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Everything posted by Mclavin

  1. if that's 10s for both shoes then cod to Mclovin
  2. We fought for that and they did something different. Naughty
  3. I was hoping this WOULDN'T be a overhaul as i love wurm pvp combat but i welcome more visual feed back instead of text and the changes don't seem to be anything drastic away from what we know wurm combat involves so as I read some dissapointment from the otherside I'd just like to say there is a side that likes that part.
  4. takes 6 months to be stepped down so if you reach that with good champ points a % could be converted AWAY from what you lose..So..300 champ points = 30% away from 1 stat of body charastics so only a 0.70% loss instead of full 1. Faith would be 30% added to 50 faith (the reset value) for 300 champ points
  5. reward? If i sign up to the army i get a gun, I don't pay for that, like wise with being a champ, I get the tools needed to be a champ, when i leave they're not asking for gun + interest lol If i've done a job why am i being given -6 on skills when I've been given only +5? By that logic i should only lose +5 then cause its a Free bonus right..oh nope, it's a paid for in - of skills for completing or not completing the championhood, the fact that you get punished the same amount for doing good/bad is stupid
  6. When we get dechamped by the god for a service well done (not being killed) and our time coming to an end, 360 champion points and many bodies under our feet for our great lord and savior, we're punished by having our pre-50+ faith reverted to 50 faith and we're punished further by losing body stats, this doesn't motivate me to go out and get kills or serve my god as they order, since being killed by the enemy and failing my champ hood brings the same punishment. So instead of reverting back to 50 faith it should just revert back to the faith you had before hand (unless you're killed then it can take a % off for making god mad) and instead of giving a point blank -1 for char skills why don't you just use champion points to account for a % taken away from the -1 so it removes some of the loss through the work you done Ramble ramble idea yes
  7. Time flies when you’re dying to mclovin. Dang 7 years, you make me feel old. You’re leaving the uncontested winner of hota, that’s better than anything else you could list. But in all seriousness you were the bridge for many ideas getting to the devs, especially when big discussions around towers and PvP general updates and mergers were being hot topics, many you were apart of and spoke for or against but passed them on none the less. I see @Darklords is the PvP dev now And in some ways I hope he continues to be that bridge where hot topics are spoken about and he can join in, though it’s been a while since one was actually needed. demonia has a big hole to fill and an high standard of communication to uphold so you’ve left no easy task. Good luck for the future, take slow mode with you for good 😌
  8. I was wrong in my prices I will cod as it’s a fair price
  9. this was sold sorry I need to update sheet, but I’m on the phone
  10. horse shoes to be sold in sets of 4 the pickaxe has a [01:26:01] A glimmersteel rune of Libila has been attached, so it will increase usage speed (10%) post offers on items and i'll COD if i like the offer - you can also PM on forums. Sending from CHAOS so needs to be to an account that has not been over.
  11. pm me if you got one for sale with price
  12. Needs to be an event like phase 1 sounds fun then the rest needs to not happen
  13. Don't see my road mate
  14. take a caterpault and kill him. oh wait it's freedom you are bound to rules. This is why i play pvp servers, come prune my hedge and see what happens - Nothing cause im civil.
  15. will it let me get 70 prayer even faster if not -1
  16. You made prayer a very easy task whoever got 70 i will look at them as a noob now so go ahead and show the title, I'll be sure to point fun at you.
  17. So today marks an important day for a few but a big impact on many unaware, prayer nerf, those that skilled before are going to be raging so hard as I pray for no reason for a skill i have zero interest or care about to achieve anything, hell i don't even know what buffs this gives, but the fact that every tick i get makes somebody boil is enough for me. Edit: Got bored after 7 ticks being lined up and decided to do thatching instead.
  18. But don't crocs/scorps tend to spawn more on the desert, as on chaos I was always to pretty much rely on going to any desert for scorp/crocs