage, able to be imbued for poison or so, and of course, combat horse shoes, able to deal either pierce, slash, or blunt, on cost of speed. That way, creating real battle horses, possibly accumulating their own FS.
  23. I walked around my area and the mine as a noob dragging my small cart at speed 7.6km/h circa. Not few laughed at that when watching me. But it allowed to overcome both weight and 100 item restrictions, and allowed to carry quite some tools. Leading with a hitched animal would be a great help. When under attack, I had to stop dragging first before running.
  24. So what is the point to denigrate the proposal, and slander the OP? If you are against, leave a -1 and possibly a sensible argument, why not. Lockpicking is bit better off than Yoyo and Puppeteering which certainly are not "PvP skills". I like the idea to have containers you either break by bashing, with some loss of contents, or lockpick, retrieving everything. It needs not to be all loot on gob camps, and could be extended.