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  1. If you got other ideas that involve analyzing data from all the wurm databases, let me know. I am currently considering to rewrite the mod so it is an action category on the ebony wand. And you can then choose between different things. The only issue I got currently is if I add more than one entry to that "category" it is shown at the "root" of the ebony wand. For example I then got : ebony wand - ... different actions - DBTools //my category - - inactive players - economy statistics //another action I am working on If someone with more knowledge on action "categories" reads that and wants to help out, please send me a PM As far as I know Wurm does not only save all the data to the databases on server shutdown. There is different "batch jobs" that write stuff to the db at runtime. So it should be usable with somewhat more up to date data. The "worst" case would be its a state from the last shutdown.
  2. I will have a deeper look at it. It seems weird, since I am just performing a simple lookup. Literally just two "select statements" and thats it. Also closing all database connections afterwards. Ok thats really wonky. I updated the post to state that you should stop the server and deactivate the mod again after you got the datadump. I am currently investigating why you can't login as long as the mod is active. Thanks for pointing that out. Your database will not be harmed by this in any way. I pushed a new version to the github that does not delete the output file anymore if the mod is set to inactive in the config file. Found the error. Its fixed now. I closed the database connections. Thats normal practice, but the server seems to never check if the connection is open, it just opens it on startup. Soo yeah I shut the server out of its own database.. lol ^^. All is fine now and works as intended New release
  3. Hi! I don't know if maintaining it will be something I will have time for. But I will certainly consider it. I currently host the file on my dropbox. Grab it from here : Download Link Feel free to add it to your github account as a new release, or if you prefer a simple pull request to it, just tell me Edit: its just a quick fix to prevent the event from happening (that a player goes over the configured size limit, since the size then falls back to -1 and that crashes the player on login)
  4. Hello everyone! Recently we had the need to query our database for inactive players and the corresponding deeds. To make this task easily accessible without the need of database knowledge, I wrote this small handy mod to help with that. You can configure the minimum days of inactivity in the properties file. You can also disable the mod in the properties file by setting the "active" property to false instead of the default true. What this mod does is essentially a lookup in the database for which players are inactive for the minimum amount of days configured and then dumping the information into a formatted textfile in the server root folder. If the mod is set to inactive, it will clean up after itself and delete the textfile from the server root folder if it exists. It will never, at any point, write anything to the database. It just performs a safe lookup through the wurmplayers.db and wurmzones.db The collected informations are: Name of the player Total days played (if 0 the player has just played less than 24 hours) Total days inactive Name of the deed the player is the mayor of Download from Github: Usage: Download the mod Unzip the contents of the zip file into your server mods folder Make sure its active in the properties file and set the inactiveDays property to a value of your liking Run the server .... Profit (you will find the output file in the server root folder) The mod does collect the data on serverstart. Please report any bugs you may encounter. I hope it helps some of you people Source code can be found on its Github Repository Known problems: fixed As long as the mod is active, its currently not possible to login. Your database will not be harmed by this. I am investigating the issue currently.
  5. Allright, thanks for the answer, Ago! So I will just go as I did before, adding both to the packfile and all is fine.
  6. Hi all! So my question is, is it possible to overwrite a certain texture with my own new texture, without editing the graphics.jar file of the client. Is it possible to use Ago's scriptrunner / serverpacks mod for that somehow? I tried to overwrite the coffer texture if its made from maplewood for example. That would be the mapping for "". So I tried a few ways, but nothing worked out so far. The only way to make it work would be also copying over the model to my own pack file, so basically overwriting both, model and texture. But is there a way to just overwrite the texture itself?
  7. Wyvern Mods

    Thanks for the report @Asperis. I will look into it as soon as I got some spare time. From a quick look at the exception I would say disable the "preventFaithLoss" option by setting it to false again. I hope that fixes it for you. Its just weird that my testsetup started just fine with everything on true. Next monday I got tons of spare time, will use that to make a major code cleanup, I bet I forgot something.
  8. Wyvern Mods

    As for the MiscServerChanges error, that was actually a big "whooops" on my part, I am sorry Just redownload, it should be fixed. But still, currently you are not supposed to use both. Here is the link again (the first link above also works) : Download Link Yes that is doable, it will just take a good amount of time
  9. Please check if your server and client has a file in its mod folder. It won't work with the client synchronization if not. If there is no such file, create a file named "" in the folder where its missing and add the following lines: In case of client side missing the file: classname=org.gotti.wurmonline.clientmods.serverpacks.ServerPacksMod classpath=serverpacks.jar In case of server side missing the file: classname=org.gotti.wurmunlimited.mods.serverpacks.ServerPackMod classpath=serverpacks.jar #Set a fixed port. If no port is selected a random free port will be used #serverPort=8787 # Use this to announce a different server name or IP address to the clients # By default the setting "External Server IP Address" will be used for pack URLs # This setting may be required when doing port forwarding in the router #publicServerAddress= # Use this to announce a different server port to the client # By default the serverPort or the automaticly choosen port will be used # This setting may be required when doing port forwarding in the router #publicServerPort= # Sets a different address for the HTTP server to bind to. Can be to # bind to all interfaces. Default is external ip in server settings. #internalServerAddress= Either one of the two or even both come without the property file packaged if you "just" downloaded the full servermodloader or clientmodloader pack and not the corresponding serverpacks mod file. I had the same issue with another mod project and didn't realize it at first that this was the issue. Maybe it helps in your case, too. The reason for this is that this mod on both sides (client and server) is needed so the server can send the models and textures that mods provide to the client.
  10. Wyvern Mods

    You cant actually use the MiscServerChanges together with the wyvernmods pack, since its also part of that pack. I just made it a standalone for people who don't want to have the full pack (also you can configure the standalone version, the pack version has all options turned on). My server started just fine with just the MiscServerChanges installed
  11. Wyvern Mods

    Ok so I did take a look at it like mentioned above. Very nice mods I have to say and thanks for documenting your code So I will take a look into splitting out the MiscChanges mod as soon as I got some spare time and make it a configurable standalone. Will post it here in the topic. Edit: Ok, so I finished the extraction of the MiscChanges mod and called it "MiscServerChanges" (to make it clear that its a server side mod). You can find the different config options in the spoiler below. I hope everything works. I didn't change any of the functionality code, so it should be fine. All options are false by default. download from here: Link
  12. Wyvern Mods

    Thank you for sharing your work with the community I will take a deeper look at it over the course of the day
  13. @ozmods very nice! I am glad to see you worked it out The curtain looks beautiful
  14. Ahhh ok thanks for that hint. I am still new to this Ok works flawless, I just used the model of the coffer as a test. Just two things bother me now, first that exception mentioned a few posts earlier with the ID. Second... the size is wrong Edit: Ups, I am dumb, ok forget the size thingy.. I just have found the dimensions specification in the script. Doh!
  15. I don't get a model for the hitchinpost, too. But the hitchingpost mod doesn't produce this exception. Thats weird. But there are no additional entries in the client log. So this bag is been shown for both my curtains and the hitchingpost Another Edit: Is this maybe related to the serverpacks mod in some way? I never touched the properties file. Do I have to write something in there too, so the files are being propagated to my client? Currently all entries in that file are commented out. Also the client serverpacks mod has no properties file, intended? Yet another Edit: I double checked, the client doesn't seem to load the packs of my testmod and your hitchingpost mod. No pack files in the client folder Final Edit: I just added the contents of the hitchingpostpack by hand into the graphics.jar of the client and added the entries to the mapping file. It works, so it seems to be serverpacks related? Tada: