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Everything posted by Lucyein

  1. Do any of the crafting actions give better mind logic than the others?
  2. Merchant system is dead, only useful as storage and if they nerfed that too (for whatever reason), only few people would be buying merchants. Trading might not be dead but it is really bad compared to what it was 2 years ago, despite how easy it is to sail now compared to earlier.
  3. You cant even move an item from bsb to your inventory. That doesnt necessarily suggest it uses anything though. If you had 5h of it, you might still have 5h after smelting but be unable to smelt once it is 0h. It would be nice if anyone had a solid information to prove it either way (no timer actions with queues using fatigue or not),
  4. All Hugeaxes have Animal Demise Item Cast QL DMG huge axe. iron (91 botd87lt) 82 0 4s huge axe, iron (90botd 85lt) 83 0 4s huge axe. iron (86botd 95lt) 81 0 4s huge axe, iron (84botd83lt) 81 0 3s huge axe, iron (95botd 101lt) 81 0 6s huge axe, iron (97botd96lt) 81 0 5s huge axe, iron (84botd 89lt) 81 0 3s botd = CoC WoA. CoC more skillgain (as widely known), WoA makes a weapon faster reducing swing timer by 0.5 second at 100WoA/BotD and less at lower WoA/BoTD (benefits faster weapons more but doesnt benefit a 3 second swing timer weapon at all for example shortsword at high shortsword skill).