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  1. Hello, It is great that we can put ceiling on staircase...but it always follow half easter side. Can't be rotated/placed correctly to follow the floor part.
  2. No wonder i didn't get the wood colour i wanted when i tried And that means, no arch wood for squared and rustic. Should be more logic to be last bit of wood type added like anything else.
  3. Hello, So many good news! Quite the long list! *runs of to grind lock picking and thievery* And finally so many ideas coming soon to life I've the exact same question. Thanks!
  4. Hello Dale, That's perfect! The most important is that people see the tunnels. I myself was scared that map would be illisible if too many things put on. Ty
  5. Hello, Here are some tunnels made by our alliance : Tunnel of Torment :[1840,3218],[1840,4085] Tunnel of Torment Exit : [1840,4070],[1836,4070],[1836,4085] Torment Pitstop Exit : [1840,3609],[1856,3609] Tunnel of Confusion : [1226,3797],[1226,3780],[1354,3780],[1840,3780] Linton Highway Exit : [1792,3780],[1792,3764],[1822,3764] Ethereal Dynasty Exit : [1840,3314], [1903,3314],[1903,3321] Candy Mountain Exit : [1840,3252],[1754,3252] Cabbage Patch Exit : [1809,3359],[1840,3359] Freedom Village Exit : [1830,3400],[1840,3400] MrManick's tunnel : [1614,3508],[1840,3508] For the exits, if names are too long, just put the initials like "TP Exit". Have a nice day
  6. Hi, this tower guard needs to be added : Annalei 482 : [1564,3577] Ty
  7. It's the bridge's fault. Your ground floor is accessible to mobs and they can "jump" on the bridge. Even if you have a door, since it's a rope bridge and it ends partially inside...they can jump directly in this corner. and if you have aggro and stay in that corner, the risk of them "jumping" through bridge is higher. However, with other kinds of bridges stopping right at the door, i don't have the problem of them entering. They just "jump" on bridge but stay outside. As for the humanoïds, they can take the stairs, any kind of stairs except ladders. I had some following me up to 2 floors.
  8. Hello, The Aged Fat Alliance is very proud to announce the ensemble of bridges going from the North-East corner of Candy mountain to Gavias' deed across the bay is finally done. This project was initiated by Nixio and had different members who helped (Dinant, Reflekted, Gavias, Illusion, and many more) It is a flat bridge made of stone, paved with pottery bricks, with iron lamps in the middle. It is also a highway. "Pinnacle of Delirium" bridge : [1728,3209] to [1732,2903] Have a nice day, Illusion
  9. Twins bug ?

    Hello, I have a female champion hell hound which has the twin trait "It has a chance to produce twins". Usually, i either get normal twins or champion twins. It's been twice that i got a pair of twins where one is a champion and the other is not. That seems really weird and i'm wondering if it's a bug. First pair of twins was born around the 28th of august on Ethereal Dynasty, second pair of twins was born around the 23rd of september. Could you check ? And does anyone else has weird twins too ? Thanks in advance, Illusion
  10. It just happened to me. So yes, it still exists and yes, that's problematic for people sailing a lot. I NEVER had this problem before.
  11. Hi, 23 August, horse Pickhappy escaped the hedge pen which was off-deed of Ethereal Dynasty. Found him beside it here,3302
  12. I had animals escape north and east of their pens. It's kind of worrisome in my case...most of my animals are champion hostiles. I had a 4 combat champion hell hound escape. ? Caught her before she could go too far but my alliance "starter village" is not far from my deed. If i miss one, we could have dead newbies. And since they're hostiles, can't hitch.
  13. Ohhh, thank you! It did feel more convenient but i thought it was a bug...and was scared it would be considered an exploit. But that's GREAT! Thank you all for your answers!
  14. Mallet is in the toolbet but now i've also this scenario : Imping clay roasting dish: - Need to use hand but water, clay shaper, spatula are all accepted instead. - None are in toolbet Not sure if that's supposed to happen