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Everything posted by Angelklaine

  1. If you want to piss.Nadroj off, just hide his shovel.
  2. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Gibe chest!
  3. Changing your password helps with account security. You can always just use something you are comfortable with. What I do is pick a common word and switch letters with numbers and symbols. For example: workaholic becomes w@rkahol!c Easy to remember and more secure than angelklaine123 for example.
  4. I will be in IRC tonight to try and answer questions. If anyone is having issues, catch me there and I'll compile a list of those with permanent failures. I know I got 2 people resolved last night, but failed to help Wulfmaer. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I will be on sometime around 0400 GMT. Feel free to pm me in game or through IRC and I'll do my best to help. You can find a list of my active Characters on my profile page.
  5. I dont think anyone makes the decision to stay prem over a yellow potion. However, they are currently a vanity item and should remain so. -1
  6. Its not a bad idea. The only issue I see with it is its potential abuse in pvp. People could completely live off mines reducing or completely eliminating the need of doing anything aboveground. As it stands now, pmks have massive off deed farms to make their favor. These are often raided by enemy kingdoms to provoke a response or a defense. It contributes to content. Having them hidden inside a mine protected with a 90ql stone door would make it not worth the effort to raid. A change like this should be tested before being brought over to pvp servers.
  7. I tripped over... It wasnt intentional!
  8. Nothing big of course, don't want to go around replacing carts, but something like a small chest size would be nice. A tool or two, some veggies, food. +1
  9. Seem it has improved by a lot. Good job devs!
  10. Thats amazing. Im happy for this bit of news!
  11. I agree in part with Nikki. I wouldnt change the way uniques work, as they carter to explorers and creates a competition and challenge that makes people want to go after them. Instead I would create a different kind of Unique, one that perhaps can be spawned by using a specific kind of item (like for example an egg found while mining or digging) which anyone has a chance to obtain. The item can be as rare as a rare bone or the like to not make it too common. This item can be taken to a predetermined location where the unique is spawned and killed. The idea is to not remove the already existing methods, thus removing content from the few who seek it, but to give a chance to those that are not that much into exploration. It provides more content and brings in more people into the experience. More is better!
  12. Oh no you didnt. Do eet Arium! He is challenging you!
  13. The effects of erosion on deed vs off deed is a dangerous proposition. If houses fall 30 days after a deed falls, it would mean all houses fall 30 days later if not on deed. This is a problem. Erosion shouldnt ever be tied to the deed mechanic. If people living off deed have to deal with erosion as well, what will happen when their walled off farm area starts to erode? Will they be forced to bash out their tall walls one by one in order to fix erosion every 30 days?
  14. I used to be leadership for another group which had at one point this issue. It seems people were marking forum messages as spam instead of changing communication preferrences on the site. This lead to having the issue of lowering some ratings somewhere and thus all mails getting caught by spam filters. If you are one of those people who marks all unwanted mail as spam, you might want to check your blocked sender lists to ensure wurm's website is not added there. Email providers generally add a domain to your blocked senders list when you mark an email as spam. Its worth checking. On the alternative, adding to your trusted senders or contact lists will help to prevent issues of this nature.
  15. Nope. Arium is a robot. I have witnessed this myself.
  16. Wow. I'd pay anywhere from 1,400 - 1,600e for this. Maybe more. High end accounts are not my thing when pricing them. Maybe someome will value it for more.
  17. Free Drake and Glimmer for everyone!!!! ...well, not really, but we have Queen Lettuce! Fights to be had nearly daily. Come join the fun!
  18. I would caution against jumping to conclusions. Tax reports.don't tell the whole story. Although CC has never said what their finances are like, it would take a financial audit to be able to say anything with certainty, and that is something thats none of our business. Keep in mind that regardless of what their financial situation is like, we are customers and have the right to request for a quality product. Just keep pushing until things get better
  19. Lump + Small Anvil.
  20. My best moment in Wurm is already well documented. Ayuna was my villager at the time and I had given her a horse by the name of Rageed. But she failed to secure it and it went in a climbing expedition of its own and dissapeared. Using the feature to find direction of cared for horses, Ayuna went on her own trying to find it but fell off a cliff and died using all her gear. She went then back to retrieve it and died again. So I grabbed my cart and we both headed in a super long expedition to find her body and her horse. Now I wont bore you with the details but it was not easy. Neither of us could kill trolls and we had a hard time avoiding them. Eventually a priest friend showed up and helped us locate her body, and with some totally unexpected help we found her horse. Rageed is now proudly displayed in Ayuna's village. A story came out of what should had been a simple search, but we made the best of it. This would never had been possible without the people I've met along the way playing this game.
  21. nvm

    I don't know why I bother. Last time I give you a PC bud. You've criticized everyone who has given you a PC you don't like. If you know what your character is worth, why are you asking for a PC? Just put the damn thing for sale and call it a day.
  22. nvm

    100 faith batteries sell for 70-85e per recent sales. As for things you need, you don't need anything at all. If you are okay grinding anything yourself, by all means do so. But you can't put a value on an account based on what you can grind or not when you purchased. You value an account according to stats it has, at present. A basic alt priest should have access to a cart and the ability to load crates as a minimun. This is what is expected when you create an account to sell. These are selling points, however, things that you rather have when you purchase. A character than can ride a cart but is unable to load/unload crates is of not much use, and as a Vynora is not an easy grind, given you cant mine or dig. You are left to cutting trees, which is not as easy as the other two. This is something that should have been ground up before priesting. Another common thing is meditation to 30 and enchant grass. Its very standard among most priests. This account has none of that. When characters with 100 faith, channelng 85ish and all the previous things mentioned are available have been sold for 150, it is very hard to justify one lacking for the same price. However, there are not many Vyns available right now, so someome might buy. Let me offer you a realistic comparison. He wanted 130e for Rockeater. It never sold. Its a far superior Vyn priest than what is offered here.