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About Batlin

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  1. I do run max video settings and have dual monitor. CPU is: Intel i9 - 10900K CPU @ 3.7GHz?
  2. tried deleting graphics.jar and downloading it fresh, got to play for a small bit until this:
  3. ran pretty good for a while before crashing, I then tried force updating all game files through the game launcher. No luck most recent close:
  4. I ran this ping until the game closed and stopped the ping shortly after it closed. You can see 0% loss. Another copy paste of my Console file after this most recent game close:
  5. where is Cadence hosted at? the ping is actually quite bad for me?
  6. where can I find that log file? last night I had a command prompt open with a ping -t going the entire time I played and every time I crashed I would check that and there wasn't any sign of any packet loss.
  7. my game is closing a lot... please help.
  8. Hey Homestead! Can I please get the Knife - 91 QL 91 BotD 3s? IGN: Hankrik
  9. Can I get a low QL 90+ CoC Scythe please? IGN: Hankrik
  10. I’ll take the File: 94 ql 103botd and the Mallet: 92 ql 94 botd IGN: Hankrik
  11. Hey Reverent, I'm looking to buy a 90+ CoC Spindle if you're able to help? IGN: Hankrik
  12. Hey Reverent! I'm looking to purchase low QL - 90s COC Hammer, Sickle, File, Rake, Saw, Stone Chisel, Carving Knife, and Mallet! IGN: Hankrik