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About Rosered

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  1. ❤️Rosey's Market❤️ Located Southwest map corner of Celebration R-10. It looks like a big Lighthouse on the coast. We have 5 Speed Horses, 5x Bison, Vegetables, Spices, and Sprouts. OPEN Mon-Sun around 6-9am US/EST So message Rosered in game or here is your looking for something we have. 5 SPEED HORSES: 11/24/2018 20c each 1-Tearpick / Brown / Adolescent -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. 2-Wildgata / Brown /Adolescent -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It has a certain spark in its eyes. SOLD 3-Jadekiss / White / Adolescent -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It looks unusually strong and healthy. It has a certain spark in its eyes. 4-Notchflea / White / Young -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It has keen senses. 5-Umbraclip / Brown / Young -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It looks constantly hungry. It looks unusually strong and healthy. 6-Tailsdream / White / Adolescent -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It looks constantly hungry. It looks unusually strong and healthy. 7-Ragebrisk / Black / Young -It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. 8-Coffeegage / Brown / Young -It has fleeter movement than normal. It is a tough bugger. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It has a certain spark in its eyes. 9-Flashwild / Gold / SecYoung -It will fight fiercely. It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It has very strong leg muscles. It has a certain spark in its eyes. BISON: 11/24/2018 25c each 5 Speeds - 8 Mature Bison, (4 Male & 4 Females) VEGETABLES and OTHERS: 1k = 1silver (your container) 5k Corn 91QL 13k Corn 96QL 2k Strawberry 98QL 2k Cotton 95QL 2k Wemp 97QL More to come soon
  2. Will use Punishlife again for sure. Reliable, and quick service.