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Everything posted by Hula_Girl

  1. That's because not a single plank is close to rectangular.
  2. A criminal always return to the scene of the crime... It's his baby in some way, it would be surprising if he wasn't interested.
  3. Lmao, I was asked to create a Dropbox account, and just wanted to take a peek at Wurm forums, and got 500 MB free Thanks
  4. Last time I did, actually every time I do, the tile changes to regular grass after picking flowers...
  5. Celebrities (short form: Celebs) include Celebeauties, Celebrats, and Celebastards.
  6. I chose not to play on PVP, because I'm not looking forward to destroying others' work and draining their tokens, but would surely login to find my work destroyed and token drained.
  7. Since the last update, wooden fences with heavy damage don't change texture (i.e. they don't have those yellow stains, look exactly like undamaged fences). Stable client.
  8. +1 But I believe this rises a problem: "what ql lump should be a result of scrapping"? If it was the ql of the item, then simply making e.g. anvil, polishing it with a pelt and smelting would allow you to get very high ql lump after few repetitions.
  9. Some of my animals are missing, too. I don't have the time to look for them - oh well, life is hard. Maybe they got voted out and kosed by local spiders.
  10. Why is this "you may be kicked out of your deed" trick even there?! Are there any other stupid pseudo-rules, mentioned with fine print in last sentence of a third page of some form?! You get a popup warning when dropping items for the first time, and when building outside of a deed, but THIS is silently buried somewhere in a wall of text?! This seems like a trap setup by veteran players against the non-expecting newcomers. And yes, it matters if this is PvP or PvE, this is obviously player against player action.
  11. Hi, I'll take the iron pendulum, COD to Hulagirl, thanks!
  12. Nice guide, Garis, well done! From my "tours de markets", each of them has something to offer, including Whispering Glade (already disbanded) and two-stall Korner Farms. And if you have time to browse endless lists of items, you can sure find some bargains everywhere!
  13. How to get more affinities? Sail to Chaos and kill someone?
  14. This would create some funny situations, imagine two long neighboring deeds - animals would crowd in 10-tile corridor, with apparently invisible wall preventing them from stepping left or right.
  15. Seems like it's inaccessible by land? I even tried the gate next to the well
  16. In my opinion, titles received by meditating in a path should be selectable, just like other titles. Currently one is forced to use the "highest" title. I believe this limitation might have something to do with PVP, but it's pointless in Freedom.
  17. Well done! That highlighted person looks so tiny...
  18. With introduction of the visible armor, it would be nice to know what do you look like (without workaround of "using alt"). BTW, allow setting fov_horizontal higher than 90.
  19. I can watch this stuff forever World Championship Blacksmiths' Competition Tong Making Class. The Competitors had 45 min. to make a pair of Hot Fitting tongs. [media=]
  20. Hi! It seems that the discussion here is whether the noobs are idiots or griefers. IMHO, it's none of those (at least in most cases). Here's a newbie point of view. I started playing about a week ago. How did I come to Wurm? I was looking for a sandbox RPG, and googled a nice three-sentence recommendation. Ok, I registered and started. Honestly, I rushed through the tutorial (first part of it was pretty annoying, a popup every five seconds with tips like "press W to move forward" or "you walk slower on mud than on stone"). I started reading it when it came to opening containers. When the tutorial showed cutting trees and creating campfires, the game started to be interesting Ok, I finished the rest of the tutorial (reading more carefully), and randomly chosen a portal to non-PVP server. Poof! I'm in Celebration. Now what do I see? A small paved spawn area, water on one side, and the grassy hill with muddy road on another. Some half-finished sheds in the distance. I was pretty convinced that I'm in the wilderness, with some village nearby. I haven't noticed the signs "don't cut etc."... Ok, what to do now? The tutorial showed how to cut a tree and create a campfire, so I guess that's what I should do! And build a shelter ASAP! These are top priorities! ***Ok, where are the trees?*** Mind you, I wasn't reading the wiki, I wasn't reading the forums, I just registered and started playing! I tried to build a shed on some nearby flat area, and didn't know how to do it - that's when I opened a wiki and started reading "How to build a house" - and realized that I have to get some nails first, and that was the reason that I wandered away from Tap Dance... So, to sum it up... Someone said that "we should make a desert and let them noobs have fun with crocodiles!". Honestly, I don't think that killing fresh players on sight is going to solve anything. What I suggest is building a large paved and fenced area, with signs displaying some basic rules. This way, a newb will: 1) actually read the signs, 2) feel that he/she is in the middle of a developed area and should move away. Maybe put a sign "This world is huge, don;t try to settle here, go exploring first!". Remember, many people ("n00bs") connecting for the first time have NO CLUE. And if you have some almost-decaying logs in the backyard, drop them in Tap Dance, noobs will use them! You can have fun with that, watching them walk overencumbered