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  1. Using bookshelves as book containers would also make it possible to setup permissions on the container. For example one could allow everybody to access the content of the books (a.k.a "read") stored inside the bookshelf, without granting the permission to borrow or move any of the books.
  2. Hello ! Currently bookshelves are some pieces of furnitures on which we can place books (as well as other stuff). Carefully placing books on bookshelves can be very tedious. And as far as I understand, books also decay when they are placed on bookshelves, even on deed. I think it would be nice if bookshelves could act as some sort of book containers instead. In the UI, we would be able to open the "bookshelf window" (just like you open the window of any container) an drop books inside. The list of books inside the container would reflect on the visual apparance of the bookshelf. Setting the order of books in the list would determine the order in which the books are displayed. Using bookshelves as contianers would also make it easy to change de mechanics and decide that books do not decay when stored inside bookshelves on deed.
  3. A nice GM kindly gave me my body back, and teleported me to Xanadu with my boat (near the place the border crossing should have occurred). Thank you and also thanks to everyone in the Help channel for their support and advices.
  4. Hello... While i expected to cross server border from Release to Xanadu, a bug occurred. My boat disappeared and I was left in the middle of the sea without crossing the border. I tried to disconnect / reconnect. The boat was still not there. Then a shark popped up and I ended up dead. Here is the log : As you may imagine, i'm not very happy with the latest course of events 😓 My body is somewhere in the water on Release near the border to Xanadu, near an Aged huge shark. My boat (a Knarr by the name "Knarres" has vanished). How can i retrieve my boat and my body ? Can you please help me out ?
  5. Wow this is very nice !! Thanks a lot Blacklotus !
  6. There are more in stock, don't be shy ! Don't hesitate to get drunk, it's good for your skillgain :
  7. Yes sure, barrel sent ! QL is 94.77 Have a nice day
  8. Hello, I cannot buy a merchant contract from the store. I get the following error message : I asked about it in the Help channel, and Seriphina confirmed it's a bug and asked me to post in the forum.
  9. Updated timers: 99ql, 48h per sip. Updated prices: pottery jar (2L): 20 c small bucket (12L): 1s small barrel (45L): 2.5 s
  10. [22:50:26] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Huser in less than thirty minutes. Thank you very much !
  11. Transmutation liquid to make one peat tile ondeed. Thanks