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AlexeySt last won the day on October 30 2023

AlexeySt had the most liked content!

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165 Good

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About AlexeySt

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  1. WTB Santas statues - Glimmer, Seryll, Copper, Gold, Steel, Electrum. Offer what you have.
  2. There is still a problem with access to the game.
  3. 🎄Happy New Year🎄
  4. You can look on wurmnode STP (skill time points). WS have has 5 times more STP.
  5. [18:20:01] A festive hangable paper star, creating a cozy atmosphere when lit. You can easily make out the signature of its maker, 'Alexeyst'. Ql: 99.0, Dam: 0.0.
  6. Thank for order. [13:55:07] The items silently disappear from the spirit castle. You expect them to reach Shinso in less than ten minutes.